Status: Just started :)

Times of Change

Chapter Seven: Milan & Raina

September 28th, 2032
Middleton, MA
2:30 A.M.

Raina was back in that hospital room. The beeps of the baby’s heart monitor were all she could focus on. They were getting further and further apart.

“What’s going on?” she asked nervously.

“His heart rate is slowing,” said one of the nurses, “But you have to keep pushing, it’s too late for an emergency c-section.” Everything was a massive blur, the drugs and frantic atmosphere was making her feel dizzy. More doctors came in and began to work on getting the baby out. She turned to Milan who was gripping her hand tightly. He had a worried expression as he watched the doctors work. He turned to face her and smiled weakly, tightening his grip on her hand. She tried to smile back. Ten minutes later the baby was out. Raina listened for the baby’s shrill cry but it never came. The nurses and doctors went silent.

“What? What’s wrong?!” asked Raina. “Where’s my son, I want to see my son!” One of the nurses held the baby up to Raina.

“I’m so sorry Mrs. Lucic,” she said with a shaking voice. The baby lay limp in her hands; it took a few seconds for Raina to realize that it was dead.

“Oh my god!” she said in a high pitched voice that she didn’t recognize as her own. “Oh my god!” she said again. She let out an uncontrollable sob. She couldn’t believe it, he had been alive just moments ago, what had gone wrong? She heard more heavy sobs. She looked over to see Milan, crying with his face in his hands. She had never seen him in such a broken state. She got more hysterical as reality started to sink in. Her sobs turned into screams.

“NO! NO!” she screamed, her anguish taking over completely. Thirty weeks of excitement, preparation, and worry amounted to nothing. The son she had been waiting for and carrying within her for so long was gone. She felt a doctor grab her arm and she tried to pull away but he was to strong. He quickly stuck a tranquilizer into her arm. In that instant, everything seemed to slow down. She was struggling to keep her eyes open but the drug was too strong and her body shut down.

In that moment Raina woke up from her nightmare. She sat up in bed, covered in cold sweat and tears. She was alone in her dark bedroom and the house. It’s not like the house was ever that filled up anyway, it was usually just her and Emmett. She could hear the rain beating hard on the window next to her bed. She lay back down on her bed and let out a long sigh, running her hand through her sweaty hair. She woke up to the same nightmare she did every night. Some nights she didn’t want to go to sleep, not wanting to recount Benjamin’s birth.

Milan also lay awake. He knew he had to take Emmett to hockey at 8:30 leaving him with only a few more hours to get some sleep. He looked around his dark room and then over to the clock on his nightstand. It was already 3:00 A.M. The bright blue light of the clock’s numbers lit up the picture frame next to it. It was a picture of Luca and Willow standing together. Raina was leaning down next to Luca to be in the picture. It had been taken when the two of them were five years old. They had gone on a family trip to Disneyworld, just the four of them. The picture was taken on their first day there. It was the kids first big vacation. At five years old, Milan and Raina agreed that the kids were old enough to go on their first vacation and remember it. They had run around all day in the heat and then went back to their hotel to swim.

Milan Lucic sat in a chair next to the pool watching his kids swim.

“Daddy do you see me!” said Willow, flapping her arms around, trying her best to doggy paddle towards him.

“I see you,” he said laughing. Both of them were pretty good swimmers for their age but they both wore arm floaties.

“Will you come in?” asked Luca sitting on the stairs of the shallow end.

“When mom comes down to watch you I can go up and put my bathing suit on,” he said.

“Nooo nowww,” whined Willow sitting next to her brother. She was smiling with her gap toothed grin. She had just recently lost her first tooth, while Luca hadn’t started to loose his yet. He considered it, looking at their hopeful faces.

“Pllleeeasse,” said Willow. He was wearing the same sweaty clothes he had been in all day.

“Alright,” he said, giving in.

“Yaaay!” they said. Milan pulled off his T-shirt and stepped into the pool. He sunk into the water up to his shoulders.

“I want a piggy back ride,” said Luca jumping onto him and climbing onto his back. Milan picked him up and placed him on his shoulders and stood up out of the water.

“Me next!” said Willow. Milan noticed Raina walking in with a stack of towels for the kids when they got out. She saw him in the pool.

“I thought you weren’t wearing a bathing suit?” she asked.

“I’m not,” he said smiling, “I’m wearing pants.” She playfully rolled her eyes at him and stepped into the pool. Willow swam over to her and said

“Mommy can we stay in the pool all night?” Raina smiled and said

“No you have to get some sleep so you’ll be rested for Disneyworld tomorrow.” As Milan sunk back into the water Luca got back into the water.
“My turn now!” said Willow excitedly. She swam as fast as her small arms would let her and made it over to Milan and climbed onto his shoulders. Milan stood up, lifting Willow out of the water. She clung with a painfully tight grip onto his wet hair. “Daddy will you bring me to meet Cinderella tomorrow?” Milan laughed and said

“Definitely, we can go visit her castle again too,” Milan could feel Raina watching him with amusement and love. She knew he was an amazing dad and loved watching him play with the kids. When he put Willow down and let her swim off to play with her brother he felt Raina wrap her arms around him from behind in a hug. He turned around smiling and said

“What?” She looked up at him with a soft gaze and said

“I’m just so in love with you that’s all.”

It was painful to think about. Their lives had been so perfect. Never in a million years would he of ever thought they would divorce back when he was in his 20’s. This was it for them and as much as he didn’t want to, he needed to accept that. Maybe he should go out with Nate one night, just to meet new people.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.

Finally school is over and I'll be posting a lot again! :)