Status: Finished

I'll Be There

I love you?

I had just put on a shirt to sleep in when I felt arms wrap around me. I nearly jumped, not quite used to such embraces yet, but held his arms close to me. I looked back at a smiling Dj, who kissed me before letting go. “You are so fretful” he said, pushing a wad of black hair out of his face. I smirked at him. “I had a total of three boyfriends in high school, none of which lasted more than a month…I’m not used to human contact.” He pouted at me. “We’ll last a lot longer than that, right Raven?” I forced down my self pity, surprisingly upset by the mention of my old exs. “Of course Dj.” I said reassuringly. He smiled and suddenly ducked under me, before I knew it I was in his arms holding on to him like he might throw me. He coughed lightly. “Ray, you’re choking me, I won’t let go I promise.” I felt my face redden as I loosened my grip on him. I really had to get used to this whole human contact thing. Shit, it’s only been about a week and we’ve already gotten plenty personal…I don’t know why I have to be so chicken. After a moment’s walk we ended up in his room. I was placed gently on his bed and I sat up, watching him get beside me. My phone beeped in my pajama pants pocket. Dj frowned. I smiled at him and turned it off, not even answering Nikki (because he was the only one who texted me). Dj wordlessly held his arms open and I snuggled myself into him, his body hot against mine. I wouldn’t look at him though. I just felt weird. I felt his mouth over my shoulder, his breathing tickling my neck. “You okay Raven?” he asked. I squinted my eyes shut. “Ray?” he asked, adopting James’ nickname for me and kissing my cheek. I exhaled and softened my closed eyes. He tightened his grip on me and laid his face beside mine. After a few minutes of silence I whispered “Dj?” His ice blue eyes stared into mine immediately. “Yes?” he whispered back. “I…” I swallowed and blinked, erasing images from my tired mind. “I love you.” I barely managed to say. He nodded, a small smile on his face. “As I love you.” He said, returning his head to mine and closing his eyes.