Status: Finished

I'll Be There

Rocket Queen

As usual, the show was absolutely incredible. The energy from both the band and the crowd, after a couple month’s rest, was beyond that I saw in the states. I couldn’t believe how exhilarated the people were, and according to the rumors I heard, Europe was even better. However, I was surprised I even had time to watch the show, because I was so enthralled in the goings-on backstage. Of course at times Dj would run back for a quick change and a water and ask how I was doing, but I was usually busy bugging a crew member about their job. I even heard someone call me the terror twin reincarnated, whatever that meant. I was just curious.
After the show Dj pulled me aside as usual. He said that being on tour across the world wasn’t quite the same as being back home, and that we needed to head right back to the hotel so they could keep track of us. “Liar.” I pouted. “Why would I lie to you?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me. His blue eyes shimmered. I remembered being caught in them when we were first together. It’s funny how all of these recent memories seem so distant. So much has happened. Dj, Mom, Nikki. I’ve played onstage with the Crue and Guns. My life has been completely flipped upside-down in a matter of months and my reality seemed more like a dream. A dream that was ever increasingly becoming reality for me. What a fucked up life.
Dj looked at her expectantly, and he could tell the confused little teenage wheels were turning in her head as she formed an answer. He wondered what she was thinking about. She was always thinking about something…she probably didn’t realize it, but he paid more attention to her than she knew. He could understand her feelings without her saying anything. After only these couple months, he hoped that they would stay close for a very long time to come. And yet, that was the only answer he hadn’t gotten from her yet. Spoken or not, he couldn’t tell if she would ever snap out of her dream reality and acknowledge the real feelings he was beginning to have for her. “You wouldn’t I guess.” She finally answered. He watched her green eyes dart towards the ground. They were starting to brighten up again. Hopefully that meant she would too. Maybe soon she would see him as Dj, the guy who cares about her, not the rockstar that picked her for no reason.
“Dj, we’re heading back, wanna catch a ride with us?!” Axl called from somewhere beside me. My head shot up as I sought out the red-haired singer. My bangs slightly obscured my vision. A random thought occurred to me, why didn’t we all see it sooner? Obviously being a random girl trying to look like her inspiration, I would get no attention. But once we were in the same room it should have been obvious. The way we look, talk, and act. Who better to date the rockstar good-boy than the rockstar bad-boy’s daughter? “Yeah, I’m coming!” Dj replied, as he took my hand in his and made his way towards the exit after Axl.
We all climbed in the limo and watched the stars guide us back to the hotel that was only a few blocks away. “So Raven, how’s life?” Axl asked randomly. I applied my Sixx poker face before I answered. “Pretty good lately, you?” He smiled. Genuinely. He wasn’t trying to con me. Had he finally accepted me? “I’m about as good as I’ll ever be at my age, grateful to still have my voice and be able to go out and do what I love.” I felt Dj squeeze my hand, and I knew he was happy that we were finally getting along. Not much more was said as we pulled up to our temporary home. Dj and I got in an elevator by ourselves and he kissed me sweetly. “I’m happy you two are okay.” He said as he smiled down at me. I laid my head on his arm. “Me too.” I mumbled with a yawn. The doors opened to our floor and he pulled me out eagerly. “Woah, Dj!” I laughed, chasing after my arm as he dragged me to our room.
We got in and I collapsed on the bed. I was still thinking about all the gadgets I had played with tonight. I wondered if I could remember how to use them. Then another thought occurred, how long before I’d get my phone fixed? I squinted in annoyance. I guess I’d have to steal Dj’s phone to talk to Nikki. Oh well.
“So what was your favorite song tonight?” Dj asked, kicking off his shoes and stretching, setting his hat down on the nightstand. She put her hands behind her head and stared at the ceiling, deep in thought. After a moment she said “Rocket Queen.” He froze and looked over at her, his shirt halfway down his arms as he slid it off. “Why that one?” He asked, resuming his motion to toss his shirt on his suitcase. She shrugged. “I guess it just sounded really cool tonight.” Without thinking he was suddenly leaning over her, his hands placed firmly on the bed on either side of her. She stared up at him, not in shock, but a plain stare. He exhaled lightly, brushing the hair from her eyes. “Will you be my rocket queen?” He asked. She nodded and leaned up to kiss him. The kiss deepened over the next few minutes until they found it hard to breathe. Dj reached for his hat and placed it over her eyes, and the night was lost in their love.
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Special thanks to my friend Heather for accidently sparking the idea for this chapter..hope you enjoyed..