Status: Finished

I'll Be There

I'll Be There

I straightened his hat on my head and looked out the window as streetlamps passed by. The moon hung in a crescent above the city, and a slight breeze wafted in the night air. Lights bounced off his face and illuminated his ice blue eyes. The dark patches under his eyes glowed ominously.
Some light music was playing in the background as the engine of the Challenger hummed a sweet tune. It was mine in fact, my birthday gift this morning. He had it painted specially for me in purple. All Ashba accessories included. However, he insisted that he drive me somewhere tonight. We left at twilight, and the stars were dim beneath the city lights I began to recognize after a few hours alone together on the road. Something seemed eerily familiar about this trip, however last time we didn’t leave from our home in Vegas.
The highways curved, the streetlights twinkled, the stars hid behind skyscrapers and tall apartments. I wasn’t even sure what song was on the radio anymore. I was lost in my memories. My hair was unkempt underneath his stitched hat, I had let it grow out for a few months and needed to get it cut right. I glanced at my phone, midnight. Much too early for local Los Angeles vampires to be sleeping. In fact, many lights were still on in buildings. I imagined clubs vibrantly alive at this hour. Just like Guns lit up the club, and my life, almost 8 months ago.
I never once asked Dj where we were going, but the destination was obvious now that I was in my home city. My heart throbbed at the thought. I wonder if my friend still lives here. I sighed silently and continued to gaze out the window, searching for my hidden stars. I knew I would find them soon. I vaguely noticed “Sure Feels Right” on the radio, and I smiled.
Dj turned off the highway onto a familiar road, which he hadn’t traveled in what seemed like forever. I subconsciously moved a strand of hair out of my face, then glanced over at Dj. My rockstar, my savior, my love. So much has changed since that night when I was a starstruck fangirl. So much has changed since meeting Nikki, meeting Mom, playing with my two favorite bands, and dating a famous guy. My entire life is flipped upside down, once again, but finally for good. Nikki has counseled me to get over Mom, and Dj is always there no matter what. After so many nights of sleeping in his arms, my tears drying on his chest, or waking up from a nightmare to his sweet breath on my lips, I’ve finally accepted this life. This life that was never really different in the first place, I just perceived it all wrong. Not only has meeting these people, these friends and family of mine, changed my life; it’s made me a better person.
The engine dulled to a dying hum as we parked behind an abandoned old building. I saw the moon shimmering above the water, and the memories began to flood my mind. Together we exited the car, stretching our cramped limbs, and silently strode down to the sand, hand in hand. I heard the familiar sound of waves and again wondered just how close to the real ocean we were. We found a convenient large rock to sit on. Neither one of us wanted to break the beauty or the silence.
While staring at a particularly bright spot in the waves where the moon shone through, Dj broke the silence. “You see that star right there?” He asked quietly, pointing up at the sky. I tried to distinguish which he was pointing at amongst the thousands. Then I saw a dim purple glimmer, and knew it was the one. I smiled as I stared at it. “It’s beautiful.” I confirmed. “It’s yours.” He said. I suddenly stared at him. “What?” I asked incredulously. He shrugged and looked down at me with his loving smile. “It’s yours. I managed to pull some strings and get you the most beautiful one in the sky, just like you.” I felt like crying. How did I ever get a man as sweet as him. “Thank you.” I choked, teary eyed. He kissed me and pulled his phone out.
I looked at him curiously, wondering why he would risk our beautiful moment by taking out his cell phone. Then a song played. A song so familiar to me at this point that I felt tears spill over as he began to sing. “With you, I’m home.” He whispered the last line, staring into my glowing green eyes. He kissed me once again. “I’ll be there, no matter what, I’ll always be there.” He told me, quoting the song in a roundabout way. I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. “Will you let me be there for you?” He asked sweetly. “Yes.” I managed to whisper in reply to him, “I love you Dj.” My heart throbbed as I said it. I had said it before, but this time I knew it for sure. I wasn’t just his biggest fan anymore; I was his best friend, and something completely different, something more, all at once. It felt right. “I love you too, my little Raven.” He cooed, and I smiled. “That’s my girl.” He whispered, leaning in to kiss me once more.
♠ ♠ ♠ this a nice way to end our journey...the way it began? I love each and every one of my loyal readers,and thank you so much for the comments and support. Don't hold your breath's not over.