Sequel: Hit the Dust
Status: Flora pro-active


Just a little news

Once again, I'm sorry for the whole chapter-as-author's-note thing, but I have some news for you guys. Sorry if I got you excited and thinking this was finally an update.

But anyway, I just wanted you all to know I haven't given up on this story. I've been writing a few other things recently, and I've found a new writing style that works much better for me, and as a result my writing itself has gotten a lot better. So I've decided I'm going to rewrite and repost this.

It's still gonna be more or less the same plot, but with the new writing style and maybe a few tweaks here and there. It's also gonna be under a new name, "Hit the Dust", so keep an eye out for it!

I should probably have the first two or three chapters up throughout tonight, hopefully. I'm really sorry I've been gone for so long! I've missed you guys.

Keep your eyes peeled, and happy reading.
Lauzz xo