Sequel: Hit the Dust
Status: Flora pro-active


Chapter 4

August 17th- 6:33am

Venom Noise arose early the next morning, long before sunrise. When I finally untangled myself from my grotty blanket, leaving the others soundly sleeping, I found her outside the base, staring out at the explosion of orange-pink in the sky with a pan of cheap coffee - a rare and strictly rationed luxury - cupped in both her hands. A burnt out fire sat at her feet, leaving a toxic smoky scent in the air.

I cleared my throat. "Venom, have you been out here all night?" I asked, wondering how she wasn't freezing half to death. The desert heat still hadn't reached us yet. She looked up to the sound of my voice, staring at me with sad green eyes, and shook her head no.

"Morning, Poison." she muttered. I positioned myself on my knees beside her and we sat in silence for a moment. She set her pan down on the ground and scooped up a handful of sand, watching as it quickly slipped through her skinny fingers. "You'll look after Lucid, won't you?"

There was an evident plea in her voice and it shook me to the core. I chuckled knowingly. "Protective big sister, I get that." It was the truth. I would have felt exactly the same if I was the one leaving my brother.

"It's not that simple, Poison." groaned Venom. "She's more than my little sister, you know? She's the fruit of my labor."

"What do you mean?" I asked. I knew Venom adored Lucid and that they were very close, it could be seen from the second we met them. Lucid was so emotionally supportive to her big sister, so psychologically smart and aware of both their needs, and to counter it Venom was incredibly protective. They would have done anything for each other, but what I didn't understand was what Venom meant when she said Lucid was the fruit of her labor.

"I virtually brought her up. One day when I was about ten years old and Lucid was about two, our parents were working in the yard and they just disappeared. There wasn't even a trace of them. It took about a year before the cops closed the case and nothing more has ever been said about it." she paused. "Until now. I bundled baby Lily into a shack I found for us to squat in and that's where we stayed until I was about sixteen."

I exhales heavily. These girls always seemed like they were so pampered - not spoiled, but comfortable - and so surrounded by love. You could never guess the only love they had was from each other. "Wow. So you had to be her mom as well as her sister, huh?"

She nodded her head. "I just don't want to lose her. She's the whole reason I breathe. Just make sure you bring her back to me, okay?"
♠ ♠ ♠
This chapter is a bit of a filler, so sorry its short. I kind of wanted to give a little bit of an insight in terms of the relationship between Venom Noise and Lucid Nightmare.

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