Status: In Progress.

Don't Give Up On Love, Rusty Carter.


BEEP!, BEEP!, BEEP!, went Rusty's alarm clock that sat on her night table. Rusty rolled over on to her side to look at the alarm clock. It was 7:00 in the morning on a Monday. She let out a sigh of annoyance because it was too early in the morning to be up during her summer break. It was okay, though, because she was used to getting up early in the morning this summer break because she knew that she had to get her chores done for each day.

She sat up in her full-sized bed to rub her eyes so she could wake up more. Once she woke up more, she got out of bed so she could make her bed. She did her morning routine where she took a shower, brushed her hair, did some thing with her hair, brushed her teeth, and got dressed for the day. Today she wore a blue shirt with a blue and plaid shirt over the blue shirt, blue jeans, and brown cowgirl boots. After she got dressed for the day, she headed down the flight of stairs to eat breakfast.

When Rusty got to the bottom of the stairs, she walked to the kitchen to find her mom and dad gone for the day. She figured that both, her mom and dad had left for work already. She got a blue bowl for the cereal, soy milk, and Reese's Puffs cereal. After she poured the Reese's Puffs cereal in to the bowl, she poured the soy milk in to the bowl that was full of Reese's Puffs cereal. She got a spoon, put the spoon in to the bowl that was full of Reese's Puffs cereal and soy milk, and walked over to the kitchen table to eat a good bowl of Reese's Puffs cereal.

It was way too quiet in Rusty's world of thinking. She needed some good music to listen to while she ate breakfast all by herself. Music had been a part of her life for a very long time -- Music had saved her from a lot of bad stuff, if you had wanted to put it that a way. Rusty took a bite of her Reese's Puffs cereal before getting up from her chair to turn on the radio for some good music to listen to. She turned up the radio a little louder before she walked back to the kitchen table to finish eating.

Yeah. Oooh-oh-oh.
Yeah. Oooh-oh-oh.
Yeah. Oooh-oh-oh.


I've been working, so hard.
I'm punching my card.
Eight hours for what.
Oh, tell me what I got.
I get this feeling.
That times are holding me down.
I'll hit the ceiling.
Or else I'll tear up this town.

Tonight I gotta cut loose, footloose.
Kick off your Sunday shoes.
Please, Louise, pull me off of my knees.
Lose your blues, every body cut footloose.

While Rusty was eating away on her Reese's Puffs cereal, she was bobbing her head up and down to Footloose by Blake Shelton. Oh, how she loved his music.

RING!, RING!, RING!, went the phone that sat on the kitchen counter.

She put down her spoon full of Reese's Puffs cereal, rushed over to the radio to turn it down, and rushed over to answer the ringing phone.

Rusty: "Hello?"
Mom: "Rusty? Hi. It's mom."

Rusty: "Oh. Hi, mom."
Mom: "How are you, darlin'?"

Rusty: "I'm fine. How are you?"
Mom: "I'm good. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to make it home last night but it was real busy at the hospital. I don't think that I will be able to make it home until 5:00 this evening."

Rusty: "Well, okay. That's fine."
Mom: "Okay. I just wanted to let you know what was going on."

Rusty: "Alright. Thank you, I think."
Mom: "Have you started on your chores for the day?"

Rusty: "No, not yet. I will soon, though."
Mom: "Well, okay. Don't wait too long, please."

Rusty let out a quiet sigh, being sure to not let her mom hear the sigh. Her mom could be so bossy at times. It was okay, though, she loved her mom no matter what.

Rusty: "I know, I won't."
Mom: "Okay. I guess that I will let you go so that you can start on your chores."

Rusty: "Sure, mom."
Mom: "Have a good day, Rusty. I love you."

Rusty: "I love you, too."
Mom: "Bye, hon."

Rusty: "Bye, mom."
Mom: "Rus--."

Rusty put the phone back on the receiver so that the phone wouldn't die. She walked over to the kitchen table to finish the rest of her Reese's Puffs cereal. After she finished eating, she rinsed the bowl out to put it in to the dish washer. Before she went out side to start on her chores, she walked over to the radio to turn it off. After turning off the radio, she went out side to start on her chores for the day.
♠ ♠ ♠
So the first chapter of my story is called "Footloose" because my mom, sister, and I were watching the old Footloose movie. The idea for my title of the chapter just sort of popped in to my head. If you read my story, please comment to tell me what you think. Thank you.