Status: In Progress.

Don't Give Up On Love, Rusty Carter.

A Little Bonding.

After Rusty had agreed to making lunch with Dalton, the two of them went in side the house to make some thing for lunch. Rusty walked to the kitchen, Dalton was following behind her.

After the two of them got to the kitchen, she walked over to the refrigerator to see what the two of them could make for lunch.

Rusty: "Hmmm. Let me see. We could make PBJ sandwiches, we could make bacon and cheese sandwiches, we could make turkey and cheese sandwiches, or we could make hamburger sandwiches. It's up to you, being as you are the guest here at my house."

Dalton began to think about what the two of them could make for lunch with one another. PBJ sandwiches or turkey and cheese sandwiches didn't give him enough time to find some stuff out about this girl. Bacon and cheese sandwiches or hamburger sandwiches did give them enough time to find some stuff out about this girl, though.

He wasn't too fond about bacon for some odd reason so he decided on hamburger sandwiches.

Dalton: "I guess that we could make hamburger sandwiches."
Rusty: "Okay. Hamburger sandwiches it is."

She gathered the stuff to make hamburger sandwiches, which included the bread, the condiments, and the hamburger meat.

He was going to sit down, but he walked over to help her roll the hamburger meat in to little balls.

She opened the packaged meat before taking a handful of meat in her hand, he did the same as well.

It was quiet before he finally said some thing.

Dalton: "So tell me about yourself."
Rusty: "Tell you about myself? What do you want to know?"

He shrugged his shoulders before answering.

Dalton: "Any thing. I just want to get to know you as a person, being as I'm going to be staying here for a while."

She knew he was correct about that statement, but she wasn't sure if she should let him in just yet.

Rusty: "Well, most of my family lives out in Kansas."
Dalton: "Oh, nice. Do you visit your family a lot?"

Rusty: "No, not a whole lot, which is sad."
Dalton: "Oh, I'm sorry to hear."

She shrugged her shoulders before answering.

Rusty: "It's the money. That's the problem."
Dalton: "Oh, I got you."

Rusty: "Yeah, but my family knows that I love each and every one of them with all of my heart."
Dalton: "Well, sure they do. They love you with all of their heart as well."

Rusty: "Yeah, I guess so. What about you, are you going to tell me a little some thing about you?"
Dalton: "Well, I guess. I mean, if you want to know a little some thing about me as well."

Rusty: "Sure. Of course."
Dalton: "Okay. Ask me any thing and I will tell."

Rusty: "Well, where are you and your family from?"
Dalton: "I'm from Arizona but most of my family live out in Colorado."

Rusty: "Colorado?"
Dalton: "Yep."

Rusty: "What part of Colorado, if I may ask?"
Dalton: "Durango."

Rusty: "Oh, nice. I have been there once."
Dalton: "Did you like it?"

Rusty: "Yeah, I guess so."
Dalton: "I moved out to Colorado when I was 10 years of age."

Rusty: "Why did you move here?"
Dalton: "My grandma got sick."

Rusty: "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

Rusty looked down at the hamburger meat she was rolling.

Dalton: "Don't be. It wasn't your fault."
Rusty: "Is she better?"

Dalton: "No, she ended up passing away when I turned 11 years of age."
Rusty: "Oh, man. That is no fun, losing a loved one."

Dalton: "That's for sure."
Rusty: "So why didn't you and your family go back to Arizona?"

Dalton: "Well, my dad figured that most of our family lives out in Colorado so why not stay?"
Rusty: "That's a good answer."

It was quiet between the two of them before Rusty asked some thing else.

Rusty: "What kind of movies do you like?"
Dalton: "Comedy or horror movies."

Rusty: "Oh, that's cool."
Dalton: "What about you?"

Rusty: "I like comedy or romance movies. I mean, I guess that I would sit down to watch a horror movie, but only if I had some guy to cuddle up with to keep me safe."
Dalton: "Oh, nice. Would you watch a horror movie with me?"

Rusty: "Only if you would let me cuddle with you."
Dalton: "Okay. Deal."

She could feel herself blushing. She wondered if he saw her blushing.

Dalton: "What's your favorite color?"
Rusty: "Blue. I like the color blue."

Dalton: "Blue is a cool color."
Rusty: "Yes, yes it is. What about you?"

Dalton: "Green."

Rusty: "Green is my second favorite color."
Dalton: "That's cool. Blue is my second favorite color."

Rusty: "For real?"
Dalton: "For real."

Rusty: "Well, that's cool."
Dalton: "Yeah."

Rusty was on her last hamburger ball. Dalton was on his last hamburger ball.

Rusty: "Well, it looks like we're about done rolling these hamburgers."
Dalton: "Looks like it. I will get a plate to set the hamburger balls on after I finish rolling the one I'm rolling."

Rusty: "Okay. Sounds good to me."

The two of them were silent through the last rolling of their hamburgers.

Rusty and Dalton finished the hamburger balls at the same time. Dalton got a plate to set the hamburger balls on the plate like he said he would.

Dalton: "Where are the plates?"
Rusty: "Here, I will get them for you."

Rusty walked over to the plates. She grabbed one before walking back to Dalton.

Rusty: "Here you go."
Dalton: "Thank you."

Rusty: "You're welcome."

Dalton sat the hamburger balls on the plate.

Rusty: "Are you ready to go cook the hamburger balls on the grill?"
Dalton: "Of course."

Rusty walked out of the kitchen with the plate full of hamburger balls, Dalton was following behind her. After walking out of the kitchen, Rusty and Dalton walked out side to where the grill was at.

Rusty: "Here it is."
Dalton: "This is a nice grill."

Rusty: "Oh, thank you, I think."
Dalton: "That was a little stupid to say, huh?"

Rusty: "No, I wasn't thinking that."
Dalton: "Oh, if you're sure."

Rusty: "I am!"
Dalton: "Good."

Dalton put the hamburger balls on the grill to cook.

While he waited, he decided to ask some more questions.

Dalton: "What's your favorite hobby?"
Rusty: "Singing and dancing."

Dalton chuckled.

For a moment, Rusty wasn't sure why he was chuckling.

Rusty: "Wait, why are you chuckling?"
Dalton: "I figured it was, that's all."

Rusty: "How did you figure that out in one day of knowing me?"
Dalton: "Well, because that's all I have seen you doing since I have arrived."

Rusty: "I do not do that all day. I'm not singing or dancing right at the moment."
Dalton: "Rusty, there's nothing wrong with that. From what I have seen, you're a good dancer. You're also a good singer."

Rusty: "No. You're lying."
Dalton: "No. I'm not."

Rusty: "Yes. You are."
Dalton: "No. I'm not. Take my compliment, woman, or else."

Rusty: "Or else what?"
Dalton: "Or else I'm going to have to tickle you until you pee your pants."

She gasped with exasperation.

Rusty: "You wouldn't!"
Dalton: "I would."

Rusty: "Yeah. Sure. Right."
Dalton: "Alright."

Dalton stepped closer to Rusty, grabbing her by her waist before he started to tickle her.

Rusty started to laugh real loud.


Dalton shook his head, not bothering to stop.

Rusty continued to laugh.

Dalton: "Take my compliment and I will stop."

Rusty shook her head, thinking that he would never be able to get her to take his compliment.


Of course she was lying.

He stopped tickling her.

Dalton: "Good because I'm serious."
Rusty: "Well, thank you."

Dalton: "You're welcome."

Rusty smiled a little at him. Dalton smiled a little at her.

For a moment, she looked at him in the eyes. After a moment, she started to realize she was getting too close to him so she changed the subject.

Rusty: "Well, I guess you should check on the hamburgers."
Dalton: "Oh, right."

Dalton opened the top grill.

Seeing that the hamburgers were done sort of disappointed Dalton.

Rusty handed the plate to Dalton to set the hamburgers on.

Dalton: "Thank you."
Rusty: "Welcome."

Rusty and Dalton walked in side the house, Dalton carrying the plate of hamburgers.

After Rusty and Dalton was in side the house, the two of them walked to the kitchen counter to make the hamburger sandwiches.

While Rusty spreaded the mustard on the bread, she decided to ask Dalton some thing.

Rusty: "So what about you, what is your favorite hobby?"
Dalton: "Rodeo stuff."

Rusty: "I knew you were going to say some thing along those lines."

Dalton smiled at her statement, thinking of his dad.

Rusty: "I would like to see you do some rodeo stuff some time."
Dalton: "Yeah?"

Rusty: "Of course. I think it would be fun."
Dalton: "I will keep that in mind."

Rusty: "Good, don't you forget."
Dalton: "I won't."

Rusty and Dalton smiled, not saying any thing else to each other.

After the two of them were finished fixing the hamburger sandwiches, Rusty got some chips to go with the hamburger sandwiches.

She sat the chips on the table, Dalton right behind her with his plate and with her plate.

Rusty: "Oh, thank you."
Dalton: "You're welcome."

The two of them sat down at the kitchen table to eat lunch.

Dalton: "So I had a lot of fun making lunch out there. I would love to get to know you some more."
Rusty: "I had fun, too. I would love to get to know you some more as well."

Dalton: "Really?"

She chuckled a little.

Rusty: "Yes."
Dalton: "You're a lot of fun, Rusty."

She chucked a little once again.

Rusty: "Eat your lunch."
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