Status: Active!

Forever Against the Odds

Horny Thirteen Year Old

Clouds. There was always something about them. Ever since I was a child I could remember laying on my front lawn gazing up at them trying to determine a shape of each one. Periodically I would think about the loved ones in my family that have passed, and imagine them walking around in the clouds, smiling down at me. It was something I often thought about. Not just those white fluffy wisps up in the air, but my loved ones and where they went.

Death was something I had grown to accept as my years passed before me. I had lost multiple family members, and some friend in my eighteen years of existence. It was a weird feeling to know that one day they were there with you, and the next they just disappeared.

Unfortunately it wasn't just the ones that were no longer living that disappeared. I had friends, and family that would talk to me one day, and the next want nothing to do with me. It was an action that no matter how many times happened, always hurt me in the same amount, though I never showed it.

See that was my problem in this life. It never mattered how sad, or distraught I was, I could never bring myself to tell anyone. Not my parents, or my siblings. I couldn't even tell my own bandmates.

I supposed it was that same fault of mine that got me to where I was now. Sitting on an airplane, while our manager yelled at me for being stupid. If only I would have shared my feelings with my bandmates, or Carter for that matter, the whole world wouldn't have thought I was some huge slut.

If I would have just told Carter how much he hurt me, maybe then he wouldn't have proceeded to do just that. And finished by sleeping with multiple girls in my own apartment. Of course the world didn't know that. As far as they were all concerned, Carter was the victim.

Carter and I were polar opposites. He liked to hurt people, I hated it. He had no moral values, and I knew exactly when something was bad. Carter liked to lie, and I only told the truth, whether it wad hurtful or not. He loved the attention from the paparazzi, and I wanted nothing more than to run and hide when it came to bright flashes and tabloids.

I suppose I should have realized from the very moment Carter asked me out, that it wouldn't end well. But I was nothing but a foolish teenager, and still was.

"You understand correct? You are not to be in the tabloids, or any tv." Matt stated sternly. I nodded my head, and buckled the plane seat as we began to descend.

"Skkye, you stoked or what?" I turned my attention towards my bandmate Graham. Of the six of us Graham and I got along the most. Probably because he was the least obnoxious of them.

"You know I am! Hot British guys for four whole months. Can't get much better than that." I chuckled.

"Except you won't be with any of those boys," Matt interrupted.

"What? And why not? I need a rebound eventually Matthew," I replied.

"Skkyelar! Were you not listening to a thing I just said?!" he fired. I couldn't have been more thankful for the announcement of being able to get off the plane.

"Of course I did, I was just kidding. Okay let's go guys!" I rushed off the plane as quickly as possible.

"Whoa slow down there S.Bay, Matt is not even close behind us." Kane laughed. I gave him a look, and dragged him to the baggage claim. He picked up all of our bags, as I sat people watching.

There were couples running up towards one another, there were families and friends being reunited, and people on their phones more than likely on business. Of course there were the flashing lights of cameras going off at the sight of Kane and I, plus our bandmates.

Kane and I joined our four other bandmates, and our managers plus crew, ready to leave and get the instructions from Matt. "Okay guys this is what's going to happen. There's another famous band about to land so it's gonna get even more crazy. Were all going to head outside where there will be black cars lined up to take you all to the house. Alright let's go."

I followed everyone out, looking at the floor the whole time to avoid ugly pictures surfing the Internet. Between dodging people and reporters, I still managed to follow behind Gage. I could help but to laugh silently at myself at the sight of his hair turning way curlier than I've ever seen it. Which probably meant he had sex hair.

Gage and I got into the black car. The car began to pull away from the curb, as I looked out the window and saw a guy who looked exactly like Gage get into another car. "Ga- Holy fuck!" I yelled as soon as I realized that the curly hair guy I had just followed into the car was not in fact my bandmate but some random guy.

"Who the-Wait a second. Aren't you Skkyelar Bayside?" Curly had a very deep husky voice when he spoke, not to mention he was definitely British. Well Matt's plan was already failing.

"Um yeah? Who the hell are you?" I didn't exactly plan for that to come off as bitchy as it did, but currently my mind was freaking out. I could be in a car going somewhere I never heard of with a raper, and a driver, who could also be a raper.

"Oh, well I'm Harry. Harry Styles? You know of One Direction?" he said, as I'd asking me if that was correct.

"What the fuck is One Direction? Wait! Is that like a musical or something?" I demanded.

"It's a band. You've never heard of us? You know What Makes You Beautiful?" he questioned.

"Are you trying to hit on me? Because I know fucking karate if your going to try to rape me," I defended. The guy smirked at me, laughing.

"I'm not going to rape you. Jesus. We have a hit song in the U.S. called What Makes You Beautiful."

"Sing it. I don't think I've heard it."

"Erm, okay the chorus goes, um 'Baby you like up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed'-"

"Whoa, okay stop. Oh my god, I think I just threw up a little. How the fuck can flipping hair get you overwhelmed, you must be one horny guy. Your sure your not a raper?" I asked.

"You didn't like it? At all?"

"Not one bit. Unless the rest of the song gets a little less I'm a horny freshman and a little bit more let's finish the sex and get on with our lives, then no. I hate it."

"What? How is it horny? I mean come on! I've heard your songs! There like ours-"

"Whoa buddy. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. The songs for my band are not as shitty as the one you just sang. I mean you may get a whole bunch of thirteen year olds excited, but let's face it. People who aren't trying to figure out their sexual frustrations won't like it."

"So you have your sexual frustrations figured out then?"

"Currently yes. But I'm sure you have no idea what that feels like."

"I do too! I am not sexually frustrated!"

"Oh okay. How old are you, like sixteen? You sing songs for a living about calling some bitch beautiful who I'm sure probably isn't in the slightest, but because your a guy and in order not to get hate from other female populations you tell her what she wants to hear. Am I correct?"

"No I tell her it because it's true. Why would I, or any other guy lie about how beautiful someone is?"

"Oh my god! Your gay! That's adorable!" I announced.

"What? No! I am not gay. Believe me, I like women a-"

"And here comes back the horny sixteen year old."

"I am never going to win with you am I?" he asked.

"Nope. I'm pretty hard to please,"

"Your sure you're not sexually frustrated. I mean if your so hard to please and all."

"Seriously? Do you not have a girlfriend? I mean it's pretty obvious to tell buddy,"

"Excuse me, sir, miss, we have arrived."

"Wait! Where the fuck are we? Shit, this isn't London is it?" the guy laughed as I followed him out.

"This would be called Holmes Chapel."

"Hold up! I can't be here! Oh my god! Holy fuck, I am going to get murdered." I yelled, as the black car pulled away.

"Didn't we already establish I'm not a murderer? Where do you have to be, I can drop you off."

"London. Like now. Fuck! I don't have my phone. Oh my god! Shit, shit, shit. Oh my god."

"You have to be in London right now? You realize its past midnight correct?"

"So? Come on um, what's your name again?"


"Right. Harry, please I need you to take me to London."

"I'll take you to London on one condition,"

"I'm not having sex with you,"

"No. The condition being, you go on a date with me." he smiled cheekily at me, and I couldn't help but shake my head. This guy is going to be the death of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I really hadn't planned for any of that too happen, but this sorta just came out. So I guess there it is. If you couldn't tell this is placed in the beginning.

Thank you so very much to AllstarWeekendfanfic, and one direction;for your comments they mean the world. So thank you!

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