Status: Active!

Forever Against the Odds

I Like Them, Just Not You

Later that night, the guys and I were hanging out at the condo with Matt. I still hadn't told any of the guys about meeting Harry, or the fact that I was suppose to go see Niall's show tonight. So I decided to put on operation: lock Tyson in my room, fake sick, and make Tyson come with me to the concert.

It was already six p.m. and I needed to act fast if I was going to avoid movie night with Kane and Graham, and make it to the concert on time. "Hey Tyson? There's a spider in my room," I announced, looking over to the other couch where my bandmate was sitting.

"How do you know if there's a spider in your room if you're not even in there?" Gage inquired.

"Because I left it on the wall earlier and I just remembered, dammit. So Tyson can you please just go kill it?" I started.

"No. Go kill it yourself, and it's probably not even there," Tyson responded, not moving his eyes from his laptop.

"Tyson! I can't kill a spider, there scary. Just please, I'm sure it's still there. Please Ty! Come on!" I begged.

"Skkyelar get someone else to fucking do it, I'm in the middle of something!" Tyson retorted.

Fuck this wasn't working. I decided to go with the waterworks option, and began to cry. "Skkye, what the fuck? Why are you crying?" Graham questioned, worry in his voice.

"I just, I'm so tired, and I'm on my period, and I just I don't want to have to go to sleep when there's a spider in my fucking room!" I cried, though I was laughing on the inside. It didn't matter what was wrong, if I cried the guys would do anything. They absolutely hated seeing me or any other girl cry.

"Jesus Tyson, just go kill the spider!" Ryland yelled.

Tyson groaned, and dragged himself off of the couch. "Goodnight guys, I'm going to go to bed after he kills the spider," I followed him into my room, and shut the door behind us locking it, and stepping in front of it.

"Where's the spider at Skkye?" Tyson asked annoyance obvious in his voice. He turned around, furrowing his eye brow at me, as I gave him a mischievous grin.

"Skkyelar, what's going on?" he demanded.

"You and I are going to a concert," I started slowly, grinning.

"No! Why the hell do I have too! And why couldn't you have just said that?" he yelled.

I hushed him, and started again, "Tyson, I'm on like house arrest. Please, Ty! I'll clean out your car or something when we get home, just please! I promised a friend I would go to his concert!"

"Well why the hell do you need me to go?"

"So I don't get fucking raped Tyson." I told him in an 'duh' voice.

"Fine, but you owe me fucking big time. What's the plan?" he demanded.

"Okay, your going to back out there, and tell them that your going to for a ride. Don't let any of the guys come with you got it? Tell them that I fell asleep already, and meet me out front. Also, grab my purse. Okay now go!" Tyson shook his head, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I could hear him begin to talk to the guys, and I walked over to my window.

Shit, that's a long way down. I looked down from my window, taking a deep breath. You got this Skkyelar, you got this. I opened the window as wide as it could go, and inhaled as much as possible, before pushing myself off the ledge. I free fell to the ground, and got the wind knocked out of me when I crashed into the hard grass.

"Fuck!" I yelled to myself. That was definitely going to leave a mark. I could hear chuckling behind me, groaning I got myself up from the ground. "It's not funny Tyson," I mumbled.

"Um yeah it is, you just jumped from your second story window, instead of just sneaking out the front door," he chuckled, starting the car. I smackEd his arm, and blasted the stereo.

"So who's concert is this again?" Tyson whispered, as we got out of the car. There were thousands of screaming girls around the venue and blocking the sidewalk. It was crazier than a That Red Racecar concert, and our concerts were pretty intense.

"I don't know, I just know Niall sings." I told him for the fifth time. He nodded his head, and I texted Niall telling him we were hear.

Tyson I stood on the sidewalk raking in the whole thing. "You're Skkyelar Bayside, and Tyson James!" two girls announced.

The two of us laughed and shook our head. We posed for a picture with her, and walked away, not wanting to take anymore. The screams began to get louder, and they appeared to be yelling someone's name.

"Skkyelar!" I turned to see Niall yelling for me, and Tyson and I walked over to him.

"Damn Horan you didn't tell me you were this big!" I laughed, as I gave him a hug. "This is my bandmate Tyson by the way. Tyson this is Niall. Niall likes food. Niall, Tyson likes food. You're friendship! will be a great one," I stated, walking off towards where Niall had just appeared from.

"Is she always that weird?" Niall questioned from behind.

"All day, everyday. I'm surprised she still manages to make friends." Tyson joked.

"So this is backstage obviously. I have to get on stage right now though, but I'll talk to you after the show, and you can meet the guys!" Niall exclaimed happily. Tyson and I wished him good luck and stood side stage ready to watch his performance.

I really had no idea what to expect, I had never heard Niall sing before. "Skkye? Is Niall in One Direction or something? Or is he like an opening act?" Tyson inquired.

"Um, I don't know. Why-Oh wow. We are at a- Oh holy fuck. Fuck. Were at a One Direction concert. That means-Well, fuck." I ranted. I guess I would be seeing Harry sooner than anticipated.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking at me as if I was an alien,( a look I got often).

"Um, okay. Remember how I got into that car with that stranger?" Tyson nodded his head so I continued. "Yeah that stranger turned out to be this Harry guy who is supposedly in this One Dimension-"


"Whatever! One direction and I may or may not be going on a date with him tomorrow night," I informed my best friend, as I causally looked away. I really didn't want to see the look on his face. It would more than likely be the 'you're doing something really stupid and I think you should stop' face. I got it quite often, and man did I hate it.

"Skkyelar. You did hear Matt on the plane right? No funny business? No media drama?" he reminded me. "I mean you already snuck out of the house tonight. Now tomorrow you're going on a date with a popstar? Skkye-"

He was cut off thankfully by the lights going off on the stage and deafening screams from the crowd. A guitar started playing, and five guys were illuminated on stage by the bright lights.

As soon as the show ended I was enveloped by a bog sweaty hug from Niall. "Ireland get your disgusting body off of me!" I yelled, as Tyson laughed.

"You think your so funny don't you Ty?"

"Doesn't everyone?" he smirked.

"You guys, this is Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayne Malik and I don't know where Harry is." Niall introduced. They all began to chat up Tyson and I. They were almost exactly like my bandmates except British and nicer.

"Skkyelar?" I turned around to see Harry there with a smirk on his face. I wanted desperately to smack it odd of his face, but I was also slightly turned on by it.

"You two know each other?" Niall questioned.

"Yep, but it appears Skkyelar here just couldn't get away from me," Harry chuckled.

"That's exactly incorrect," I stated.

"I'm sure you just wanted to hear our song. I mean admit it you really do like that song." Harry pressed, sitting down next to Louis.

"No, your song actually sucks." I saw Niall with a hurt look in his eyes and decided to try to save myself. "Well I mean, I liked your other songs. Just not What Makes You Beautiful."

"So you like us then?" Harry started.

"No! Well, I like them, just not you," the guys all laughed at my statement, but Harry still had that stupid smirk on his face. I mean seriously did it ever leave?

"Well how about we go to a club or something. You in?" Niall suggested.

"Well we-" Tyson started.

"Would love to come!" I declared. The guys all charged out of the room, and Tyson looked at me like he was going to shoot me at any moment.

"Are you insane? Matt is going to be shitting himself!"

"Oh come on, Ty. Live a little!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, I would like to thank autumnreneebabii for her comment, it would mean the world to me if you all commented.

Also, what do you think of everything so far? What do you think will happen? Just questions to ponder

Okay, well comment and subscribe and enjoy!