Status: Active!

Forever Against the Odds

We'll Figure This Out

To say One Direction knew how to party would be an understatement. I don't think I ever met people who could hit the alcohol as hard as they did, and come out with only a minor hangover. Which lead me to where I was now.

On the cold floor of a kitchen, a sock on my right foot that I definitely hadn't had last night, and a killer headache. "Skkye, get up! We have to get home now!" I groaned at Tyson's extremely loud voice, that was definitely not helping my headache.

"Oi, keep it down mate!" I heard someone that sort of sounded like Louis yell.

"Skkye, seriously. Let's go." Tyson grabbed my arms and yanked me into standing position pushing me out the door.

"How are you not hungover?" I demanded, holding my forehead as we stepped into the elevator.

"Oh, I don't know? Maybe because I'm a little bit worried about the fact that Matt is waiting at home ready to kill us I'm sure.

"Why do you care so much about what Matt thinks?" I demanded.

"Because he has the power to completely kick us out of the band if we don't listen to him. Why don't you care? You know, never mind don't answer that." Tyson pulled me through the streets of downtown London trying to find our way back to the condo. The more I walked, the more my hangover faded away. The more my hangover faded, the more I realized how much trouble I was going to be, and how harder it was going to be to sneak out tonight for the date with Harry.

We finally reached the condo, and Tyson and my nerves were on edge. I couldn't help but imagine what was waiting for us behind the doors of the house. Was Matt there having an angry rampage? Was he holding a chainsaw ready to slice our heads off?

Tyson opened up the front door quietly, and we were met by something I didn't want to see. There sitting at the kitchen table was Matt, with a huge smile on his face. But his smile wasn't a comfortable smile. No, it was a smile that said 'come a little closer so I can kill you'.

I heard Ty gulped, and shoved him forward, seeing that the only way to our rooms was past Matt. "Welcome home," Matt said politely, the smile still plastered to his face.

"Thanks," I said awkwardly.

"What did you guys do?" Matt questioned, resting his hand under his chin as if he had no clue.

"Um, we went to visit friends," Tyson spoke catiously.

"Oh yeah? And how were they? Were they everything a boy band is like?" Here we go. Matt's voice was escalating to a dangerous level, and I knew Tyson was about to shit his pants. "Did they give you some good refreshments? Did they give you a good place to stay after you drunkenly left the club?! Were they great kissers Skkyelar!?"

I took a step back, wishing I could just run back outside. Matt chucked a newspaper at Tyson, and threw another one at my head. "Ow!" I cried, rubbing my forehead.

"I hoped that hurt! Why can't you just listen to me Skkyelar? Why couldn't you have just stayed in? Do you know what this does to your image? Do you understand people now think your a greater whore than they already thought you were? Do you have any idea how many tabloids were going to have to contact to get them not to post stuff about you?!" he yelled.

I grabbed the newspaper smirking at the picture of Tyson and some girl looking shocked at the cameras outside the club we were at last night. Turning the page I saw a picture of me and Niall doing some very PG-13 things, borderline R rated. I wanted desperately to laugh, but I knew that probably would not be good for my well being if I even said anything, while volcanoe over at the table erupted. But why exactly I was making out with Niall is beyond me.

"I don't know what to do with you! Do you want me to just lock you up? I promised your parents you wouldn't get in any more trouble! Management is going to go insane when they see this! Speaking of, both of you stay here!" he yelled, then proceeded to answer the phone.

"Skkye? Do you have any idea who that girl was?" Tyson whispered, pointing at the newspaper.

"No idea, sorry Ty," I said.

"Alright, Tyson you stay here. If you even think about leaving I will personally kill you. Skkyelar, you're coming with me," Matt ordered.

"What? No, I promise I won't do anymore stupid things! Don't kill me by myself! At least let me say good buy the guys!" I exclaimed dramatically.

"Do not push me Skkyelar. Do not push me." Matt retorted, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the car.

"Do not talk, unless you really want me to kill you," Matt stated as soon as we got into the car.

When we arrived at our destination, I desperately had to pee but for fear of a young death I decided to not mention it to my lovely manager. Matt ordered me to follow him, which I obliged in doing, and stayed quiet the whole way up the elevator ride.

"In here," Matt said, holding the door for me. I stepped into a conference room that was filled with one huge ass table and many swirly chairs, my inner ADHD self was going crazy at the sight of them. But in the chairs sat Niall himself, some guy who looked like that annoying guy on American Idol, and a bald guy.

"Hello Matt, Skkye," American Idol said dryly. I did not like this guy already.

Matt nodded, and gestured to sit next to him. I sat down, and it took every ounce of me not to swivel around. I looked over at Niall wondering if he had any idea what were here for but by the looks of it, he looked as if he was going to pass out at any second.

"As you two both know, the tabloid caught you two doing some very inappropriate things." American Idol started. I snorted at his word choice but instantly regretted it. The three older guys glared at me, while Niall fought back a laugh.

"Sorry, carry on,"

"As I was saying, because of this incident, both of your names right now look terrible. Seeing that we needed to clear this up, and get you two out of these tabloid messes as clean as possible we came up with a quick solution." I looked at the guy dryly, knowing this was going to be some stupid idea that they thought was genius. Management was always stupid, no matter what celebrity you were dealing with.

"The solution is that you two," he pointed at Niall and I, and continued, "are going to come out and say that you're dating. That way it looks more innocent. The two of you went for a night out together, and made the mistake of kissing in public." he stated.

"Whoa, whoa whoa hold up!" I heard Matt whisper my name but I didn't exactly care. No one was just going to tell me I had to fake date someone, not even this weird macho, ugly looking white shirt, guy.

"I am not going to fake date Niall. I mean Niall you're awesome and all, but dude this isn't going to fly. Specially considering the world thinks I'm a whore right now." I pointed out. Matt slapped his forehead, I'm sure embarrassed by my outbursts, and the guy looked at me annoyed.

"And what do you suggest we do about this?" he demanded.

"Oh, I don't know? Maybe you could just stay out of it. I mean come on. It was one drunken night. So what our mouths accidentally attacked one another. You guys were young once right? Maybe? I don't know, anyway you can't force this. Plus I have a date with Harry tonight, how is that going to work?" I questioned, finally starting to swivel the chair around.

"And you have a date? Do you listen to anything I ever say?" Matt asked.

"The date with Harry will have to wait. I do not care what you think, you obviously do not care about your image. You and Niall are dating. In fact, Niall why don't you take her out on a date tonight?" alright my new found hatred for this guy, just went up by ten. Seriously. Who did this guy think he was? The fucking king? I don't think so.

"This is bullshit, I'm done," I got up from my chair, and as soon as I grabbed the door handled Matt spoke up.

"Open that door Skkyelar, and you can kiss That Red Racecar." Seriously? Now I just wanted to cry. This is why I hated management, and fame. I turned around, and sat back down, trying my hardest not to let the tears fall.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was so upset with this, but all I knew that it wasn't right. "Now that we have that finished out. Why don't you both get on your twitters, and tweet about your new relationship."

I reluctantly got my phone out, and tweeted. @Skkyelar_Bayside: Date tonight with the boyfriend

I felt a tear slip down my cheek and quickly wiped it away. These people had no idea what they
were doing to me. I was already a world known slut for supposedly cheating on my boyfriend. Now they all are going to hate me because I was already supposedly moved on to Niall.

"Can we please go now?" I said quietly. I heard Matt nod, and I ran out of the room. Avoiding the elevator, I ran down the steps. I heard someone calling my name, and stopped when I realized it was Niall's voice.

"Skkye? Are you okay?" I nodded, wiping the teats from my face, how could Niall be so okay with this?

"Shh," he soothed, enveloping me into a hug.

"This isn't fair Niall. And what about Harry?" I questioned.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know. I'm so sorry Skkye. It'll get better I promise. I'll make it better. Well figure this out." he tried, I only nodded my head not believing him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm just going to straight up tell you right now, this will not be one of those stories that two of the guys are after the girl, so do not anticipate that because it won't happen. Also, I don't think Simon is actually a jerk in real life, but his meanness was needed.

Questions, what does everybody think of this whole Niall and Skkyelar fake dating thing? How do you think Harry will react? What do you think is going to happen now that this is going on?

Big thanks to autumnreneebabii and AmandaJeanJonas for your comments, they really make my day, so if anyone else would like to comment then it would be very much appreciated.

Comment and subscribe! Enjoy!