Status: Active!

Forever Against the Odds

Did You Just Call Me Buster?

Niall basically had to drag me down the stairs and outside where Matt was waiting in his car. I didn't want to see him, let alone talk to him. Yeah Matt could be a crazy dictator, but never had he ever agreed to something like this. He had been through his own love hell, so how could he just let that guy do this to me and Niall?

"Skkye, you have to go now," Niall said softly, as I clung to his shirt.

"S.Bay I'm sorry, just get in the car and we can talk about this," Matt pleaded.

"Talk about this?! Where the hell were you ten minutes ago, when we had the conversation?! Why didn't you want to talk about this then? I seriously dislike you right now. I do not want to get in that car with you. You let those guys walk over Niall and I and didn't even day shit about it! What happened to always listening to my suggestions before you make descisons?" I demanded.

"Skkyelar you don't even understand! I have no power when it comes to those guys! If it were our actual management team dealing with this, I would figure out something else to do. I have no control over this. One Direction management are ten times bigger than ours, and there's nothing I can do about this. You have no idea how much I just want to go up there and tell them it's not going to happen, but I can't do that. I'll lose my job if I do," Matt tried.

"So instead of standing up for something thats right, you're just going to let this happen so you won't lose your job? They can't even fire you! And for your information I will not be going home with you," I announced, extremely mad. I knew I had a terrible temper, specially when I was frustrated but I couldn't help myself.

"Oh? And where are you going to go then?" Matt questioned.

"I don't know! Somewhere you aren't." I retorted.

"Fine, just don't forget you have an interview tomorrow morning at seven," he stated, getting into his car.

"Well fuck you too!" I shouted, throwing my head back. I fell onto the blacktop parking lot willing myself not to cry. Skkyelar Bayside did not cry in front of people. I already broke that once. I wasn't going to let Niall think I was some cry baby.

"Skkye? Hey, it's okay," Niall assured me, sitting down beside me. I could only imagine how weird we must have looked. Two teenagers sitting inn a parking lot, while one looked like her puppy just died.

"How can you even say that Niall? How is it suppose to be okay? My manager doesn't even give a shit about me, your management sucks, and to make matters worth I now have to attempt to explain to Harry that he can't take me on a date anymore because I am now forced to be your girlfriend. No offense," Niall just laughed. Seriously, what the Fuck was his problem?

"Why are you laughing?" I demanded, but he just chuckled harder. Soon enough though, I began also. Why, I wasn't exactly sure. All I knew was that I was no longer angry.

The laughing slowly died down, and Niall just stood up, extending his arm out to me. I took it, and Niall grinned. "Skkye, I'm hungry. Let's get food, and then we'll go find Harry. Also you really have nothing to worry about with him, he'll think it'll be fun to go behind everybody."

"Fun?" I questioned, as I got into the passenger seat of his car. "How will be sneaking behind the whole wide world be fun?"

"Oh, you do not know Harry."

Niall seriously wasn't kidding when he said Harry would love it. After telling him what happened this morning, and explaining to him that when I get too drunk I tend to make out with the first person see. Niall promised never to make out with me again, drunk or not, and I promised the next time I drunkenly make out with someone it would be Harry. It seemed as if Harry was so okay with the whole situation he began to fall on the floor in laughter. Why, I wasn't exactly sure. I mean it wasn't that funny.

"Dude, you best calm yourself. Your going to pee you pants." I advised, sitting on the bar stool of Harry's kitchen.

Harry just laughed harder, and Niall joined me. "See? He's perfectly fine! So now that we've told Harry about this news, we need to think of someway to get passed it. So I can be a single man to the public, and you two can do your thing, without people thinking your a slut." he started, giving me a pointed look.

"So what do you think we should do?" Harry questioned, "And by the way were still going on that date."

"And how is going a date with you going to work, when I'm supposed to be out with your bandmate tonight?" I questioned, slightly amused. These British people acted like they were superheros. Like they could do anything, and everything would be fine.

"Well," Harry grinned, but this time it was a bit more mischievious. "I have a really awesome plan. But were going to need Louis's help."

"Are you sure this is going to work?" I demanded nervously, as I watched from Harry' flat window. Niall and Louis, well me or whatever, walked out of the building, holding hands.

"Of course it is! They'll see someone that looks an awfully a lot like you, with Niall. They'll think you guys are going on that date. Meanwhile, I'll get you all to myself," he smirked.

"But what if they actually see it's not me, and it's Louis?" I questioned.

"You ask too many questions! Now let's depart to the Harry mobile!" Harry yelled. I shook my head with a smile, and followed him to his 'Harry mobile'. Who seriously names there car that? Besides Batman of course.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked, as we got into the car. I immediately went to the stereo turning on rap. I wasn't exactly sure but ever since I was like five and my older brothers would come home and do homework while blasting rap, I always secretly wanted to be a rapper. It also calmed me down when I was stressed, sad, or nervous.

"I would never have taken you as a rap person," Harry chuckled, clearly amused at the fact that I was attempting to rap. I didn't even know British people could.

"Please, I could totally be a rapper if I wanted too,"

"Oh is that true? I'd love to hear you rap something for me," he smirked. I grinned, turning down the radio, and began to yell the words to the only rap song I actually understood the words to, besides Ice Ice Baby.

"This here's a tale for all the fellas
Try to do what those ladies tell us
Get shot down cause you're over zealous
Play hard to get an females get jealous
Ok smartie, go to a party
Girls are stancin the crowd is showin body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standin on the wall like you was Poindexter
Next days function, high class luncheon
Food is served and you're stone cold munchin'
Music comes on, people start to dance
But then you ate so much you nearly split your pants
A girl starts walkin, guys start gawkin'
Sits down next to you and starts talkin'
Says she wanna dance cus she likes the groove
So come on fatso and just bust a move

You're on a mission and you're wishin'
someone could cure you're lonely condition
You're lookin for love in all the wrong places
Not fine girls just ugly faces
From frustration first inclination
Is to become a monk and leave the situation
But every dark tunnel has a lighter hope
So don't hang yourself with a celibate rope
New movie's showin... so you're goin
Could care less about the five you're blowin
Theatre gets dark just to start the show
When you spot a fine woman sittin in the front row
She's dressed in yellow, she says "Hello,
Come sit next to me you fine fellow"
You run over there without a second to loose
And what comes next, hey bust a move

If you want it baby you've got it
Just bust a move

In the city ladies look pretty
Guys tell jokes so they can seem witty
Tell a funny joke just to get some play
Then you try to make a move and she says "no way"
Girls a fakin' ... goodness sakin'
They want a man who brings home the bacon
Got no money and you got no car
Then you got no woman and there you are
Some girls are sophistic... materialistic
Looking for a man makes them opportunistic
They're lyin on the beach perpetratin a tan
So that a brother with money can be their man
So on the beach you're strollin'... real high-rollin'
Everything you have is your's and not stolen
A girl runs up with somethin to prove
So don't just stand there, bust a move

(break down)

Your best friend Harry has a brother Larry
In five days from now he's gonna marry
He's hopin you can make it there if you can
'Cause in the ceremony you'll be the best man
You say "neato"... check your libido
And roll to the church in your new tuxedo
The bride walks down just to start the wedding
And there's one more girl you won't be getting
So you start thinkin, then you start blinkin
A bride maid looks and thinks that you're winkin
She thinks you're kinda cute so she winks back
And now you're feelin really fine cus the girl is stacked
Reception's jumpin, bass is pumpin
Look at the girl and your heart starts thumpin
Says she wants to dance to a different groove
Now you know what to do g, bust a move

I finished the song, and looked at Harry. He looked dead serious, until I suppose he couldn't take it anymore, and broke into laughter.

"Oh come on! It wasn't that bad was it?" I demanded, positioning myself so I was looking at him. He shook his head, still laughing and covered his mouth with his hands.

"Hey both hands on the wheel buster!" I stated, he did what he was told and finally calmed down.

"Did you just call me buster?" he asked.

"Seriously? I just rapped the greatest song of all time, and all you say is 'did you just call me buster?'" I said in a mock British accent.

"I highly doubt Bust A Move is the greatest song of all time," he replied.

"Um, I beg to differ! MC Hammer is the greatest artist of all time!" I declared, rolling down the window. We were in the country side now, and it made me think of home, where all the ridiculous amount of corn was at.

"You have got to be kidding me! MC Hammer! Please tell me you're joking?"

"I would never joke about MC Hammer Harold. He's like my fucking idol!" I announced.

"MC Hammer? Is your idol? You're being completely honest with me? Your idol?"

"Yes Harry! Why is this so hard to believe?"

"Because! I don't know! It's MC Hammer! I mean isn't he the guy who wore those huge pants?"

"Only the best pants ever! I have a pair too. Maybe, if you're lucky, I'll break them out for you,"

"I think I may be regretting asking you on this date tonight," Harry said, smiling at me to let me know he was joking.

"Please, your just jealous you don't have awesome pants,"

"Youre right I am jealous." he chuckled. The car began slowing down, and I looked at Harry questionably. He was going to take me on a date in the middle of nowhere, when it was getting dark?

"Um, I hve no idea what's going on." Harry said.

"What do you mean? Is this not the place were suppose to do the whole date tng at?" I asked.

"No? Why would I take you on a date here? We were suppose to go to this restaurant. Oh my god! How could I seriously forget to fill up on gas? You have got to be kidding me," he banged his head on the steering wheel.

"Hey that's alright. We can um, get down with nature and stuff," I tried, though I knew I didn't sound convining. Nature was one thing I absolutely hated.

"God, Skkye, I am so sorry," I decided to make the best of the situation because obviously Harry was going to continue apologizing. So I got out off his car, and set my phone on the hood of his car. Waving him to get out also, I handed him my phone with a grin.

"Pick a song Buster,"

"Why?" he asked.

"You ask to many questions," I joked. Harry shook his head, clicking on the only Elvis song I have, and instantly Can't Help Falling In Love With You blasted through.

"Your hand my dear," I said in a boy voice. Harry chuckled, but took it, beginning to lead me as Elvis's voice floated around the air.

We danced for what seemed like eternity, as my iTunes continued with different songs. Harry even tried to breakdance to other rap songs, but ultimately failed. Eventually though, rain began to fall and I rushed to save my phone, not wanting to buy another one for the fourth time this month.

I was about to get back into the car, not exactly wanting to get soaked by nature's shower, but Harry pulled me to him before I could. "You know I've never kissed in the rain before?" he said, smiling.

"Well I guess you're going to have to go find someone to do that with," I played. Harry leaned in, kissing me.

Before I knew it we were dancing in the rain, laughing at our soaking selves. It was hands down the most cliche thing I had ever done, yet somehow I was okay with that. It was something about Harry that made it all okay, no matter how stupid it must have been to anyone else.

I didn't know this yet, but that dance in the rain, was the start of something beautiful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for any spelling mistakes on this chapter, or any previous chapter.

Also, what did you think of their date (which isn't over by the way)? What do you think of Skkye and Harry together? Any predictions on what's going to happen?

Huge thanks to these two lovely people for commenting. LoV3E and autumnreneebabii. Seriously, your comments make me so happy, so if anyone else would like to comment I will not stop you.

Hope you enjoyed, comment and subscribe!