Status: Active!

Forever Against the Odds

I Couldn't Deny The Butterflies

After what seemed like forever, Harry and I finally decided that we should probably stop dancing, considering we were both drenched.

"Er, Harry? How are we suppose to get home?" I questioned, suddenly remembering the whole reason why we were dancing.

"Oh. Oh! I suppose I should call one of the lads, then." Harry said quietly. I waited expectantly for him to get his phone out, but he remained leaning on the hood of his car staring at me.

"You could take a picture? I'm sure it will last longer, considering I'm not immortal. You know how cool would it be to be immortal? I could go and hang out with Voldemort and like Peter Pan and the rest of the immortal gang. Come to think of it, isn't Hercules immortal?" I rambled, going off subject for the gazillionth time in my life.

Harry smirked, chuckling at me. "Well he's a god, so I suppose he is immortal. Why would you want ot be immortal?"

"Because! I could laugh at all of the foolish people in the world and stuff, and like when I got annoyed by someone I'd have the reassuring fact that they would die and I could move on." I explained to him happily.

"Are you always sooo......sooo. What's the word I'm looking for? So-"

"Sarcastic? Cynical? Pessimisty? Mean? Bitchy? Or in other words Skkyelar? Then yes, I very much am!" I replied with a grin. "Now get on that phone and call one of your partners in crime. My clothes are starting to stink from the rain."

Harry shook his head with a laugh, and pulled out his phone. "Hey, man it's me. Could you come pick Skkye and I up? No! No, the date went perfectly well. No, Zayn! No I didn't hook up with her, I'm a little more classy than that. Zayn! Zayn, can you just come pick us up? Well why... Fine. Okay, yes. I'll call someone else. Okay yes, alright I will. Okay bye," I smirked at him as soon as he got off the phone.

"Do you normally hook up with girls on the first date? Should I be expecting something later on? Oooo! Was this your plan all along? You know, your car supposedly stops working and then you get them in the back of your car? Well I'm quite offended, why haven't you tried to get me back there yet? Am I not good enough? I'm too American aren't I? Hey, I don't blame ya-" Harry scooted his body closer to me, and kissed me passionately.

"Thats normally not what happens. But if you want that to happen, then what are we waiting for?" he spoke cockily as he pulled away.

"Too late! Plus, I don't want have that awkward conversation when you find out I don't have a va-jay-jay, but a dick." I said nonchalantly, trying my best to hold in the laughter at Harry's face.

"Wh-What did you just say?" he asked, hesitantly and as if he as going to throw up. Man this kid was easy to mess with.

"What? Oh yeah, I was born with a dick." I shrugged, casually looking at my phone.

"You-You, oh my god. Oh my, you're. Have-Oh my god!" Harry shouted, jumping up and looking at me bewildered. I no longer could hold it in, and let the laughter shake through my body.

"Harry!" I gasped, trying to stop the chuckles taking over me. "I'm only kidding! Oh my god! The look on your face! I promise you, if I had a dick I would be looking for some fine ass woman, and not be here with you. I mean no offense, I mean maybe we could have like a bromance or something, but yeah. Definitely wouldn't go on a date with you- Harry? You do believe me right? I don't have a dick."

"I don't know. Why don't you prove it?" Harry said slyly.

"What?" I asked, taken aback. I was not expecting that question.

"Come on Skkye. I dare ya," he said playfully, coming closer. Damn this boy. I never went against a dare. But what would Matt say? You know fuck Matt, I'm doing the dare.

"Alright, fine!"
"Yep, you definitely have a pussy." Harry smirked staring at me from his sitting spot naked.

"Told you," I shrugged. "So now that that's over with, you should probably call your friend seeing that it's already one."

"Oh, right. I'll do that." I just laughed, and played tetris on my phone, while he made the call. I took the time to reevaluate my descisions in life. Especially the one I just made. Did I agree that it was a good thing for me to go on this date? No. Did I enjoy the date. Yes. Did I think I was a good idea to hook up with Harry on the first date? Not exactly. Did I enjoy it? Oh boy did I. Did that make me a slut? Probably. Did I care? Nope.

"Okay, Louis is on his way." Harry said, hanging up the phone.

"Splendid. So what do you suggest we do while we wait?" I asked, thinking of different two person games on my phone I had.

"Well, why don't you tell ne about yourself." he said.

"Hmmm, well my name is Skkyelar, I'm in a band-"

"Besides the obvious, Skkye." Harry laughed.

"Oh, well alright then. Um, I'm eighteen. I'm American. My hair is naturally light brown. Um, I'm blind when I don't wear my contacts. Um, if I continued with school I'd probably have failed. Erm, what else do you wanna know?" I asked, frustrated at the lack of things to say. I mean I wasn't a very interesting person.

Harry chuckled, "I'll let you think a bit more, then."

"Well why don't you tell me about yourself."

"Well my real name is Harold. I'm from Holmes Chapel England. My hair is naturally curly. I have a sister. My parents are divorced, but my mum is remarried. I live with Louis."

"Wow, we both are really boring." I stated, perking up at the car coming into view.

"Ah, Louis is here." Harry helped me out of the car, and we began to walk over to Louis' car. We got in, and Louis grinned at me.

"Harry's a right idiot, isn't he?" I laughed at this with a nod.

"I'm starting to see that," I replied.

"Oi! Stop, talking about me would ya?" Harry chuckled.

"Aww, does poor Harold not like the spotlight? That's cute," Louis barked out laughter at this, and the rest of the ride was filled with him and I making fun of Harry.

Louis pulled up to the house fifteen minutes later, and parked the car. "It's great to meet ya, Skkye. I hope ro see you soon!" I agreed, saying goodbye to him and Harry walked me to the front of the house.

"You two are going to be the death of me," he smiled.

"Yes, I like Louis. I think were going to be great friends," I spoke, returning the smile. Harry leaned and kissed me. I oulled away hearing the front door swung open, and was met by the furious eyes of Matthew.

"Oh, um, uh, hi." I managed to get out. Looking awkwardly at Matt, as he glared at me. His eyes went past me though as soon as he soot Harry and sighed heavily.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but she's not aloud to see anyone over here. So I highly suggest you get off this property before I call the cops." matt spoke slowly. I couldn't help but laugh at his terrible threat, and looked at Harry.

"I'll see you later," Harry nodded, looking slightly scared at Matt. I watched him walk away, and walked into the house.

"Dammit Skkye! What part of no relationship do you not understand? You are so irresponsible you know that? You were suppose to be on a date with Niall tonight! Did you even go? What if the paparrazzi saw a picture of you and that guy, huh? Do you know how much more damage control we'd have to do?"

"What's going on?" Kane asked, as him and Gage appeared from out of their rooms.

"You're bandmate is an irresponsible, child who doesn't know how to follow the rules." Matt informed them. They looked between the two of us, and went back into the rooms, knowing fully well not to get into the middle of it.

"Listen Skkyelar. I don't want to have to say it again. If you mess up one more time in the public eye, you're going to be kicked out of the band. Understood? That means you will only go on dates with Niall, and you will not see that guy again, or any other guy for that matter. I hoped you learned your lesson. Now go to your room and get some sleep. You have to be at the studio bright and early tomorrow." Matt didn't say anything else, and Ike fly walked into his room. I could practically feel the anger radiating off of him as he left the room. I wanted desperately to scream at him, to let him know he couodnt control my life. But I would be lying. From the moment the band became famous, I had no control whatsoever on what went on in my life. If I was told to do something, I had to do it. If I was told I couldn't do something I couldn't do it. But most importantly, if I was told to date someone I had ro date them. And if I was told I couldn't date someone, I couldn't.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked down at the text. I had a great night tonight, hope that guy wasn't serious. See you again soon?

I couldn't deny the butterflies in my stomach as I read the text from Harry. It was then it hit me. I was in deep, and I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to come out unscathed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi. Yeah, so this took a really long time, and I apologize. I lost interest, and then I went Europe for awhile, and then I lost interest again, and then I went on vacation, and then I remembered I still had this story. And, yeah my excuses suck. But I'm sorry, I'm hopefully back in the game though.

So what did you all think of this chapter? I do have question, do you guys think Skkye needs to show her emotions more? Like, should I write more emotions coming out of her? I feel like she's sorta blah right now. Anyway, thanks for reading, hopes you enjoyed.

Comment, subscribe!

(also, I apologize for any grammar mistakes, I'm sorta in a rush. Okay that's it, bye!)