Crystal City

Sometimes we like to think we live in a Crystal City, where all the answers are transparent. But sometimes, we don’t know anything. We fear others, and we become what we fear. Fear breeds hatred, and hatred breeds retaliation. Roan, a young man returning to Republic City after three years, has seen first-hand what fear can breed. And, sometimes even those filled with love, become what we fear. Watch as views collide and hearts are either shattered or mended.

Disclaimer: If I owned the show, why would I be writing this? I am just a fan of this amazing series and writing for the love of writing. I own Roan's story and personality, but the image or his appearance belongs/ was influenced by ReojiSensay on Deviant art. I hope this story will entertain and possibly inspire other future authors or writers to take up writing. Please enjoy, and comment or review if you desire.

A/N: This is my story from Fan created under the name xxZanexx23.