Fight Your Way Through, This Could Be The Death Of You


Kadence Monroe stood on the patch of grass in front of her large, richly decorated house, staring down the man before her.

His dark hair was silvering slightly; his light blue eyes squinted, watching Kadence with caution. Through his rough 46 years of life, he had managed to keep his body toned and fit, muscles making him seem quite large, although not to an extreme. This man was a fighter, a warrior, a survivor, and he stood in crouched fighting stance, waiting for Kadence to make her move.

She was calm, yet alert, her hair whipping in the wind around her face. Her hands went into fists, and she ran at the man, lashing out fiercely. Their fighting techniques each consisted of a mix between karate moves and military combat fighting. They tussled, getting many hits on the other but also blocking many, for about ten minutes. The fight ended with the man on his back, Kadence standing over him with her right bare foot pressed firmly against the man's throat. Blood was trickling down the man's nose, and Kadence could feel her own blood dripping from her split lip. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes, trying to fill their empty lungs with as much air as possible.

A smirk crept onto Kadence's lips and she said in a quiet but cocky voice, "I win."

Hearing that, the man grabbed her ankle and pulled her foot out from under her as she fell to the ground in a fit of laughter. Although the fall to the ground did hurt, it didn't seem to faze her. Kadence always enjoyed brawling with her father, especially when she would win. Kadence was quite strong and a really good fighter, but, of course, she couldn't really win against her father, Jack, unless he let her, which he did quite often.

Jack had started teaching Kadence self defence at a young age, preaching that her body was a temple, holding her soul, and that she should know how to protect herself if anyone tried to violate her. He had even, at her request, brought her to a big city late at night so she could try out her self-defence moves when a stranger approached her with cruel intentions in mind. She had done will, and Jack had been watching from nearby just in case she needed help. That had been seven months ago, and tomorrow would be the day of her 19th birthday.

Standing up, Jack said, "I've got a couple phone calls to make, but then I'll make supper. I've got your present ready." He grabbed Kadence's hand to help her up as she smiled widely at the mention of a present.

"I'm going to go for a swim." Jack returned his daughter's smile and then strolled towards the house. Kadence giggled slightly at her mach father in his grass-stained clothes. Looking down at her own, she saw that they were just as dirty from their fight.

Kadence took off running across the lawn, down the very long dock, and dived fully clothed into the crisp, cool ocean water. As she came back up for a breath, ringlets of her curly hair clung to her face.

Kadence lived with her father on a small private island that her father had bought in the Dominican Republic. It was very secluded, and Kadence rarely left it. She thought it was perfect and didn't see reason to leave paradise. They had moved there when Kadence was just eight years old, so she had been home schooled and didn't remember well what the lives of other people were like, causing her to not fully understand how she was to act around people or in some situations. Jack was a retired Navy SEAL so she had no idea how he got all of his money, but not once did she ever think to question. Kadence didn't enjoy watching TV, nor did they have many channels, anyways, so she was kept quite naive to many things.

Growing tired, Kadence trudged through her house soaking wet to take a shower before supper. Once finished, Kadence slipped into an oversized black shirt and a pair of black and blue boxers, her sleeping clothes, and went to the kitchen to eat. It was just the two of them and neither minded if the other wore informal clothing to the table.

"Mmm tacos," she murmured as she walked in, the aroma wafting towards her.

"I don't think youll want any. I added onions to the hamburger," Jack said to her.

"No you didn't, you liar." It was just Jack's sad attempt to tease his daughter. He smirked at her and then ran to his office as she made her taco, and came back with an envelope.

"I want you to open it now, Kade." He was smiling, but Kadence noticed a hint of sadness in his eyes. Kadence opened the envelope and pulled out her passport and a credit card. She looked up at Jack with a puzzled expression.

"A trip, Kade, to wherever you'd like to go. You can take the plane. The credit card has unlimited credit." At age 16, flying the plane had been like learning to drive a car for her- although she didn't know how to drive a car.

"Thanks, Jack." Kadence had never called her father 'dad' since his divorce with her mother. Her mother seemed to have disappeared after and part of Kadence wanted to be like her so she took to calling her dad Jack, as her mother had.

"I was thinking youd want to leave the day of you 19th birthday. You can vacate for however long you'd like."

"Sounds like you're trying to get rid of me," Kadence joked. She'd noticed Jack's sadness deepening and was trying to lighten the mood.

Jack didn't want his one and only child to leave him, but she was soon to be 19, an adult, and he knew better than to keep her cooped on the island.

"I wanna go to New York. New York City!" Kadence said excitedly.

"Oh, Kade sweetie, New York City? There's so many dangers, so many peopl-"

"I can handle them all, Jack. You know I can. Besides, you said I could go wherever I want, not 'wherever I want excluding New York'," Kadence argued. Her mind was set and Jack knew better than to argue further with the stubborn girl.

He sighed slightly, and then said, "Alright," Kadence then squealed in delight.

"I'm going to pack!" And she ran off to her room.

At around 11:30 p.m., Jack peeked his head into his daughter's room to find her packed and sleeping. It had taken him awhile to think of a plan to get her out of the house, and although he didn't want her to go to New York, he would rather her be there than in the house when his business partners came tomorrow. As long as she was gone by noon tomorrow, everything would be fine.
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This was on quizilla and is now being posted on here. I will no longer be continuing to update it on quizilla.