Fight Your Way Through, This Could Be The Death Of You


He had been about five feet behind her when she turned around. He had stopped walking when she had, his face showing slight amusement at the confidence emitting from Kadence's spread-legged stance, her hands on her hips, and a fierce glare aimed at him. He clearly thought that she should not have been feeling quite so confident at the moment.

"It can be dangerous for a pretty girl like yourself to be wandering through the alleys of New York after dark." There wasn't the slightest bit of concern in his smooth voice, and Kadence noticed. This man meant trouble.

His dark hair was falling into his face. He was wearing dark jeans and a black hoodie, and looked very tall. He looked older than Kadence, but certainly not by very much. As he stepped closer to Kadence, she caught a slight glimpse of a scar running along his left cheek, down his jaw and across his neck. Looks like he's already used to losing, Kadence thought with a smirk. He looked very intimidating but Kadence was trying hard not to let it get to her.

As soon as the man stepped within her reach, she swung at him with her right fist, knowing he'd either block it or she'd miss, and then swung at him with her left while he was distracted. She got a hit on him, which seemed to enrage him as he attacked her and she did her best to fight. Her father had once told her that when your life is at stake, dirty fighting was perfectly acceptable. The first thing she could grab, a garbage can lid, she began to strike him with as well as block his hits.

A hard punch to her cheek knocked Kadence momentarily to the ground, but she pushed herself up, grabbing a rock a bit larger than her fist. Seeing that this guy was a way better fighter than she had expected, Kadence began to panic. She attempted to smash his face with the rock, but missed and hit the guy's shoulder. As he staggered back slightly, Kadence kicked him between his legs as hard as she possibly could and took off running.

Kadence was less than ten feet away from the end of the alley when she was tackled to the ground. Pain seared through her knees and the palms of her hands as they scarped on the gravel, the guy on top of her. Kadence screamed in pain and the guy covered her mouth with his left hand, his palm grimy and covered with dirt, and grabbed her right arm with his right hand. He twisted Kadence's arm behind her back into an awkward and painful position. It felt as if the man was breaking Kadence's arm, so she bit into the flesh of his hand hard, the coppery taste of his blood momentarily flowing into her mouth before he pulled away. Kadence forgot entirely about the cuts and the pain she had been in and began to struggle to free her arm and get out from under him. He put his hand beneath her chin, shoving her jaw up so she couldn't scream and increased the pressure on her right arm. Kadence whimpered in pain and stopped struggling. A couple turned to walk into the alley and both Kadence and the man looked. Kadence pleaded with her eyes for help, but one glance at the man on top of her and the couple turned out of the alley and continued on as if they hadn't seen anything. Kadence tried to call out, to scream, but her cries for help were muffled and the man wretched her arm into the painful position even further. Tears began cascading down Kadence's cheeks.

The man leaned in towards her and she could feel his cool breath by her ear.

"If you scream," he whispered, "I will snap your fucking arm." Slowly he removed his left hand from under her jaw and loosened the grip on her arm as he hoisted her up off the ground.

The man pushed Kadence's back against a brick wall, and her lip began to quiver as she stared up at him.

"There's a good girl," he said calmly and smoothly to Kadence, "that was a nasty kick you gave me back there. Not nice at all." The man looked upon Kadence's fearful face with a smirk and before she knew what was happening, his fist had collided with her jaw. The impact snapped her head back, causing her to hit her head on the brick wall behind her. Pain flooded through Kadence's head before she blacked out, falling into the man's arms.

**Note: The rest of the story from this point on will be told in first person point of view, rather than in third person, so that you can hear the characters thoughts and such. POV will be Kadences unless otherwise posted.
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Ooooh the suspense!! Hehe, sorry.

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