Fight Your Way Through, This Could Be The Death Of You


My eyes fluttered open, but were quickly shut as bright light filled them, adding pain to my already extreme headache. My neck was sore due to it being slumped against a wall as well as my shoulder for however long I had been asleep. I tugged at my arms, held together at my wrists high above my head. Why am I standing while sleeping..?

Memories of the fight came quickly back to me and I opened my eyes wide in shock and fear to survey my predicament. I was in a brightly lit, small, grey room with only me and a door in it. I was standing, being held up by my wrists which were chained to the wall above my head. I was no longer wearing my sweatshirt or leggings, but still had my blue dress on.

My head was throbbing and my neck felt like I had a kink in it. My knees were, surprisingly, unscratched from being tackled to the pavement. My wrists were badly chafed and bleeding due to friction from the chains. Oh please, no. This couldn't be happening to me! My legs were numb and shaking, I imagined that I had been in this stance for quite some time now.

I heard footsteps walk past the door and soon after lost all of my emotional control. I began to cry, and not in a very attractive way either. There was mucus coming out of my nose as the tears stained my cheeks. I guessed that my eyes were now puffy and red, and that my face was blotchy. I was so scared. How could I have been so confident that I'd win the fight and then end up like this?

My sobbing became louder and louder, my body shaking violently, and soon I was literally screaming, as if I was in unbearable agony. I stood there screaming for all I was worth for twenty minutes before my voice began to give out. Not once did anyone check on me to see if I was even okay, which I wasn't. Very quickly, my fear was transforming into anger. How dare they just leave me here like this! Right after I thought that, the man who had brought me here walked in, and I instantly changed my mind. I didn't want to see him, or anyone, right now. I just wanted to be at home, with my dad, where I was safe. But daddy's not safe there, I thought, remembering what had happened.

The room was deathly quiet. My urge to cry had earlier been fulfilled so I was no longer sobbing, and he just stood there, staring at me in thought. I couldn't help but take note of his appearance and his scar again as well. He was wearing a well fitted plain black t-shirt and dark jeans.

Seconds passed in silence.

A minute.

Two minutes.

I stood up straight, which was kinda difficult to do with numb legs, and cleared my throat.

"I demand that you release me this instant!" My voice was rough and cracked a bit from my earlier screaming episode.

The guy's lips slowly turned upwards into a smirk. "What's your name, babe?" My eyes narrowed, I didn't like being called babe.

"It's Sarah." I didn't want him to know my real name seeing as I planned to escape. It would be stupid to give him my name so he could track me down again.

He stepped towards me, closing all space in between us so that our chests were actually touching. This scared me and my breathing became deeper in fear as I tried to back into the wall even further. He put his hands on the chains that were on my wrists and for a moment I thought he was going to unchain me, but then he let go of the chains, dragging his cold hands down my arms to my shoulders. He knelt in towards me and whispered, "You're lying." His cool breath by my ear caused me to shiver, and he felt it seeing as we were right up against each other. He chuckled, and then turned to leave. Noo! He wasn't going to unchain me! Thoughts of when I last ate entered my mind, which also made me think of when I last went to the washroom. I really needed to pee.

"Wait, wait! Please, unchain me! I'll tell you my name, it's Kadence! Kadence Monroe!" Desperation. It was clear in my voice, and of course, I would be desperate in a situation like this. Never mind my earlier thoughts of him tracking me. I can’t even hope to try to run away if I’m in here, chained to a wall.

He stopped two feet from the door and turned around slowly. His eyes traveled from my own pleading gaze, down my body and back up again, another smirk playing across his features. He made me uneasy and I only hoped that a grimace wouldn't appear on my face.

He produced a key from his pocket and undid the chains. The instant my wrists were released, I fell to my knees, unable to support myself. This made me feel so weak, and I hated it.

"Kadence," he drawled my name out slowly, as if savouring the sound of it, "I think I'm going to enjoy having you down on your knees." I looked up at him, and he kicked me in the stomach. Not too hard, but with enough force to knock me over.

He picked me up bridal style and proceeded to carry me out of the room.

"Name's Nathaniel. Call me Nate."
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Mmmkay so I'm really REALLY sorry for such a long wait. Enjoy and comment!!