Fight Your Way Through, This Could Be The Death Of You


"Put me down! I can walk on my own!" I demanded. I wasn't at all comfortable like this. The bottom of my dress was riding up, further exposing my legs and thighs, and his cold touch on the bare skin of my thighs was causing an odd tingling sensation.

"You couldn't stand on your own, let alone walk." His voice was smooth and angelic, but his reply was firm.

I began to struggle in his grip, pushing myself away from his rock hard chest and strong arms.

Nate sighed heavily, "Kadence, stop." He didn't seem angry, just annoyed. I continued my weak struggle hoping he'd just put me down and let me walk. Plus, I kind of enjoyed knowing that it was irritating him.

With a quick, swift, motion, Nate swung me over his shoulder as if I weighed no more than a doll. I let out what sounded like a squeal, not expecting him to do that. Thankfully, he couldn't see the deep blush that was now staining my cheeks.

"Put me down, Nate! Right now!" This was beginning to make me angry. I began beating on his back, but it didn't seem to bother him. I was still so thirsty and hungry, I was feeling a bit weak.

"Nate, I really need to pee," I whispered. He obviously heard me, for he tossed me to the ground the moment the words left my mouth. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards a door, and shoved me inside.

"You've got two minutes," He called.

The bathroom was simple, but still none the less beautiful. Now that I think about it, the entire part of the house that I had seen, other than the grey room I woke up in, had been beautiful. The bathroom was large, but with just a toilet and a sink. The floors were smooth black and white marble, and the walls were a nice olive green colour with a black border. Okay, enough staring at the nice loo, I thought, giggling slightly at my use of the word 'loo'.

When I was finished going to the bathroom, I washed my hands and took a long drink of water from the sink tap.

"Thirty seconds!" Okay, I was not leaving without an escape plan. I looked through the cupboard below the sink, but found nothing useful, not even a plunger to whack him with.

"Open up, Kadence." I glanced at the tap before calling back, "Okay, just one moment." I filled my mouth with cool water, then opened the door to face Nate. God, I hope this works.

"Damnit, I don't have all da-" I spat the water in my mouth at his face, right before he could grab my wrist. He jumped away from me, his face showing utter disgust as he looked down at his wet shirt, water droplets rolling from his face onto it. This small distraction was all I needed before I bolted down the hallway.
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Okay once again I am terribly sorry for making you all wait so long. I'll be quitting my job soon so I'll have a lot more spare time. Enjoy and please comment!!