Don't Be Scared

No More Fears

Liam fixed his tie while he looked himself over in the mirror. He heard his phone buzz and picked it up quickly.

ZAYN: Best of luck tonight mate
Thnx Zayn
ZAYN: Don’t be nervous everything will be fine
I hope
ZAYN: It will. Now go get her! xx
Im goin!

He tucked the phone into a pocket in his trousers before grabbing his coat and waiting outside for Louis and Eleanor to pick him up for their double date.

A few weeks ago, Louis was being clumsy and childish, as always, in a coffee shop when he accidently bumped into one of the girls who worked there. Liam rushed over to apologize, and almost got lost in her eyes. She had stunned him, without even saying anything. When he finally found his voice, he apologized for Louis’ behavior and went back to his table. The boys noticed how his cheeks would get rosy when they brought her up and made them even redder when they asked the girl to accompany Liam on a date. The two of them exchanged an awkward and embarrassed glance before she nodded. The boys gave her Liam’s phone number before paying and leaving. Over the short time before his date, Liam found himself falling faster than he thought was healthy, and everyone could tell. Louis suggested they go out on a double date, this way Liam had support in case his nerves got the best of him again, and so some of his guilt for elbowing the girl would be relieved.

When Louis finally arrived, Liam jumped up and quickly climbed in.

“Someone’s excited.” Louis stated, chuckling ever-so-slightly.

“I’m just a bit nervous…” Liam trailed off.

Eleanor turned around and gave him a soft smile, “There’s no reason for you to be.”

“I know, I know,” He turned his head out the window and tried to swallow his nerves, but they felt like cough syrup.

In the amount of time it took him to blink, they arrived at the restaurant.

“C’mon now, lover boy.” Lou chuckled and swung his door open.

Liam took another deep breath and stepped onto the curb, walking into a cloud of laughter, soft music, and an aroma of various foods. He followed behind the couple, slightly worrying if he would be a third wheel when they sat down, but before he could voice this, a striking brunette walked in and over to their table.

She brushed her highlighted ringlets off of her shoulder before waving, “Hi, I’m so sorry that I’m late. I got caught up at work.”

Liam stood up to pull her chair out for her and give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek, “I’m just glad you could make it.”

She smiled at him, “Me too.”

Like an infection, a smiled spread across his face as they sat down.

“Well, Alisa, you know Lou,” Liam swept his arm in his direction.

“I really am sorry for knocking into you.” He smirked, reaching his arm across the table to shake hers.

“It’s quite alright.” She nodded, shaking back.

“And this is Eleanor, his girlfriend.” Liam finished.

“It’s very nice to meet you; Liam has been so very excited to be here these past few weeks.” El stated, making Liam send her a rosy-cheeked glare.

“Yes, well, I-” He stuttered.

“I’ve been excited, too. A bit nervous, actually.” Alisa revealed.

“As was Liam; he jumped right into the car when we swung around to pick him up!” Louis interrupted, taking a sip from his water glass, earning him a slight bump from Eleanor.

Alisa giggled and Liam tried to shake the blush right off his face. The waiter came over and dinner began.


“So,” Liam started, shoving his hands in his pockets as he accompanied his date back to her house,

“What are you doing here in London?”

She glanced up at him, “I’m just trying to get a college education and escape my parents’ wrath for a few years.”

He smiled softly, “I’m sure they’re not that bad; they did raise a lovely woman.”

For the hundredth time that night, she blushed, “Well thank you, but they’re still convinced that I’m in primary school.”

“I wouldn’t want to believe that my child grew up so fast, either.” He shrugged, hoping he hadn’t said too much.

“I guess, but its irritating sometimes.”

“I bet.”

“Limitations on everything even though I’m an adult.” She let out a frustrated sigh, “But enough about me. I know that you and your band are here, but what else do you do?”

“Well, we’ve been busy beyond belief these past few months, our meeting at the coffee shop was actually the first time we’d been all together since ending the tour. Now, we’re working on a second album and trying to relax before being swept up into it all again.”

“Wow.” She breathed, “The life of a celebrity sounds so hard.”

He chuckled, “It’s a pretty good life.”

“I can only imagine.” She said faintly.

“Oh, you never know.” He smiled again before kissing her cheek, “Goodnight, Alisa.”

She smiled back and hesitated before turning towards her doorknob, “Goodnight, Liam. Will I talk to you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” He flashed another grin before walking back down the street.


“Alisa?” Liam knocked on his girlfriend’s bedroom door, “Are you ready yet, love?”

She clicked her earrings in and fixed her hair over her shoulder before twisting the knob, revealing herself to him. Spinning in a slow circle she asked, “How do I look?”

“Beautiful, as always.” He grinned widely and placed a light kiss on her lips.

“You’re too sweet; how did I ever get so lucky?” She blushed, smiling back at him.

“You’re mistaken, I’m the lucky one.” He lightly grabbed for her hand and intertwined their fingers, pulling her with him towards the door.

“Maybe we’re both lucky.” She suggested and he nodded.

stepped outside of their flat into the warm summer air, Liam locked the door and they were on their way.

“So, where are we going again?” She asked for the millionth time, hoping for an answer.

“It’s a surprise.” He carried out the word in a teasing whine. “I hate to bother you, but can you put this on?” He pulled a black blindfold from his pocket.

She laughed lightly to herself, “Sure.”

He secured it on her and helped her into his new car. They drove for awhile and he walked her into the restaurant before pulling the blindfold off.

“Oh, Liam, you’re so cute.” She kissed his cheek and gazed over the place where they had their first date.

“I even have our table reserved and El and Lou are here.” He smiled brilliantly.

“You’re perfect, do you know that?” She laced their fingers together and they walked to the table.

“Not as perfect as you, love.” He kissed her nose and sat down.

“Nice of you two lovebirds to show up.” Louis remarked, smirking slightly at them.

Eleanor raised her head from his shoulder and spoke quietly to Liam, “See, I told you there was no reason to be nervous; it all worked out just wonderfully.”

He nodded, still smiling. She was right, it couldn’t have worked out better.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've literally been writing this since the beginning of February ._.

It changed so much, but I'm finally happy with it :)

Comment, please? No one likes silent readers! x)

all title credits go to Gotta Be You!