Status: only gonna be about 10 parts

max green fan fic


It truly hurt to see him like this. I sighed as we watched him sit on the couch and stare at his hands.
“How’s he doing?” Monte asked. I shook my head.
“not good,” I said sadly. Monte put his hand on my shoulder.
“Craig it’s not your fault.” I shrugged.
“He’s still depressed?” Robert asked as he came up to us.
“Yea,” I said.
We watched him as he just stared at his hands with pain in his eyes.
“I can’t take it you guys!” I said, careful to watch my voice so he wouldn’t hear me. Robert and Monte nodded.
“We have to cheer him up,” Monte agreed.
“Are you talking about me?” he asked from the couch.

We fidgeted guiltily and sat down with him.
“Max, this isn’t healthy,” I said at last.
“What?” he asked.
“Not eating. Not sleeping. Not socializing,” Robert said.
“Please take care of yourself,” Monte begged.

Max brutally forced a smile on his face. “I’m fine!” he lied.
“Then eat,” I said, raising an eyebrow. His fake smile faltered.
“I’m not hungry,” he said, avoiding any of our eyes.

“Really? What a shock,” I said accusingly.
“I’m fine though guys!” he tried again.
“Just go talk to him Max,” Robert said gently.

Max shook his head, his long hair flying around. “No! I can’t Robert. He hates me and you know that. It’s not just him anyways.” Monte rubbed his back in sympathy.
“Max, we know Ronnie,” Max flinched at the name, “just got out of jail and your girlfriend cheated on you man. But you have to cheer up! It hurts us all to see you like this buddy,” he said.

Max just dropped his head into his hands. “I’m fine,” he managed to say. But we all knew he was lying.
“Max, you’re our best friend. Please just tell us,” I begged. It shattered my heart to see my friend like this. He sighed and got up.
“I’m going to bed,” he announced and walked out of the room. Robert, Monte, and I sat down together as we watched Max retreat to his bedroom.

“I can’t take this dammit!” Robert cried in frustration.
“Me either,” Monte and I said together.

“We have to help Max,” I said desperately.
“We need to find him a new girlfriend to distract him,” Robert said. They glanced at me.
“Don’t you have a little cousin?” they asked. I nodded.
“Yea. She’s 22. I can call her!” I was getting excited.

She was only a year younger than Max! (A.N.- I’m making everyone 23 :P) I whipped out my cell and dialed the number.
“Hello?” a familiar voice answered.
“Hey! Want to come over?”
“Sure when?”
“Sure Craig! I’ll be there around noon!”
“Thanks Craig.”
“No problem.”

I hung up and grinned at the guys.

***Max’s POV***

I stared at my ceiling without emotion. I couldn’t let the guys worry about me but my best friend getting out of a jail sentence that he blamed on me and my girlfriend cheating on me was just too much.

I stared at my hands again. These hands which had high fived Ronnie Radke. These hands which had held my girlfriend and played with her hair.

These hands which I now hated.

Sighing, I turned towards the wall and traced my fingers up and down. I heard my door creak open.

Someone sat on my bed and placed their hand on my shoulder. I pretended to be asleep.
“I know you’re awake Max,” Craig said. I sighed.
“What’s up?” I asked, trying not to sound like I was so depressed.
“Just making sure you’re okay,” he said. I sighed again.
“Yea. Fine.”

Talk about a crappy liar.

“Max, it hurts to see you like this,” Craig said desperately. I didn’t want to worry the guys so much but I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was sick of acting happy. Sick of pretending that I wasn’t crushed inside.

“I’m sorry Craig. I really am. I’m trying so hard!” I said.
“We know you are Max. We just want to help,” he said.
“I don’t need help!” I snapped and instantly felt like an ass. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled.

“Hey don’t worry about it man,” Craig said. He glanced at his watch and sighed. “I’d better go to sleep. Cheer up Max. There’s plenty of fish in the sea.”
“Unless someone pours oil in there and burns the damn thing.”
“Way to stay positive!”

He left and I went to sleep.

When I woke up in the morning, I showered and got ready. I sat down at the breakfast table. “Here you go Max,” Robert said and gave me a pancake with an M made out of chocolate chips in the center. I pushed the plate away from myself.
“No thanks Robert. I’m not hungry,” I said and laid my head down. Monte pressed his hand to my forehead.
“You don’t have a fever but you’re going to get one if you don’t eat anorexic moron,” he said. I shrugged.
“Oh well,” I said.
“Hey guys!” Craig came in with a huge grin. It fell when his eyes landed on my plate.
“Max-” he started.
“Craig,” I said.

He frowned as he sat down and ate. They all kept glancing at the clock.
“Okay what am I missing?” I asked in annoyance. The doorbell rang and Craig’s face lit up.

“I’ve got it!” he cried. I groaned. Please not Ronnie!
“Who is it?” I growled at Robert.
“Just Craig’s cousin coming to hang out,” he said casually.

Craig walked in with a big ass grin on his face and smiled at all of us. “You guys, this is my cousin Alex.”

Alex bounded in with a smile. She had light skin with black hair that had streaks of red. Her eyes were a brilliant blue color and she was wearing black skinny jeans with a black band shirt. She gave everyone an individual bright smile, her brilliant eyes landing on my depressed form last.
“That’s Robert. That’s Monte. And that’s Max but he’s depressed,” Craig said as he introduced us.

Alex gave us each a smile again.
“Why are you depressed?” she asked curiously. I blinked. Didn’t this chick understand boundaries?! I glared at her and then at Craig and back to Alex.
“I’m not depressed,” I lied angrily.
“You look depressed,” she said. I narrowed my eyes.
“You haven’t even been here for 5 minutes and you’ve already pissed me off,” I growled.
“Well you’re bringing the mood down!” she said. And though I knew it was true, I hated hearing it from her.
“Just shut up!” I snapped angrily. She crossed her thin arms and raised an eyebrow.
“Excuse me?”
“Shut up!”
“Bringing down the mood again!”
“I don’t care. You don’t know me.”
“You’re Max.”
“No dip shit. You don’t know anything about me.”
“You bring down the mood.”

She was frustrating me!

I placed a hand to my now throbbing head. “Just get out of here!” I growled.
“Craig invited me and Craig tells me when to leave,” Alex said and cuddled closer to Craig. “She’s my cousin,” he explained as he put an arm around her. She smiled sweetly at me and I gave her my favorite finger.
“Oh come on Max lighten up!” Monte said with a smile. I pouted.
“I’m so out of here,” I grumbled and got up. Robert grabbed my arm and threw me back into the chair.
“max, you’re going to eat. You’re going to be social. Whether you like it or not. We’re worried for you Max and you have to admit you have a problem!” he said. I rolled my eyes and put my head back down.

“EAT!” Robert said angrily. I gave him a semi shocked look.
“Just eat,” he said.
“Why?” I demanded.
“Because otherwise you get sick,” Alex said and I gave her a glare.

I really hated Craig’s cousin!

I took the pancake and ripped off a piece. I laid my head back down and slipped the piece down my shirt and picked my head up and pretended to be chewing. I gave a loud gulp and stood up.

“I spoke. I swallowed. I’m done.” I turned to leave but someone grabbed my arm. I turned and glared at Alex.

“What?” I hissed. Alex tugged on my shirt. “What are you doing?” I demanded angrily. She managed to get my shirt un tucked and yanked on it so that the pancake fell out. A blush formed under my pale cheeks.
“MAX!” the guys roared.
I glared at Alex. “Thanks a lot,” I said angrily.
“Thank you Alex. He absolutely has to eat,” Craig said.
“I do not have to absolutely eat!” I snapped.

“If you don’t eat right now we will take you to the hospital,” Robert threatened. Alex nodded. “Eating keeps you strong!” she said with a bright smile.
“Take that smile off your damn face before I smack it off!” I cried.
“Chill out and eat,” Craig said, crossing his arms. I grumbled out swear words as I sat down and grabbed the pancake.

I stared at it. “Eat,” everyone said. I rolled my eyes and set it down.
“This is stupid. I’m 23. I don’t need any of you to treat me like I’m 5,” I said and stormed off towards my room.
I realized Monte had been silent until now. When I looked at him, there were tears starting to pool.
“Please eat Max. We’re all scared for you.” His voice was pained. These guys were my best friends, my brothers! I sighed.
“Oh quit being spoiled and eat,” Alex said. I shook my head.
“I’m sorry guys. Maybe tonight. I’m really sorry Monte.”

I went to my room and quietly shut my door.
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so this story isn't going to be that long. this is a story that I've already written a bit ago i just want to post it on here.
just let me know what you think.