He Loves Me He Loves Me Not

You’re not alone

I wake up a couple hours later to a sharp poking on my side. “Oww stop that hurts” I whine opening my eyes & the boy I saw the other night is there. “What are you doing here” I whisper. He just smiles “Get away you freak, how did you find me here?” I ask glaring at him.
“its not hard finding someone with thoughts as loud as yours” he says smirking showing a pair of perfect white fang.
“What are you? I ask scared
“I’m a vampire.” He says
“Yea right vampires aren’t real” I say scared
“Oh ok then, tell me how I know that right now you craving a red bull right now & thinking that I am a freak” he says
“STALKER!!!!!” I scream. He rolls his eyes
“I am not a stalker I am a vampire if I was a stalker do you really think I should be talking to you in person & not outside standing outside the window staring at you?” he asks
“Maybe you’re a different type of stalker” I say. He rolls his eyes “I swear to god you roll your eyes one more time & there gone pop out of your head” I growl.
“Ok ill make you a deal you come live with me, & ill help you out.” He says
“Help be out with what?” I say
“Your turning” he says
“Turning of what?!?!” I snap
“Your turning into a vampire & by how long ago you’ve been bitter your going to be in a lot pain soon & will kill anyone & do you want your friend comeing in here to hug you or something nice & sickening that you humans do or do you want to let her live & come with me.” He says frustrated
“No I am not coming with you no matter what. You’re a freak.” I say stubbornly. He sighs
“Fine but when you need me don’t expect me to come back” he says getting up
“Wait..” I say uneasy
“What?” he asks annoyed
“I’ll come with you, BUT only if I get to have red bull everyday & I get to see Sophie once & a while” I say. He stands there thinking
“Deal, now lets go before someone comes to check on you” he says
“Ok.” I say sad. He nods & goes over to the window “What are you doing?” I ask
“Where jumping out the window” he says
“No We cant well get killed!” I yell
“Well maybe you would, but I wont” he says
“Oh & what am I supposed to do?” I ask
“Im going to hold you” he says getting out of the window walking over to me. I back up
“No I’m not” I say
“Ok stay here then” he says