Sex and White Lies


Jack and I ended up having one too many beers, so he couldn’t drive me home. I ended up crashing at his place and woke up in the morning with a major head ache. Alex had called Jack when the two of us were having something to eat to get rid of our hangovers and asked if I was still there, because I never came home the night before.

Alex had always been like an older brother to me. I never saw my sister much, but Alex was always there. I would show up at his house in the middle of the night, and Alex would still let me in.

It was one o’clock in the morning and I ran from my house as fast as my short legs could carry me. It was pouring out, so I slipped a few times, tearing holes in my jeans and soaking myself from head to foot. I got to Alex’s house to see that the entire house had no lights on. I walked around the house to the back where Alex’s bedroom was. His room was in the basement, and I saw that his light was on. I knocked loudly on the window and waited. Soon the curtain was pulled back and revealed Alex. He opened the window and let me inside. I climbed in, Alex helping me down. He observed me for a moment.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“Nothing. I’m just having a rough night.” I said. Alex nodded slightly.

“I’ll get you some dry clothes.” Alex said. He went over to his dresser and threw a t-shirt and sweatpants at the bed. “I’ll throw your clothes in the dryer if you’d like.” I nodded at him. I took off my sweater and jeans, exposing my underwear, and tossed them to Alex. Alex walked out of his room and I went over to his bed, pulling on the sweatpants Alex laid out. I looked in the mirror on Alex’s wall when I noticed a large bruise on my side. I exhaled slowly and grabbed the shirt. Alex came back into the room just as I was pulling the shirt over my head. “How’d you get that bruise?” Alex asked.

I pulled down the shirt and ruffled my wet and tangled hair. “Oh, it’s nothing. I fell.”

“That’s kind of an odd place to fall on.” Alex said.

“Fell down my stairs.” I lied. The real reason for the bruise was my ‘dad’. He got pissed off and started wailing on me.

“The only stairs you have are the three front steps outside.” Alex folded his arms across his chest. “It looks bigger than three steps.”

“I don’t want to talk about it Alex.” I said.


“I said, I don’t want to talk about it!” I snapped. Alex pursed his lips.

“You’re here so often, I just figured I’m entitled to know.” Alex said. I exhaled and walked over to his bed and sat down. Alex lingered for a moment before sitting down next to me. “You can tell me what’s going on.” I remained quiet. “Jillian…”

“It’s nothing.” I said. Alex gave me a look. “Okay, it’s my dad.” Alex then raised an eyebrow. “Except, he’s not really my dad.”

“What do you mean?” Alex asked.

“I am the product of a one night stand between my mom and a man she knew for a few hours.” I said. “Allan is my sister’s biological dad. I’m just the girl that lives in his house.” Alex nodded slowly.

“So, the bruise…how…” he didn’t seem to know how to word his question, so I nodded.

“He’s kind of a mean drunk.” I said, my voice cracking slightly. Alex looked kind of taken back. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“It’s just…this is the first time I’ve ever seen you vulnerable.” Alex said. I tried to smile at him, but my bottom lip trembled. Alex wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him. “There’s a first for everything I suppose.”

Alex picked me up from Jack’s, and I sat in the seat curled up in a little ball. Alex looked over at me and smiled slightly. “And this is why Jack and you shouldn’t get drunk.” I turned my head and glared at him.

“Please don’t start lecturing me on my alcohol imbibement.” I said.

“Is that even a word?” Alex questioned.

“I don’t know.” I grumbled. “I’m too hung over to know the English language.” Alex chuckled slightly.

“It doesn’t sound like a word.”

“Look, I’m not too hung over to hit you.” I said. Alex held a hand up in defense. I smiled slightly before turning my head to look out the window.

After I managed to eat something and nap for two hours, I showered, and then decided to go for a walk. I asked Alex and Rian if they wanted to come, and they both declined, since there was a football game on, and they didn’t want to miss it.

I had a pretty peaceful walk. I had gone about five blocks, and I wandered into a fairly nice neighbourhood. I stopped abruptly when I saw a woman and a young boy; he couldn’t have been older than fourteen, get out of car. I knew the woman. I had known her all my life.

“Mom?” I called out, taking a few steps towards the two. The woman turned her head, and shock overcame her face. The teenager looked between the two of us.

My mom turned to the boy and spoke, “Travis, could you please take the groceries inside?” she asked. Travis was hesitant before taking the two bags my mom had and walked up the steps into the large house. I felt my jaw tighten as the door closed behind him.

“Travis?” I asked. My mom sighed heavily.

“He’s my stepson.” Mom explained to me.

I was a little shocked, “Oh. So, you treat your stepchildren better than your actual ones?”

“Jillian, please don’t start this.” Mom pinched the bridge of her nose.

“I have every right to start something, Sarah.” I said rather bitterly. My mom looked at me sternly, the way she always did.

“Why are you even here? The last time I spoke to Kris, you were still in Boston.” Mom asked.

“You still keep in contact with Kris? Oh, that’s nice.” I said. “What am I? Am I just some speck of dust that’s easily rid of?”

“Jill, please.” My mom reached her hand out to touch my shoulder but I moved back.

“Don’t touch me.” I said. “You’re the reason my life went to shit!” I almost yelled at her. She opened her mouth to say something, but I kept going. “No, this all comes back to you. You’re the one that had the affair; you’re the one that lied to Allan for 16 years; you’re the one that left me with that asshole!”

“Jillian Michelle Freeman, I will not be spoken to like that.” Mom said, rather hotly. At least I knew where I got my temper from.

“So now you’re being a mom?” I asked. I saw my mom’s jaw clench. It was kind of eerie how much I looked like her, especially when we were both angry.

“I am always going to be your mom.” She said.

“Then fucking act like it!” My mom and I stood at a stalemate. Both of us were too stubborn to apologize for anything. The front door of the house opened, and a very well dressed man appeared. I assumed that he was my mom’s husband.

“Sarah? Is everything okay?” the man asked.

“Yes, everything is fine.” Mom told the man. She looked back to me, “You should leave.”

“Yeah, don’t worry mom. You don’t have to ask me twice.” I snapped. I turned on my heel and started to head back to Alex and Rian’s.
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Sorry for lack of updates. I'll try to get on top of things here. xx