Silent Moments

The Fourth Chapter: Dawn and Stephen Reminisce

His facial expression would have been comical in any other situation. He looked like he’d tried to swallow his tongue. “You remember?” he exclaimed.

“Of course I remember,” I snapped.

The arrogance returned. “Because it was the best kiss of your life?” he said, raising that damned eyebrow haughtily.

“That must be it. Or, wait, maybe it’s because I cheated on my boyfriend!”

He scoffed. Yeah, seriously. He actually scoffed. Like cheating on Carl wasn’t a big deal! “Obviously it’s not a very satisfactory relationship if you’re hooking up with guys at parties.” He smirked. “Or if the way you’ve been lusting after me all day is any indication.”

I had no response to that. Honestly. I couldn’t think of a single thing to say. Because the fact of the matter was, even though I had convinced myself that things were better between Carl and I than they had been six months ago, I was still kind of warm for Stephen’s form. And just knowing that he knew this—or at least suspected it—made me feel like I was cheating all over again.

And, sadly, I might as well have been, ‘cause I’d pretty much been fantasizing about jumping his bones since eight o’clock in the morning.

“So what now?” I asked, because I wanted him to stop being a smart-ass and actually take the situation seriously.

“We could always make-out again. As I recall, we both kind of enjoyed that last time.” The smirk got bigger. “Or we could do something else.”

The tone of his voice left no room for debate about what that “something else” was, and my heart nearly stopped. He couldn’t be serious. “Keep dreaming,” I said shakily, and he shrugged.

“It was worth a shot.”

Okay, he was kidding. The question was: why the hell didn’t I feel relieved?

“Stop being a jackass. This is really serious.” My voice was still shaking.

“What is? The storm? Did you know that you haven’t freaked out at the thunder for almost a minute and a half now?”

Gee, really? Maybe ‘cause I’m just a little busy freaking out about something else.

“No, you idiot. The fact that we’re stuck here. Together.”

“Oh, calm down. I’m not going to do anything to compromise your honour this time.”

Which was precisely the problem. Well, actually, the problem was that I kind of wanted him to. Compromise my honour, that is.

But I couldn’t let him know that. I straightened, smoothed out my hair, and took a deep breath. “Thank-you,” I said primly. “Because you really wouldn’t get anywhere.”

He had a good laugh at that one, and I could feel myself turning crimson. Was he just guessing, or was I really that transparent? Finally the gales died down, and he fixed me with a look that was sarcastic at best. “Give it up, baby. You might as well just throw yourself at me.”

I swear my jaw hit the floor. How could he be so… so… arrogant? No one was that full of themselves! I made a noise of disgust and pushed past him, into the main part of the store.

Why am I always attracted to the jerks? I thought angrily.

To say that Stephen looked a little shocked when I brushed past him would be an understatement. No doubt those stupid good-looks and that stupid cocky manner worked on a lot of girls. Hey, it was working on me, and I, A, am taken, and B, happen to pride myself on the fact that I don’t throw myself at the feet of every cute guy to walk past.

Just the idiots’, apparently.

“So, what, you’re going to ignore me all night?”

If we’re stuck here that long, then yes, that is what I intend to do.” I wasn’t getting off on the best foot with that whole plan. This was stupid—I had to have some modicum of self-restraint… somewhere…. Surely I didn't need to completely shun him to avoid mauling him.

“That’s dumb.” Stephen echoed my thoughts.

“Why?” I rolled my eyes at my own weakness—I couldn’t even keep from talking to him!

“Because I’m so damn irresistible,” he explained as though it were obvious.

I groaned audibly and headed for the cash desk, where I had stashed my latest novel. I really did need to learn to shut up.
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I'd love you know what you think of the characters, especially Stephen!