6 Years.

Year One. 2007

She turned the corner coffee in one hand textbooks cradled in one arm her cell phone frantically typing in the other, stupid overly involved parent. He came out of the restaurant blinded slightly by the bright light, turning to walk to his car. She slammed into something spilling her coffee and books everywhere, massive hands encircling her upper arms.

“Are you alright?” he asked looking down on her face, her bright blue eyes in shock, long brown curly hair tussled too the side. She’s breathtaking.

“Yea, I am so sorry” she said as he steadied her on his feet. “I’m such a klutz. I’m so sorry” she added seeing the coffee all over his dark half-zip sweater and medium wash jeans. She was worried about the man but she also mourned her now lost coffee.

“It’s alright I didn’t see you” he said bending down to help her gather her books.

“I didn’t see you either, I’m so sorry, really I should watch where I’m going” she said taking the stack of books from him. “I hope I didn’t ruin your clothes.” Her free hand covering her face.

“It’s ok really. I didn’t want to squish you.”

“I’m a little accident prone” she admitted finally getting a look at his face. His dark curls, and hazel eyes in contrast to his light skin. His lips perfect, smile radiant. “You look familiar.”

“Umm, I get that a lot.”

“I feel like I’ve seen you before.”

“I don’t doubt it.”

“I’m Kelly-Ann” she said offering her hand, he took it with a smile.

“Sidney” he said taking his other hand wrapping it around the back of mine. “Ohio State?”

“Hometown pride.”

“I’ve been to Columbus a couple times.”

“For very long?”

“No just a day really” he said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry I’m just trying to figure out how I know you.”

“Sports fan?”

“College, Ohio professional sports suck so . . .”

“True” he laughed.

“I feel really bad, please let me pay for your clothes, to get them cleaned at least.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing really.”

“I feel bad though.”

“Alright, how about you give me your number and I’ll let you know the damages.”

“Ok, yea” she said hoping that it wouldn’t be as hard to get out as it looked. She gave him her number before they parted ways, him smiling, her thoroughly embarrassed.
♠ ♠ ♠
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