6 Years.

Year Five 2011

“Kelly-Ann, you have an appointment at noon, a client has requested you” her boss said walking up to her desk. “This is your first solo project, so I’m going to be watching you but you have the reigns on this one.”


“They requested you by name. You need to pack up swatches and a sketch pad and head over. Here’s the address” she handed her a paper with just the house number on it. “What are you waiting for, get going.”

“Yea” she said taking a deep breath. She grabbed her bag stuffed in a notebook and went to the closet to grab swatches, so she could get a feel for what the client was looking for.

Knocking on the door her heart pounded furiously, she can’t screw this up. It could be her only shot. She let out a breath and put on a smile when she heard the deadbolt unlock. Her heart skipped a beat, her breath hitched.

“Sidney” she whispered. It had been a over a year since she was last within feet of him. She resisted the urge to run her fingers through his hair, to feel at home again to smell him and be wrapped up in his warm comforting arms. His eyes held a little hesitation as he stood there taking her in as well.

“Hey” he smiled opening the door wider for her.

“What . . . Sid, if this isn’t for work I really can’t stay. I need this to be not about our past . . .”

“I just bought this place I need help” he said letting her in the foyer. “You’re the best I know, even before you finished school.”

“Ok” she said walking around a little, mostly to reclaim her thoughts. “I love the natural lighting, and the view. . . Breathtaking.” She finally stopped to look out the back window of the breakfast nook.

“Yea it is” he said standing next to her. She looked better than he had hoped. Her legs look amazing in her pencil skirt and heels. Somehow she more beautiful than she had been a year ago.

“Where do you want to start?” she asked taking a deep breath in feeling his eyes on her.

“The kitchen, the guys always want to come over, and I’m sure you remember how they are . . .”

“Yea” she said with a nostalgic voice. He looked amazing, his shoulders somehow broader and stronger. His hair shorter than normal but still perfect. He looks good, too good. “Wow, the counter space in here” she gasped running her hands along the smooth surface of the countertops. “This is an amazing space.”

“I had hoped to have a wife and kids in here on Sunday mornings having breakfast together.”

“It’s a great family space” she said hoping that he hadn’t found someone else, but feeling instantly worse if he hadn’t. She pulled out color swatches, trying to distract from the regret she felt leaving him, and found a very light airy blue that would look great with the light cabinetry and beige granite counters. The brushed brass faucets on the farm house sink and pulls made it feel instantly homey. A pang of sadness hit her like a brick wall as they continued through the house, she could have been the one living here with him, if she hadn’t been so stupid.

“Are you alright?” he asked standing closer than he had before.

“Yea” she sighed, looking up at him.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Are you happy Sidney?”

“Yes” her heart dropped to her stomach, “and no. There’s something missing in my life.”

“Oh” she said looking out the front window that over looked the front yard, plenty of space for kids to run around in.

“It’s been missing for a year really” he said stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. “Are you happy?”

“With work yea, with life . . .” she looked up at him her eyes watering. “I miss you” she whispered.

“I’ve missed you too” he said taking her hand in his.

“I’m sorry Sidney” she said letting her head hit his chest. “I’m so sorry.”

“Stop apologizing, it took me a while to realize where you were coming from, but I get it” he said stroking her hair. He missed the feeling of her in his arms, and the smell of her hair. “I’ve spent the past 3 months tracking you down, and I’m not letting you go again.”

They stood there for a while his arms wrapped around her, he didn’t want to let go ever again. She loved the way his arms felt around her, had missed it everyday they were apart, they fit together perfectly. He ran his fingers through her hair like he had so many times before, his touch tender and full of love. He missed the moments like this that they had shared, it’s all that he really needed from her. He needed someone to have these quiet precious minutes with, she had been the only one to fill that role, she was the only one he wanted to fill it. She loved him, everyday away from him was difficult, she had no doubt that her love for him hadn’t faded.

“You’re family and the guys must hate me” she mumbled into his chest, glad that they hadn’t said anything for a while. She had needed that time to think about what was happening, to realize that he didn’t hate her for walking out on him.

“They helped me find you actually. Turns out Tangers girlfriends is the niece of your new boss.”

“What? So she knew?”

“Yea I think so.”

“That explains the weird look she was giving me” she said looking up at him, “Sidney I haven’t gone a single day without thinking about you. I still love you.”

“I love you too Kelly.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Love me again?