Status: Sorry to leave you hanging guys! The keyboard on my laptop is malfunctioning.

Stop Pretending That You're Sorry


“Let me out here.”

John turned to me, perplexed. “What?”

“If I get out of your car in front of the school, people are going to talk.”

See, I nearly wasn’t as clueless as I sometimes appeared to be.

“Right. Smart.”

He pulled over and let me out, allowing me to walk the rest of the way.

It was the first time I had made it to school on time since I’d started there. In fact I was early. The hallways were bare save for a few other early students. Immediately I noticed Diane in front of an open locker, presumably her own, listening to her iPod while flipping through her chemistry book.

I was half tempted to go and talk to her, but I didn’t. I’m such a fucking idiot.

“Morning sunshine!” Oh dear god, it was Julia. I didn’t usually have to deal with Julia until lunch, I didn’t want to see her first thing in the morning.

“Hey, Julia,” I said, gritting through a fake ass smile.

“Where have you been, babe?”

Did she call me babe? She called me babe. Why on earth did she call me babe?

“Oh you know, just… bumming around.”

She clapped me on the back. God she had big hands. “I hear ya, sister.”

“I’d love to talk, but I need to um… go talk to Mr. Harrington about this paper that’s due next Wednesday.” Bullshit, Regan.

“Oooh, Hotty McHot, huh?” Julia wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“I thought you were gay.” The words came spilling out of my mouth before I even realized how rude that sounded.

Apparently Julia didn’t think it was impolite. She shrugged nonchalantly. “I don’t like labels.”

“Right, well I’ll see you at lunch.” And I spun around and headed down the hallway before she could answer. I ducked into Mr. H’s room, much to his surprise.

“Regan? What do you need?”

“Avoiding people I don’t want to talk to.”

“Right, well you can take your seat if you want.”

No one else was in the classroom yet.

I rolled my eyes.

Fuck him.