Status: already written just posting

ronnie radke fanfic


“You guys are awesome!” I said into the mic “Come hang out with us at our merch tent!”

The crowd cheered as we ran offstage. Backstage, William and Michael and another guy with blonde hair and a v-neck that showed part of a tattoo on his chest were standing around talking. When they spotted us, William waved and they came walking towards us.

“Is that William Beckett?” Parker asked quitely, close to my ear. He was wide-eyed. “Are they coming over to us?”

I laughed a bit and William, Michael and the other guy made their way over. William hugged me quickly, like we were old friends and I smiled a little.

“Your set was unreal!” William said after he'd pulled away. He smiled and Michael nodded, agreeing. William looked at the rest of the band and smiled wider. “Hey, what's up! I'm...”

“William Beckett! The Academy Is...” Parker said, grinning and he looked at Michael “And you're Michael Chislett. You guys rock!”

William laughed. “Dude, you're the ones who rocked tonight.”

“Oh, that reminds me,” I said “You guys were great earlier. Sorry I couldn't stick around afterwards but I had a show to play, too.”

The guy with the blonde hair shifted his weight to his right foot and said to us “You were really good! Seriously. One of the best bands I've seen on Warped Tour yet!”

We all smiled and then Skylar spoke up. “You're Craig Owens from Chiodos.”

“Oh yeah, sorry!” William said with a laugh “I meant to introduce you. Broken Colours, this is Craig. Craig, this is Broken Colours.”

“Yeah, I know,” Craig said with a smile. “Emily, Skylar, Parker, Adam and Will.” He looked at us each in turn as he said our names.

I smiled a bit. Crew members were busy around us, moving equipment. We walked out from backstage and continued talking as we walked around.

“You guys want to hang out later?” William asked as we came upon the crowds. “We know you have to go to your merch tent to meet the fans now.”

A group of squealing teenage girls suddenly ran over, headed for William. They thrust stuff at him to sign and one girl was taking out a camera. Funny how they didn't even notice Michael, also a member of The Academy Is... I looked over at him and he was just shaking his head, smiling a little.

“The lead singer gets all the attention,” Michael said with a small laugh.

“Same in our band,” Skylar said and I scowled at him, but couldn't help but laugh. It was true that I got the most attention in our band, for being the lead singer and for being a girl, but that didn't mean I liked being thrown into the spotlight. Skylar or Will would have been better in that postition. I didn't have a huge need for attention. In fact, I was one of the quieter ones in our band.

“And same in your band,” Michael said to Craig and Craig shrugged.

“Somehow, I think it's like that in every band,” Will said and everyone nodded, besides William who was taking a picture with the eight or so girls that had just come over.

“Well, we better get to our merch tent,” Skylar said and ran a hand through his dark hair. “But sure, we'll hang later. Call us.”

We quickly exchanged numbers with Craig and Michael. We said goodbye and turned to walk away. William shouted a goodbye and went back to talking to the squealing girls.

I got a bottle of water from a guy selling drinks on our way to the merch tent and so did my bandmates. When we got over to the merch tent, there was already quite a long queue. The people in the queue spotted us and started waving and shouting our names. We smiled and sat down in our places.

“Hey, Drew!” I said when he came over and held out my fist.

“What's up, Em,” he said and pounded my fist. He had a stack of black and white band t-shirts and he set them down on the table next to me. I looked at them. They were pretty cool and were selling pretty well. Drew came back over with another stack of t-shirts, this time with colour and set it down next to the stack of black and white t-shirts. I liked these ones the best. They were white and had cracks in different colours all over it and Broken Colours was written across the front in big letters. These t-shirts were selling the best.

The fans started coming up to us. They were really cool and we signed stuff for them and took pictures with them and talked for a bit.

Later, when there was only a few fans left, Skylar called Michael and told him we were almost done. Michael said they'd be over to the merch tent in a few minutes.

“Drew,” I said, shaking my marker that had stopped working. “Do you have a spare marker?”

“Yeah, Em,” Drew said and went to get one from the back of the merch tent.

I looked up at the last few fans and they smiled happily and came over, handing us merch to sign and asking for pictures and asking us random questions.

“Have you ever made a mistake onstage?” A girl asked Will and he laughed.

“Yeah... Nothing too major, though,” Will said honestly. “But I remember that one time when Parker forgot the riff to one of our songs and played the riff for another...”

“Hey!” Parker said. “That just happened once! I had been sick and hadn't rehearsed...”

I laughed and Drew brought me back a marker. “Thanks, dude.”

We finished signing and talked for another little bit before saying goodbye. I noticed a band t-shirt one of the girls was wearing that I had seen a lot of people wearing. I wondered if they were one of the bands on Warped Tour. Escape The Fate.


Escape The Fate had played their set today on Warped Tour a while ago and they were all tired. Robert and Bryan were in the front lounge. Max and Omar were in the back lounge playing video games. Ronnie just wanted to relax and lie in his bunk. It was getting dark now.

Ronnie lay in his bunk, listening to his iPod. After listening to Atreyu, he decided to download some songs. They were good.

“Shit!” Ronnie heard Max yell, loud enough to hear over the sound of his iPod, and Ronnie sighed, pulling back the curtain on his bunk. He turned the volume down a bit on his iPod and looked over as Max passed through the bunk area, headed for the front lounge.

“Max!” Ronnie called and Max walked backwards until he was standing next to Ronnies bunk. Ronnie put on his sympathetic face and pouted a bit as he said “What's wrong?”

Max scowled at the hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“I beat him playing Halo,” Omar said as he passed the bunk area. Max scowled again, this time in Omar's direction. Ronnie laughed and looked up at ceiling above him. He had gotten the top bunk.

Max sighed and lifted himself into his bunk. He had gotten the middle bunk on the other side.

Ronnie's iPod suddenly stopped and Ronnie frowned, looking at the screen. The battery had just ran out. He just lay there for a moment. It was silent, other than the hum of Max's MacBook. After a moment, Max spoke.

“Did you see that girl again?” He asked. Ronnie looked over at him, but Max was looking at the screen of the MacBook.

Ronnie sighed and looked back up at the ceiling. “No.”

“Did you say you saw her beside that bus across from ours?” Max asked.

“Yeah. Why?” Ronnie looked back over at Max and this time Max looked up at him.

“Well, I don't mean to burst your bubble or anything,” Max said carefully “But tonight the tour is moving and when we get to the next location, we probably won't be parked near them.”

Ronnie frowned. He had completely forgotten about that. He hadn't seen her since yesterday, the first day of Warped Tour, when he saw her standing beside the bus in her Atreyu t-shirt. He thought that maybe one day he would step out of the bus and she would just happen to be coming out of her bus at the same time. He sighed. Of course it was not going to be that easy.

“I guess I'll just have to find her, then,” Ronnie said and Max smiled.

“Damn right!” Max said, making Ronnie laugh a bit.

Ronnie jumped out of his bunk and went into the back lounge. He opened a window and plugged in his iPod to recharge. He had turned the other way when he heard voices from behind him, outside.

“See you tommorow!” Someone called and a few people said “See you!”

Ronnie didn't take much notice of it until he heard a familiar laugh. He thought it was a really beautiful sound.

His face suddenly went blank as he came to a realisation and he turned around and went over to the window. He looked out and there she was.

She was wearing a To Write Love On Her Arms t-shirt and denim shorts that were a lighter shade than the ones she was wearing the day before. She was wearing black Vans and striped socks. Her brown hair with blonde streaks at the ends was blowing softly in the wind and she pushed her side bangs out of her eyes. Her eyes were bright blue, even in the dark, and beautiful. The guy with the blonde hair and lip ring stood by the door to the bus. After a moment he turned and walked inside. Three more guys stood next to the bus, one was the guy with the dark hair and snakebites. The two other guys Ronnie had not seen before. One, who was talking loudly with the guy with the snakebites and dark hair, also had dark hair and was quite tall. The guy standing next to them had dark ginger hair and a lip ring and was the same height as the guy with the snakebites. After a moment, the two dark haired guys turned and walked into the bus. The guy with the dark ginger hair stayed back and looked over to the girl. She was looking around, mostly up at the sky, and Ronnie wanted to know what she was thinking about.

“Emily?” The dark ginger haired guy said, tilting his head to one side “You coming? We need to get going soon, a lot of the other bands have already left.”

“Yeah,” She said, not looking at him “I'll be there in a second, Adam.”

He nodded and went inside the bus.

She stood there and looked towards the sky. Then she closed her eyes. She stayed like that for a moment and Ronnie watched her. She looked beautiful.

Ronnie realised this might be his chance and he opened the door to the bunk area and ran through.

“Whoa, where are you going?” Max asked when he reached the front lounge, Max was now sitting at the table. “We've got to get going soon. Alf will be pissed and drive off without you.” Alf was their bus driver who didn't wait around for anyone and had a love for Guns N' Roses.

Omar, Robert and Bryan all looked up at Ronnie. “That girl's outside right now!” Ronnie almost yelled. “Make him wait!”

“You know we can't!” Max called, but Ronnie had already shut the door.

Ronnie's heart sank a bit when he watched her shut the tourbus' door behind her. He stood there for a moment, just watching as the bus pulled away and drove out of the parking lot. Ronnie looked around at the parking lot. There were only a few other buses left and Ronnie knew he should go back inside. But before he did, he walked over to the place where she had stood and stood there, looking up at the sky, filled with stars. He closed his eyes. Instantly, he felt relaxed, calmed and he just wanted to stay there longer. He wondered if it had made her feel this way, too.

He opened his eyes when he heard his bandmates calling. He walked back over to the bus and before he went inside, he looked back at the empty space where their bus had been and had one simple thought.

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hope you enjoy.....