Me,Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the Road

Me,Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the Ro

Wednesday 8th August

I opened my eyes and was suddenly blinded by the sunlight that streamed through my open curtains. Then there came a voice.

"Anna...Anna, darling, are you awake?" It was my mum, and in answer to her question, yes, I was now awake thanks to her. "How do you feel this morning love? Better? Mummy's got to go to work now, don't speak if you can't. I'll be back around five, and don't bother picking up your sister. I've sorted it, and she's going to Grandma's. Bye, bye love. Oh, and don't forget to take your medication."

I watched her as she scurried across my room again as quietly as she could to close the curtains, and then she left. I rolled over to look at my alarm clock. It was 9.30am. Bugger, I felt crap!

It was the second week of the summer holidays and I had a throat infection. I could just about talk now, so I was finally beginning to recover. But still, I haven't been out with my friends once since the beginning of the holidays, so now I can officailly declare myself clinically insane.

I forced myself out of bed and skulked over to my computer and turned it on. I hadn't been on it for two days so there was bound to be some stuff to read and reply to on myspace. And...I was right! I read and replyed to most of the stuff on there. The majority of my new comments were off my two best friends, Jaz (Jazmine) and Lils(Lily). Most of their comments were complaining about my illness and something or other.

I turned my computer off and scrambled back into bed. No way was I getting up yet. I wanted to get at least another hours kip...

Right outside my house I could hear the engine of a van running, crashing and screaming and finally the sound of shouting. Oh My Days! What do you have to do for some quiet time roung here?! Once again I opened my eyes, turned over and looked at my alarm clock. The time was now 10.40am.

I clambered out of bed to peer out the window to see what was causing all this commotion on my normally peaceful street. Directly in front of my house there was a massive white van. People were unloading boxes and furniture from inside it. I know, the new neighbours across the road were moving in. What a great time in the morning they chose to move. Were they not aware that I was ill and needed sleep? Did they not know -OH MY GOD!
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What did you think? I know it's not much to go on yet, but it will get better!
If you can, try and get as many people as you possibly can to read it:)