Me,Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the Road

Me,Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the Ro

I dived down onto the floor. Were my eyes decieving me, or did I just see an extremely good looking guy? No, scratch that. He was actually more 'beautiful' than good looking. Haha, I can't believe I just said that! But it's true! He wasn't 'hot' or 'fit' or whatever you wanted to call him, he actually was beautiful.

He wore simple dark blue jeans and black indie pumps, teamed with a white tee stating 'The Smiths' in bold black letters with a picture below. Over this, he wore a grey cardigan. He had slightly tanned skin and light brown hair which was styled in no particular way. It just sort of 'fell' whichever way it wanted, but my god it looked nice. I guess you could describe it as a 'just-out-of-bed' look, but more precise, if you can somehow imagine that. And his face! Now that was just indescribable, literally! Really, the only word suitable to describe it was beautiful. All his features were just too...too...perfect! Yes, that's a good word too! He was beautiful and perfect, probably too much for his own good.

He stood there just staring up at me, that was what made me jump onto the floor.

No, no, no! Please say he didn't actually see me! Please, please God, whoever and wherever you are, please say he didn't actaully see me while I looked and felt the way I did.

I peeped up again to look, this time just so my forehead and eyes would have been visible from above my window sill.

Yep. There he was. Clear as day. Still standing there, gazing up at my bedroom window. So there was my answer. Yes he did see me. And yes he did see me with no make-up, messy hair that hadn't been washed for three days and me wearing my 'cuddly' pyjamas. That is to say, my pyjamas that used to belong to my mum when I was about four. They were sort of my 'comfort blanket', you could say. They reminded me of my mum and home, so when I went away without her or I was ill, I would throw on my cuddly pyjamas and everything seemed better. And I know how stupid that seems, but they did work! Haha!

It's a well known fact that it only takes 30 seconds for someone to make a first impression. Well there goes my first impression...

Fifteen minutes later...

Right. I've decided to get ready and head for the shop around the corner. I had to show him that I wasn't ashamed or embaressed that he had seen me, even though I was quite the opposite. And also, I wanted to get another better look at him. And if I felt up to it, introduce myself. The quality I had always liked best about myself was that I was never afraid to tell or show and get what I wanted, and that included boys too. I'm not a slag or a girl who gets around boys, in fact I've only ever kissed two boys and had one serious boyfriend...but he was a mistake anyway. However, I know that if I wanted a boy, I could most probably get him, no matter how long it took.

I headed for my bathroom to have a shower for the first time in three days. Eeeew! And then I would scrub myself up as best I could before I ventured outside for the first time in nearly two weeks! Hmm, I wonder if I am able to talk yet...

"Hello?"my voice came out in a quite rasp. Crap! I can't talk to him like this! What am I going to do?!...Oh! I know! I'll go downstairs now to the kitchen, take my medication, then while thats starting to take affect, I'll make a cup of coffee to wake myself up and give me that 'bright-eyed' look it usually did. Coffee was my vice, and I don't know what I would look or act like on a school morning if I couldn't have a mug. Then I would go upstairs, put on one of my fave CD's, and sing along to it in the shower to gradually build my voice back up as best I could.

I finished my coffee and made my way back upstairs. Hmm...I think I'm gonna put on my 'Panic at the Disco' album, that was my fave at the moment. I moved my CD player into my bathroom, turned it on and jumped into the hot cloud of mist that was my shower.

Aahhhh! It felt so nice! I never knew a shower could feel so gooood! I started singing along to 'Do you know what I'm Seeing?' as I was shampooing my hair.

I was in the shower a really long time! I'd managed to sing along to six songs;'Do you know what I'm seeing?', 'We're So Starving?', 'She's a Handsome Woman', 'That Green Gentleman', 'Mad as Rabbits' and 'Nine In the Afternoon'. My plan had worked! My voice now exited my voice box as a sound that could be identified as a human voice, instead of a creaking door. Although it was not back to normal yet.

I proceeded to my bedroom and went over to my wardrobe to pick out a suitable outfit to wear. In the end I decided on my dark blue skinny jeans, my white vest top under my blue and white striped button up shirt and to finish it off, a chunky red belt fastened just below my bust and a necklace. I then made my way into my bathroom once again to dry my hair. I then began to style my hair. I squeezed a handful of mousse into my hand and then scrunched it into my hair. This would enchance the curls that were already natural in my hair.

When I was done doing this, I began my make-up. I never wore a lot of make-up. I kept it to a bare minimum because I didn't need that much. I applied some concealer under my eyes and onto a couple of spots that were tiny but were just clearing up. I then lightly powdered my face with my foundation, added some blusher to the apples of my cheeks, swept a small line of eyeliner on top of my lid using my liquid eyeliner and finished it off with kohl pencil under my lid. I decided to lay off the eyeshadow for today, but put some of my fave chocolate flavoured lipgloss on.

I walked back into my bedroom to check myself out in my full length mirror. Yeah, I looked decent. In fact, I looked pretty darn good for someone who was still ill with a throat infection and hadn't been out in the sunlight for nearly two weeks.

I slipped on my metallic shoes, picked up my jacket and some money and headed downstairs to the front door.
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Next one posted tomorrow!:)