Me,Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the Road

Me, Myself and Life...Oh! And the Boy across the R

Saturday 11th August

"Aw, come on Lils! You promised you'd tell me exactly how it happened when we were all together and when Annie was better!", Jaz pleaded with Lils, bouncing up and down on my bed.

It was 1.30pm and me, Jaz and Lils were all sitting in my bedroom. I'd missed my two best friends so much when I was ill. Two whole weeks I'd gone without seeing them or barely speaking to them!

"Tell us what Jaz?! What is she talking about Lils?! C'mon tell me!" It was getting increasingly annoying now. We'd been chatting in my bedroom and I had demanded to know the latest gossip from my two friends about their lives and anybody else's who was worth talking or bitching about. Jaz had then started pleading with Lils to tell us something that had happened since I'd last spoken to them. So far, Lils had refused to talk, but instead her cheeks became tinged with a rosey pink colour. This had to be serious. Lils wasn't very sociable with people she didn't know very well, but she never shut up or got embaressed about anything whilst she was with either me or Jaz.

"Okay, okay!" Lils shouted finally, to shut up the begging coming from me and Jaz. "Jaz tell Annie what happened, I can't say it! Then I'll tell you what how it happened!"

Jaz turnd to face me with a huge grin plastered across her face. "Oh my god annie! You'll never guess! Not in a million years, well I didn't anyway. I just didn't expect that Lils would be the first, y'know? Well, I should have at least considered it seeing as she's the one who has managed to keep the most decent, long term boyfriend out of all three of us-"

I interrupted then with a huge gasp. It finally clicked what Jaz was about to say and why Lils was acting so coy. "Lils! Is she---Does she---Did you lose your virginity to Josh?!" As soon as I finished the question, Jaz erupted into giggles. There was the answer.

"Yep" was all Lils answered, in a small voice. She then leaned over to grab another handful of m&m's from the bowl centered in the middle of my double bed, deliberately avoiding eye contact with either me or Jaz.

Jaz was right. Neither of us ever expected that it would be Lils to be the first. She always acted so much more reserved than me or Jaz. We should have expected it though. It was true that she was the only one to hold down the most decent, lovleiest guy as a long-term boyfriend. Lils had been with Josh for 9 months now, and had been friends with him for 2 years before they finally got together. And it was plain for eveyone to see that Josh and Lils were made for each other and made the most perfect couple.

"Well?! How?!"

Lils looked at us both, the smallest of smiles playing across her face, she cleared her throat then began her story. "Y'know I told you that his parents were going on holiday without him or his older brother, Ryan? Well Josh was meant to go and stay with his grandparents, cos he wasn't trusted to stay alone with Ryan. But Ryan's 19, so he just comes and goes as he pleases. In the end though, they just let Josh stay home with Ryan. Anyway, on the third night they were away, last Friday, Josh rang me, told me that Ryan was out for the night and asked did I wanna go round and I could stop over aswell if I wanted to, but I didn't have to. I said I would though. I mean, I didn't plan for what happened and neither did he. It just...did. I told my mom and dad that I was staying with Jaz though, cos they knew his parents were away so they wouldn't let me stay over." She paused there to grab another handful of m&m's.

"And?!" Jaz demanded.

"Okay! I'm getting there! So I went over, we ordered a pizza and sat down to watch his boxset of 'The Inbetweeners'. This is gonna sound stupid but I'm telling you, something thing felt different. Like there was a new feeling in the air. Something new and unexpected. Haha!" We all started laughing at that. She sounded like someone out of a film or something. "Well, we were sitting on the sofa together, cuddling when he just blurted out, 'y'know I love you, don't you Lils?' I laughed and said yes and that I loved him too. Then he said, 'good. I just don't think I tell you often enough, that's all'. I turned around to face him then cos I thought there was something else he wanted to say aswell. He held my hands then and said, 'I really don't deserve you. No don't interrupt me! It's true! I never tell you how much I love you or quite how much you mean to me, when I should be telling you all the time. I just want you to know where you stand in my life, okay? Lily Rose Davies, you are the most important thing to me in my whole universe, there is nothing or no-one that I care more about than you. The way I feel about you, I have never and will never feel about anyone else. I have always loved you, even when we were friends, I just didn't realise it until we got together. You are everything to me'. I could feel my eyes watering up then and there was no way I wanted to cry in front of him! I feel the same about him aswell, but there was no way I could have put it into better words than he did. So I just said, 'I love you so much. I feel exactly the same'. Then I just leaned in and kissed him. Even kissing him felt different!" She seemed to have finished her anecdote then, lost in a daydream.

"Carry on Lils!", Jaz commanded once again.

"Okay. So we were kissing and I knew what I wanted to do, but there was no way I felt brave enough to initiate it. Then his hands slid from around my neck down to my waist. He made me bloody shiver! Haha! Then he pulled me in really tight against him and I knew I could do what I wanted then. So I stood up, pulling him with me, kissing him all the while. He still held me really close aswell, it was like we were moulded together. I led the way to the stairs, then to his bedroom then...y'know" She wasn't blushing anymore, instead she had a huge smile that lit up her face. I had honestly never seen her so happy.

"Wow" me and Jaz sighed in unison.

"So, was it good? Oh! How many times in total?" Jaz was the only one bold enough to be that upfront to ask. To be honest, I wanted to know, I just didn't want to be the one to ask.

"In answer to the first, yep. You have no idea", we all laughed then at her answer and the exuberant expression on her face when she said it. "And in answer to the second...twice since the first. So three times in total." She smiles even wider at this.

"Aww. Lily Davies and Joshua Carter finally sealed their love in the proper way! There's no going back now for these animals!", Jaz sang the words out.


It was 7.00pm and me, Jaz and Lils had just got changed into our pyjamas. After a two week withdrawal of no girlie time, I'd demanded that when my two best friends came round, they had to stay the night. Lils had just come off the phone to Josh and was acting like a typical girl. This launched us into another conversation about Josh and Lils.

As we were sat chatting on my bed, Jaz got up to close my bedroom blinds. "As we are on the topic of boys, Annie. I would like to know the reason why you have failed to mention the fact that you have brand new neighbours. And why you didn't tell us that one of these new neighbours is a very lovely looking boy. Hmmm?" I turned around to see Jaz standing at the window gazing out. Oh dear. Lils then ran up to join her.

"Ooooh! Annie he's lovely! Well?! I told you my news." Both her and Jaz turned round to look at me, both grinning like a pair of loons.

"Annie, don't pretend you don't know what I'm on about! We can see that you're trying to hide a smile!" Jaz and Lils laughed and I gave up on trying to hide my smile. They came and sat down on the bed next to me and I told them all about Max and answered all the questions they threw at me about him.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is quite long
Making up for all the time I've missed
Hope you like it!