Status: YAY! i wrote 15 chapters on one year!!! XD and that was 22 thousand words!(it said on my computer like 22,7somthing) I'm so proud of myself!

TLOZ, Rebirth

A Wish Granted

As Epona galloped across the fields, Link gritted his teeth. The movement and the slap-slap-slap of his bottom end hitting the saddle made his chest scream in pain. He didn't let the Spirit know, though. She had already done so much for him. Within a few hours they had returned to the temple of the Earth god. The sky was slowly turning a blue-gray color, and the stars started to dim as the sun began to rise. Carefully, Link slid off of Epona and helped the Spirit down.

"Thank-you," said the Spirit.

"You're welcome," Link nodded.

The Spirit looked around slowly, taking in the site. "A very becoming place; very fit for my guardian."

She strode up to the entrance and placed a hand on the door, giving it a slight push. The doors swung wide and a dark void waited beyond. The entire inside of the mountain was devoid of life. Link came to the Spirit's side and peered in. He then looked back on Kakariko Village.

"This is strange," said Link, hesitating on the threshold. "Where are all the Gorons?"

"I can feel nothing of them," relayed the Spirit, searching out with her mind. "There is no one here but us."

Link gripped his sword and strode in slowly, cautiously looking around for any signs of foul beings. They made it through two levels of the mountain before the first attack came. Link helped the Spirit across a chasm and led her to the next door, only to be knocked to the ground by an explosion.

"Link!" cried the Spirit.

Debris lay all around him. Grunting, Link stood and faced what use to be the door, now a gaping hole. A Goron stood at the entrance, but looking closer, it wasn't right. Its eyes glowed a strange red color and its motions were that of a puppet's. Link raised his sword, his hands wavering.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked the Goron.

The Goron continued to stand there, staring into space. It made no sound, no movement, just stood as still as a statue. Link cautiously took a step forward, and another, and another, but the Goron still did not move. He was able to get almost a yard from him when the Goron locked its eyes on Link and screeched a horrifying sound. Link covered his ears, and continued to watch the Goron. Turning around, it grabbed something off the ground, Link jumped back. The Goron threw a bomflower at Link; it soared through the air and landed not but a few feet from where he had escaped to.

'How do I fight him without killing him?' thought Link. 'I would never be forgiven if I killed one of the Gorons, even if he is controlled!'

Link looked around for options, but none were found. Heaving a sigh, Link straightened and stood before the Goron without fear. Looking directly into the oncoming Goron's eyes, he knew what he must do.

"Goddesses of Wisdom and Courage, release this poor soul from its misery," Link called out to the Goddesses.

His sword blazing up in light, Link held it in both hands and stared at the Goron. It continued to toss bombs, but Link paid them no mind. With a cry, Link came at the Goron and slashed at its chest. The Goron stood there, then crumpled to the ground. Link ran to his side and touched a hand to the Goron's forehead. Breathing heavily, the Goron mumbled.

"Brother," the Goron croaked.

"I'm sorry," apologized Link. "I'm so sorry, but it was the only way I could think of releasing you."

The Goron smiled faintly. "Thank-you, Brother. I am grateful to you." He coughed and his breathing came quicker. "The darkness took over the mountain again." He took hold of Link's arm. "Find the others, Brother, please."

"I will," Link replied.
The Goron smiled, then his eyes closed and he lay still. Link sat there beside the body and tears began to fall. The Spirit came to stand next to Link and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He is gone and in a better place," consoled the Spirit. "Now let the Goddesses take care of the rest."

The Spirit touched the Goron's forehead and his body began to glow. Link stood and bowed.

"Farewell, Brother." Turning his back on the Goron, Link glared at the hole in front of him. "Let's get going."

Along the way, they encountered more Gorons, most of whom were possessed. Each time, they were released from their pain just as the first. The only ones left alive were the council circle. Link entered the room and looked around. No one. All along the wall were cells, but there were no occupants.

The Spirit gripped Link's arm. "Wait." She stared ahead, waiting for something. "Listen. Do you hear anything?"

Link closed his eyes and listened. "No, I ca-"

"Listen with your sense of the gods," directed the Spirit.

Link sighed and listened deeper. There! It was faint, but Link could just barely make out the sound of voices calling out in their direction. "Who…?"

"The cells are inhabited," said the Spirit. "But first it looks like you'll have to defeat our company."

Link opened his eyes and saw the Gleeok crouching at the other end of the room along with two Guardians hovering at its side. Raising his sword, Link stared down the enemy. "You shall die before me and release your prisoners."

All three of the enemies turned their heads toward Link and the Guardian's eyes glowed red, while the Gleeok's three heads growled at Link with smoke curling at its mouth. The Guardians moved quickly and almost landed a blow to Link's front, but Link managed to dodge and come up behind them.

With one swing, he landed a blow on the back on one of the Guardians. It froze, but the other once continued to come at him, along with several fireballs from the Gleeok. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a floating orb. Link dived for it, caught it in his hand, and held it tightly. The Triforce on his hand began to glow then the room turned a bluish color. The second Guardian froze next to Link, arms raised with sword in hand. Time stood still and Link took the opportunity to attack the Gleeok. All three of its heads had their mouths wide open, preparing for more fireballs, but they didn't move. Link swung at the first head and successfully cleaned it from the body. It fell to the ground with a harsh thump then vanished. With that, time unfroze and the Guardians found Link again. Link continued to dodge fireballs and swords, waiting to find another chance to decapitate the Gleeok. It wasn't long though before a hard realization came.

"Link!" cried the Spirit, who had managed to enter one of the cells. "Look!" She pointed towards the Gleeok.

Link turned and saw, to his devastation, the first head growing back. Without more than a few blinks, the head was back and screeching madly. 'Stupid! I should've known! I can't just take it out one at a time, it has to be all at once!' Link growled and glared at the Gleeok. It roared and sent a torrent of flames in Link's direction. Avoiding them, Link looked for another orb. He grinned as he saw it across the room, then frowned as the Gleeok set itself between it and him. Reaching behind him, Link snagged an arrow and loaded his bow. With one shot, he sent the arrow frying into the Gleeok then ran after the orb. He dodged the Guardians who kept after him, constantly swinging their swords, and made it to the orb, which he took gratefully. Everything froze again and Link ran for the Gleeok.

"YAH!" With one swift strike, Link decapitated all three heads.

Instantly, The Gleeok faded away and the Guardians returned to their posts as statues. Link landed and sheathed his sword, watching as Gorons became visible in the cells. The Spirit stood next to the head of the council, Brother
Gordongo, in the second cell.

"Brother," said Gordongo wearily. "Thank-you for saving us. Please, tell me, what has happened to the rest?" Link bowed his head. Gordongo nodded, understanding. "It is a sad loss, but we will manage." Link looked up at the Goron and nodded a bow in respect. Gordongo then turned to the rest of the council. " Brothers," he said, "we must return to the base of the mountain and reclaim our home. Come, let us go."

The Gorons all passed before Link as they left the dungeon, eager to get back to their homes. They all gave thanks to Link for saving them and wished him well on his journey.

"Good luck, Brother," said Gordongo. "A perilous road lies ahead of you."

"Thank-you," replied Link.

Gordongo nodded and left the room. The Spirit came to stand at Link's side and placed a hand on his shoulder. "It is sad to know that most of their clan is gone, but they are a strong race, they with flourish once again." She smiled at Link. "Come, let us also be on our way. I am eager as well to return to my home."

Link laughed and looked about at the door ahead. Taking hold of the knob, he pushed on the door and it swung open with a loud squeak. Beyond was a room filled with nothing but a stream of light in the center and a few pots along the walls. Link ran quickly over to each, collecting the revitalization magic they gave. With a renewed energy, Link walked up to the light and stepped in. He came out in the Earth god's room, standing face to face with him.

"Yikes!" Link cried out.

The Earth god laughed. "Hello there again, young Hero!" He looked over Link and stared at the Spirit. "My dear! You have been returned to me!" Opening his arms, the Spirit flew into them and hugged him.

"How I have missed you," the Spirit cried, letting out all of her emotions at once. Tears streamed down her face as she clung to the Earth god.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. "Now, now, my dear, everything's all right." Looking back up at Link, he smiled. "Thank-you for returning my dear Spirit. As promised, I shall give you a reward." Snapping his fingers, a chest appeared before Link. Opening it, Link found a small package; within was a key.

"What is this for?" Link inquired.

The Earth god smiled. "You will figure it out." With a wave of his hand, he opened a portal. "Thank-you again for what you have done. The next god resides in the Zora domain. He is the Ocean god. Please, go to him, and help him as he needs."

Link nodded. "Yes." Facing the portal, Link strode towards it and stepped in. Looking back at the Earth god and the Spirit, Link caught a special moment between them. Standing on tiptoe, the Spirit of Fire and the Earth god shared a kiss. Link turned his head and a blush crossed his face. 'I will be with you soon, my love, very soon.'

Naboru arranged the pillows on the bed for the tenth time before she was satisfied with the look of it.

"Well, here you are," she said, smiling.

Zelda walked over to the window and stared out. All was darkness; though the sun shown, it did not help to lift the denseness of the world. "Thank-you. I am indebted to you."

Naboru shook her head. "No, do not be, for you have brought me comfort when I only gave you pain, so I feel I should do this. I do not know why, but I do and I should keep up with it." She came to Zelda's side and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I will do everything I can to bring your boy here. I have already done what I have out of my own will and power, but your boy is another story. My husband is very attached to him."

"Yes," interrupted Zelda, "for the power that sleeps within him. That is why."
Naboru sighed. "I know. But as I said, I will try everything I can." She turned to the door and took hold of the knob. "I will be back shortly with his reply."

Zelda looked at Naboru. "Thank-you again."
Naboru nodded and left. Listening to the sound of the lock click, Zelda sat down in one of the chairs and absentmindedly placed her hand on her swelling stomach and began to stroke it.

"I cannot believe the treatment I am receiving. Then again, there's an emotional woman here unlike last time." Zelda chuckled to herself.

Looking back out the window Zelda sighed in longing. Her boy was still out of her reach for the time and she prayed with all her might to the Goddesses. 'Please, bring him to me; my little boy.'

Naboru took a deep breath and pushed on the doors. They opened to reveal Granadhim standing next to a long table spread with all sorts of science experiments.

"Hello there dear," Granadhim said, looking up to greet her with a smile.

"Hello," replied Naboru weakly. She was a tad nervous about asking her husband the question she had come for.

Granadhim looked back up from his tools and noticed. "Dear, are you well? Come, sit over here." Taking her arm, he led her over to a chair near the hearth.

Naboru stared at the ground. 'What's wrong with me? I've never been like this around him. But I need to ask, otherwise, I will never be able to get what Zelda wishes.' Taking a deep breath, she looked Granadhim in the eye. "I want to take the boy to his mother," she declared.

Granadhim choked. "WHAT! You want to do WHAT!?"

Naboru held her head high. "I want to take that little boy you have down there in the dungeon back to his mother. He's so young, and his mother is dire to see him. Please, Granadhim, let me take the boy."

Granadhim shook his head and paced across the room. "What has happened to you? One moment you agree with me, then the next, you're on their side!"

"I'm not on anyone's side!" shouted Naboru, rising from her chair.

Granadhim froze and stared at his wife. "What…?"

Tears began to stream down Naboru's face. "All I want is for that little boy and his mother to be happy. I know they are your prisoners, but they should also be treated with a shred of respect, at the least!" Sinking back into the chair, Naboru started to bawl. Granadhim came to her side and wrapped her in his arms, holding her tightly.

"There, there, please stop crying." Granadhim buried his face in her shoulder. "May I ask a question?"

Naboru turned her head to look at him. "Yes?"

Granadhim raised his head and gave a partial grin. "This wouldn't happen to all be because of not having a child, would it?"

Naboru bowed her head. "Actually, Granadhim, there is something else I must tell you." Granadhim looked at her, waiting patiently. Taking his hand, she placed it on her abdomen. "I do have a child."

Granadhim fell back and sat there, frozen, staring at his wife in shock. "Re-re-really?" Naboru smiled and nodded. Getting his wits back about himself, Granadhim crawled back over to Naboru's side and pulled her down into his embrace. "My dear, that's wonderful news!" He kissed her passionately, over and over. His prayers had been answered, now all he needed was the Goddesses' powers.

Naboru giggled. "Stop it." Granadhim continued. "Stop!" said Naboru again. Granadhim did as she said and sat there, dazed. "Now, love, may I return to what I was speaking about when I entered?"

Granadhim pulled her tighter into his embrace and kissed her cheek. "Anything, I don't care. Do as you please."

Naboru beamed at him. "Thank-you!" She kissed him quickly and wriggled out of his arms, rushing to the door.

"As long as they stay under lock and key!" Granadhim called after her, but she was already too far off to hear him. Shaking his head with a laugh, he returned to his work. 'Who knew us bad guys could have a soft side?'
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I'm sorry it took me so long! I couldn't get exactly what I wanted for a while out of Link XDXD I hope you like it though! I'll try to have chapter 18 as soon as I can!