Status: YAY! i wrote 15 chapters on one year!!! XD and that was 22 thousand words!(it said on my computer like 22,7somthing) I'm so proud of myself!

TLOZ, Rebirth

A Sinking Feeling

Link defeated the Lizalfos with ease. It had only struck a few times, but Link had been smarter. With two strikes, it fell and left behind a bundle of arrows. Retrieving them, Link ventured through more rooms, knowing the way by memory. Upon coming to the third floor's landing, a new door awaited him. This one had the Zora's Sapphire incrested upon it. Digging in his pack, he retrieved his Ocarina and played Zelda's Lullaby. Nothing happened. Again Link tried; another fail. Switching, he played the Serenade of Water; nothing. He tried several songs, but none worked. Staring at the door, he frowned in frustration.

'What in the world am I to use?'

As if answering his thought, Prince Ralis appeared before him.

"Hello, Prince Link!" said Prince Ralis with a start. "Are you here about the evil in this temple?" He turned towards the door and placed a hand on his hip, rubbing his chin in thought. "I've been stuck at this door for a while myself. Can't seem to figure out the way to open it."

Link chuckled. "Hello, Prince Ralis. Indeed, I am here about the fowl beings."

Prince Ralis nodded, but before he could answer a screeching came from behind and Link turned to be confronted by a swarm of Keese. With one swing of his sword, the Keese disappeared in clouds of purple smoke.

"Whoa, close call," said Prince Ralis, coming out of hiding.

Link frowned. "There's more where that came from." He examined the door, trying to find any clues as to how it opened. What caught his eye wasn't very big; a small notch was in the center of the design, hardly recognizable. Link pondered over what might fit into it; not a key, that was for sure.

Prince Ralis examined the hole as well. He was the one who suggested the answer. "Why not try inserting your sword?"

Link rolled his eyes at himself. 'Why didn't I think of that?' Unsheathing the Master Sword, he lined it up with the slit and pushed it in. A loud crash resounded from within the next room; Link and Prince Ralis looked at each other. Link withdrew his sword and pushed open the door. What they found horrified Link. The sacred alter of the Ocean god was smeared in blood. Many corpses laid strewn about, all of them Zoras.

"So this is where the missing members went," said Prince Ralis in a weak voice.

They approached the altar to find another corpse. This one, though, was fresh. Link stared at the corpse in shock. It was his friend, Mikau.

"No…" Link stood there, immobilized.

Mikau had helped him the last time he had come to the temple. He was one of the happiest Zoras he knew, he had a wife and hatchling; now he had been taken from all of that. Tears filled Link's eyes and he wept. All was wrong. Darkness was bitter and cruel, taking any it wished, disrupting good, and bringing disaster in a way to scar villages for years to come.

Prince Ralis bowed his head to his fellow Zora. "He was a good man and will be missed sorely," he said, taking Mikau's hands and crossing them over his blood splattered stomach. "He was a brave warrior to the end."

Link looked back at his friend and nodded. "He will be."

A faint glow began to emanate from Mikau at these words; Link and Prince Ralis watched as it built up and then took the form of Mikau before them.

His head was bowed, sorrow showing clearly. "To think, I'd end like this."

Link jumped. "How…?"

Mikau looked his way. "I'm trapped here, just as all the other souls are." Lights began to glow softly and the hundreds of dead Zoras stood before them.

Link couldn't believe the number. "When did this start?"

"A year after you saved us," said one of the Zora men, clinging to the lady next to him.

"Why did you never inform me? I would have helped!" cried Link.

"We would have," said Mikau, letting out a sigh, "but it was only a Zora or two to begin with. We searched and searched and never found them. There was a high suspect that evil was back, so we could do nothing for our missing brethren, though we wished sorely to. Not too long ago, though, a hundred went missing all at once. I set out to the temple, knowing full well that the evil had returned."

"I remember that," said Prince Ralis. "I told you not to go, so did your wife, but you didn't listen and now look at the outcome."

Mikau nodded. "I found this place, seeing the skeletons and rotting corpses. I was sick; then I realized I had walked into a trap. This was only a week ago. I was tortured, my mind bombarded with nightmares and hysteria. They dragged me out yesterday and next thing I know I'm like this. I can't move on and I can't return. We all here are stuck in limbo." He looked at Link as one soldier to another. "I want you to find the source of all of this and remove it for good. Do you still remember that song I gave you along with the mask?"

Link grinned. "Yup."

"Good," chuckled Mikau. "I stopped playing in my band after you left. You inspired me to become something even more of worth. I am honored to say I died fighting, having done all I could to protect the ones I love."

Link bowed. "From one man to another."

Mikau smiled and started to fade. "I shall leave you to your quest Hero. I know many lives are at stake, and I want you to be able to save as many as is possible."

"I will, Mikau." Link placed a clenched fist over his heart and bowed.

Mikau nodded and turned to Prince Ralis. "When you return, will you tell my wife what has happened, and tell her… I love her."

"As you wish, friend," answered Prince Ralis. Turning to Link, he motioned towards the door. "I think it's time you continued on and found the source of the darkness here. I will return on my own."

Link looked between his two friends; bowing again, Link left the chamber. As he stared out at the water an odd echoing sound rang around the walls. Running out to the opposite side, the ground beneath him began to shake and it made the sinking feeling in his heart drop even more.

'It can sense my presence,' thought Link, drawing his sword. 'I better find it before it wakes and we all become fish food.'

Duiren sat by the window and stared out into the murky darkness. "Mama, do you think there's a field down there?"

Zelda smiled weakly at her son. He had been asking that ever since he had come to her. "Maybe. When Naboru returns, you can ask her."

Duiren continued to stare out the window. "I wonder if Merric has been playing in any mud puddles. He better save me one so I can play in it!"

Wrapping her arms around him, Zelda laughed. "How did I get such a funny son?"

Duiren squealed and wriggled out of his mother's arms. "Brave heroes don't get hugged by their mamas!"

"Oh really?" said Zelda, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yes!" proclaimed Duiren, standing up, trying to imitate his father.

Zelda smiled and, leaning down to whisper in her son's ear, she said, "Well, your father was hugged by his mama when he was little, and he gave her hugs back."

Duiren's mouth dropped open, making Zelda snicker. "I thought only a princess was allowed to hug a brave hero?"

"Nope," Zelda said, shaking her head. "Anyone is allowed to hug a hero."

Sitting down, Duiren put on his thinking face; his brow scrunched down to his nose, making Zelda chuckle even harder. He continued to sit there like that till Zelda asked, "What's wrong?"

"So then is anyone allowed to kiss a hero?" Duiren asked, sticking his tongue out in disgust.

Zelda clamped a hand over her mouth, fighting back the laughter. "No," she said, smiling.

"Then does that mean only a princess is allowed to do that?" Duiren asked, still puzzled.

Zelda chuckled and sat down in the chair Duiren had just vacated. "Duiren, you're far too young for all this. Why do you ask as of it?"

Duiren stood before his mother and stared at her hand that rested on her swelling belly. "I just got curious. I see you and Father all the time, and then when I had tried to get you out myself, I ran into Mrs. Naboru and her guy, but he's not a brave hero like Father, so I was just…" Duiren played with his hands, his head bent.

Zelda reached out and pulled him close. "Mothers and fathers are allowed. Now, does that satisfy you?" Duiren nodded. "Good. Then let's not talk of this nonsense anymore, you still have years ahead before I'm letting you utter a word about it again." Zelda smiled.

Duiren returned to being taciturn, staring out the window and Zelda followed his action. Something to her felt wrong. She didn't fully trust what Naboru had told her. Yes, her son had been returned; yes, Granadhim still wanted their lives, but Naboru's words played on Zelda's mind. 'Even if it comes that I no longer am kind to you.' That's what Naboru had said. Zelda truly wanted to believe she had changed, but those words held a secret meaning.

'Until she reveals her true self, I'll play along with this little charade. But if Duiren is ever put into anymore danger, my mask will fall and they will be sorry for how they've acted.'

Zelda sat, cogitating about how to remove their oppressors, when a knock sounded from the door. Answering, Zelda beamed as the maid who had been caring for her entered.

"May-May!" squealed Duiren, bounding over to Maykir.

"Delighted to see you too, little one," said Maykri, ruffling the boy's hair. She then turned her attention to Zelda. "And you, ma'am?"

Zelda let out an exaggerated sigh and patted her belly. "As well as ever I suppose, though getting to sleep now is a bit more of a challenge. This little one here doesn't like the thought of a nap."

Maykri laughed. She was always glad to be around the two of them; they made her happy when all she felt was sorrow, as it was the other way around.

Tugging on Maykri's skirt, Duiren gave her a desperate look and asked, "May-May, is there a field outside? I really want to go outside and play!"
This caught Maykri off guard, but she shook her head. "I'm sorry little one, but I'm afraid there's not. The castle ends at the end of the draw bridge, and beyond that is a void of fog." Duiren's face fell. "But," continued Maykri, "I do know an area of the castle that you could play in and no one would ever know."

"Somewhere just for me!" Duiren's eyes lit up and he faced his mother smiling. "Can I play? Can I? Can I?"

Zelda gave Maykri a worried look. "But what about Lord Granadhim? What would happen if he were to catch us?"

Maykri just giggled. "He wouldn't. I know a way to get there that he doesn't"

Pondering over it more, Zelda gave it her consent. "As long as you stay with Maykri, do you understand? I trust she will keep you safe."

Duiren squealed in delight and clapped his hands. "Let's go now!" Making a beeline for the door, he began to pull on the handle. "It's stuck!"

"It's locked, that's why," said Maykri.

Duiren gazed at her, baffled. "Then how did you get in?"

Pulling out a ring with keys, Maykri answered, "With these." Lifting up one of the keys, Maykri slid it into the lock. Duiren watched as she exited the room and scouted the hall.

He tried to do the same, but Zelda held him back. "All clear!" called Maykri, waving a hand.

Closing the door behind them, Zelda took her son's hand and followed Maykri through a labyrinth of corridors. The extent of the castle baffled Zelda. So many rooms, but she knew if curiosity got the upper hand, enemies would be flocking. She was also surprised that no scouts were around. She asked Maykri about this.

"I don't know," she said. "They weren't here when I came, so I figured none had been assigned to these posts, but I could be wrong. Lord Granadhim has been working on a new experiment and so…"

That made Zelda groan. She knew what would come of this new plan of the Evil Lord's son and she wished to get away from the Dark Realm, and if not her, at least Duiren. He was only a child, he shouldn't have to go through all the torture that she foresaw.
They continued down another few hallways before noises came bouncing off the walls. Chatter could be heard, along with the clank of medal. Maykri grabbed Zelda by the wrist and dragged her and Duiren into the nearest room. It was dark, but they all stayed as quiet as possible, listening for the people to leave.

"Mama, what's going on?" Duiren asked, clinging to her skirt.

"Shh!" reprimanded Zelda. "We need to stay silent."

They listened for the footsteps and voices to pass before Maykri opened the door and let out a relieved sigh.

"Okay, it's clear." As she opened the door to leave, her foot caught a hidden object and a pile of objects came clattering to the floor with a loud crash. Those same footsteps that had just faded came rushing back.

"Run!" Maykri scooped up Duiren from Zelda's side and dashed towards the other end of the hallway; Zelda followed close behind.

They had just reached the end when a voice cried out, "Get back here you pests!"

Zelda glanced behind and screamed. Not only were there a many number of guards, there were also Bokoblins, a summoned Guardian, and several Stalfos. They all charged after the three of them. Maykri clung to Duiren for dear life and she hurtled towards any way of escape. Screeching and trampling of feet sounded from behind, getting ever closer. Zelda's breath began to come in ragged gasps as she ran, but she tried fighting it. It didn't last long. Maykri dashed into a room and slammed the door shut, breathing hard. She ran across to the other side and opened a secret passage. "Through here, quickly!"

Zelda stood, panting, and tried to go to her, but she crumpled to the floor. "Highness!" Maykri rushed to her side and took her arm. "Let me help you."

Zelda brushed her off. "No. Take Duiren and get out of here, now!" She stared authoritatively at Maykri.

"But-" Maykri began.

"No buts, GO!" Footsteps could now be heard.

Maykri stared hard at Zelda, then have her a hug and dashed into the passage in just enough time. The guards burst into the room and gathered Zelda off the floor.

"Where'd they go?" inquired the leader, yanking the top of Zelda's hair and pushing her head back so she would be forced to look at him. She hissed in pain, but held her tongue. The guard hissed and threw her at two of the other men. "She goes back to the dungeons, to the last stall to be specific." He turned to the others. "As for the rest of you, find that maid and the boy. I will notify the Master as to what has happened and send out more men."

The guards nodded obediently and went about on their assigned orders. The guards that carried Zelda were far from kind. They dragged her to the cell and practically beat her. Repeatedly, they hit her, laughing as she screamed in agony. She could feel the distress the baby was in and prayed to the Goddess of Wisdom that she would keep the child safe. Grabbing her wrists, they chained her to the wall and spit on her.

"Look at the noble Princess," mocked the guard to Zelda's left. He came forward and leaned his face in close. "Not so high and mighty now, is we?"

The guards shared a fit of laughter. Zelda just kept her mouth shut. Her body shook in pain. The guards left her then, still making crude jokes as they evacuated the area. With a shaky breath, Zelda crumpled to the floor.

'Dear Goddesses of Wisdom and Courage, and gods of Hyrule, I pray you bring your wrath upon this realm and its inhabitants. They are abominations and deserve nothing more than to die. Give me strength to withstand my oppressors. And give Link the strength to overcome them. Watch over us all and may your light shine forth.' At that, Zelda slipped into unconsciousness.