Status: YAY! i wrote 15 chapters on one year!!! XD and that was 22 thousand words!(it said on my computer like 22,7somthing) I'm so proud of myself!

TLOZ, Rebirth

Spirit and Courage

It took half a day to travel to Cardia. The morning light was just revealing itself as the gates to the town came into view. Link slumped in the saddle, his back screaming at him to get down and rest, but he continued. He met the town’s guard just outside the gate and was granted passage. Giving the man a thankful nod, he rode to the stream just off the entrance and dismounted.

“Oh, Epona!” Link heaved a sigh of relief and twisted his torso, his back popping with each turn.

Epona snorted and occupied herself with drinking the water from the stream. Link looked at his reflection in the water and laughed. He wasn’t a very hansom looking man, with all the grime that coated his body. Dipping his hands into the cool stream, he splashed his face and washed off as best he could.

“Epona, we’re staying here to rest a bit before we head out again. I definitely need it. And-”

“Hey mister, who are you?”

Link jumped and turned on his heels, looking into the face of a young boy, whose face was full of confusion. Letting go of his grip on the handle of his sword, Link laughed and smiled at the boy.

“Prince Link, if you must ask,” answered Link.

The boy’s eyes lit up and his mouth dropped. “Welcome, Prince Link!” The boy fell to his knees and bowed.

Link laughed and stood. “Thank-you. Now young man, do you think you could help me?”

The boy scrambled back onto his feet and smiled. “I’m great at helping!”

“Good! I’m looking for the Spirit of Earth. Might you know where I might find something on her?” asked Link.

The boy scratched his head and his eyebrows merged. “The library here might have some books, but I don’t know about that.”

Link nodded, expecting the response. “That’s alright; I have to find her-”

“Though the mayor may know more about that,” the boy continued, cutting off Link.

“Where is your mayor?” Link asked, looking around at the small houses that were scattered around.

The boy’s head looked up at him and he grinned. “Follow me!” He took off down the road running.

Link caught up quickly and followed the boy to a larger house near the opposite side of the town. It was a small business, white walls and ivy growing up the front and sides. The front door stood open and the boy ran inside.

“Uncle, there’s someone here to see you!” The boy ran straight for the first door on the left and into his uncle’s office.

“Who is it my boy?” Link peeked inside and the older man stood and bowed. “Your Highness!”

Link bowed back and came to stand in front of the desk. “I’m here for someone, the Spirit of Earth. I was wondering if you’d have some information for me.”

The mayor looked at his nephew and scooted him towards the door. “Go on, Reikua. I need to talk to the prince privately for a bit.

“Yes, Uncle.” Reikua grabbed the door handle and shut it on his way out, leaving the two men alone.

“The Spirit of Earth you say, hmm,” said the mayor, looking out the window.

“Yes, I-” Link was interrupted by his hand; it began to burn and he hissed, clasping it in his other hand and stomach.
The mayor’s attention returned to him and he looked at Link with concern. “Are you alright, Your Highness?”

Link opened his eyes and released his hand, feeling as it returned, slowly, to normal. “No, it’s my wife, Princess Zelda. She was taken captive, along with our son, by Ganondorf’s son, Granadhim. He’s been torturing her, using the power of the Goddess of Power and each time he makes a move, I can feel it through the connection of the Triforce. It might just sting my hand, but I can’t bear to imagine what she feels like.” Link bowed his head and lowered his gaze.

The mayor gave Link a sympathetic look and clasped his shoulder. “I’ll try to help you in any way I can.” Turning to his bookcase, he grabbed an old leather backed book from the top shelf and placed it on his desk. “This is the only record I have of the Spirit of Earth. I know she is to dwell in this area, but none of us have ever seen her. I hope it will be of use to you.”

Link took the book and grazed through it. “This will work fine. Thank-you…”

“Pentrie,” replied the mayor.

“Thank-you Pentrie.” Link bowed his head to him and left, returning to Epona’s side, only to find her getting a rubdown. “Well, well, what’s going on here?”

The three girls jumped and backed away a bit, forming a line next to each other. “We were grooming your horse, Your Highness. We’re sorry if-”

“No, no, don’t be! She loves having attention. It’s nice that she’s clean; you spared me from having to give her a bath!” The girls all looked at each other and joined in laughing with Link.

“Thank-you for not being mad,” said the youngest, who seemed no more than five to Link. She ran up to Link and hugged him.

“I wouldn’t be mad for that.” Link smiled. “Now, would you three be so kind as to leave me alone now. I have some business to attend to.”

The girls bowed and ran off, hand in hand, into the flock of houses, giggling all the way.

‘Cute kids. I wonder what Zelda and I’s child’s going to be.’

Link smiled at the thought of a little girl running around, pretending to be her mother. He quickly though returned his attention back to the task at hand, finding the Spirit of Earth. Opening the book, he found himself staring at an old dialect of the Hylian language.

‘Here we go again,’ he thought.

Squinting in concentration, he read as much as he could decipher. According to the record, she’s inhabited the temple atop the hill. She helped the earth grow the plants, and gave nourishment to every living thing. But aside from the usual, she also had a curse put upon her from the beginning of time. She had wanted to make the entire earth a place of vegetation. She hated humans for what they did to her forests and rivers. She had tried killing them with floods and earthquakes, but each time, the other three spirits would interfere. They wanted life on the earth, not destruction. They limited the earth spirit’s powers and told her she would only be able to do good for all. But she turned dark, and gave us winter, a lack of all good source. It tortured the inhabitance of the earth, but they were saved by the Forest god. They learned to hunt and were able to gather food. It still angered the Earth spirit. She went into a furry and all seasons were combined, confusing all who lived. The people were frightened and begged the gods and the other spirits for help. The gods forced the Earth spirit down and the other three spirits sealed her in the temple in Cardia. But she was never to be left on her own. The Forest god was her guardian, but the people of the earth moved his sanctuary, and without him, she could break her bonds and wreak havoc on all the earth again.

Link put the book aside and massaged his temples. ‘So that’s why I have to bring her to the Forest god. He’s her guard, and so when the temple was moved, he could no longer watch over her. This is serious! All of humanity is at stake.’

Looking towards the top of the hill he noticed the temple and groaned. ‘You have to keep going you lazy butt! If you’re to save your family you need to take the trial at present. No backing down! Once you’ve beaten Ganon’s son, your life will be happy once again. Do you hear me Link?’ Link laughed at the thought. It was the best Navi impression that he could do. Thinking of her brought back old memories of their last mission. After they had searched all over for Zelda and had beaten Ganon and returned to Hyrule castle, she had left and he hadn’t heard from her since.

Heaving a sigh, Link stood and started for the temple. ‘Better take her advice. She would kill me if I thought that she wasn’t ALWAYS right.’

A moan escaped Zelda’s lips as another attack left her body. Granadhim was constantly throwing the Goddess of Power’s power at her, it coursing through her body like liquid fire. Her legs shook from the effort to keep standing, and her wrists were already pulling at the restraints, having gone numb long before. Granadhim stood at the opposite end of the room, finishing off another glass of gold colored liquid.

“Your Hero hasn’t shown up yet in my territory; what a pity. It really shouldn’t be THAT hard to find it. I’m just in the realm my father always dreamed of! The Realm of Darkness, where evil rules!” Granadhim shot Zelda a sly smile and laughed as she flinched, thinking another attack was on its way. “Don’t worry about that now dearie, I’m done for the night, though your boy could use a visit.”

Zelda screamed at Granadhim. Not her son; anyone but her son! She pulled against her restraints, concluding in nothing but pain.

‘Link, please come quickly! I don’t know how much more I can take of this, much less the baby. I pray the gods help you prevail! I love you, Link.’

Granadhim strode to the doors and left, venturing down to the dungeon where Duiren was held prisoner. “Hello, boy! Are you well today?”

Duiren huddled in his corner, the farthest from the door of the cell, and didn’t answer. Granadhim frowned and put his hand out towards him. Duiren let out a cry and gripped his torso. “Answer me boy, how are you?”

“I was fine until you came down,” Duiren wined, still clutching his torso.
“Good! Glad to hear it!” Granadhim pulled an apple from his pouch at his side and tossed it from hand to hand. “Don’t suppose you’d want this.”

Duiren watched the apple bounce between Granadhim’s hands, but he didn’t respond. Shrugging, Granadhim reopened his pouch and was about to return the apple when Duiren rushed to the bars and stuck his arm out, reaching for the food. “Please, may I have it?”

Granadhim looked at the apple and considered the words. Returning his gaze to Duiren he smiled. “Only for a price.”

Duiren shuffled backwards a bit and hung his head. “What is the weakness of your father’s blessing?” Granadhim ventured into asking.

“How should I know? I’m only three and a half,” replied Duiren.

“But I think you do,” said Granadhim. “You ARE his son. A part of the blessing must live inside you. So tell me, what’s its weakness?”

Duiren burst into tears and fell on his knees. “I…It…It’s the Death by Power. It seals the Goddess of Courage for time’s end.” Duiren continued to bawl. ‘I’m sorry Father.’

Granadhim smiled and tossed him the apple. “Good boy!” He left Duiren crying on the floor, his laments drifting behind him as he went to his room. Entering he flopped onto his bed and closed his eyes. A knock came a minute later and he answered it for a beautiful young Gerudo.

Granadhim’s face lit up and he stepped aside for her to enter. “Welcome, Naboru.”