Stealer of Hearts

Introductions & Cake Smashing

"Thank you very much for coming out you guys! We're Tuesday Morning!" I yelled into my microphone to the crowd, while beginning to play the intro to our last and final song. "And before we go, lets give it up for Avenged Sevenfold!" The crowd roared wildly.

My name is Tabitha Laurence but I prefer to be called Tabby. I'm 23, female, and my mother says I have the most unique gray eyes she has ever seen for a brunette girl. My father used to be a well-known musician in the streets of Los Angeles, though he's retired now. But I've taken over his place in the family. Now I'm in a band named Tuesday Morning - don't ask why we chose that name - I'm the bassist and lead singer in the band.

I took a quick glance over at the girl who just landed her high spin jump.

Jackie, our rhythm guitarist and backup vocalist. Just like me, she's 23 years old with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair with hot pink tips. She's usually known for her crazy colored tips; always has her hair up in a claw clip with the tips flared out, exposing the colors behind her, like a peacock putting most attention on its naturally, beautiful tail. And since her hair is shoulder length with varied length, some always fall out, framing her face.

I walked over to the side stage, where Ayden - our lead guitarist - broke out into his own little solo. Ayden, 24 years of age, green eyes and normally, our little nickname for him is Frankie. Why is that? Well, for one, I think that he's the splitting image of Mr. Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance; hair, eyes, style, everything. It's quite amazing. We've had people approaching him on the streets for that.

And that leaves us with our drummer, Nickie, who's banging away at his drum set like there's no tomorrow. He's the baby in the band; at only 22 years old. He's like the David Desrosiers of Simple Plan in our band; with his eyeliner, semi-long hair, and hyperactive personality. He makes long days on a tour bus, as fun as it can be.

Tuesday Morning is currently on tour as an opening band with - you guessed it - Avenged Sevenfold. We've been on tour for about three months now. We have no records out yet, but we do sell our demos at the merch stand, which we're in charge of ourselves after shows. We haven't gotten a lot of recognition yet but oh well, we're working our way towards there.

It's funny how we got on tour. Ayden ran into Matt one day on the streets and he told Ayden how they were going on tour soon. Ayden got him and the rest of Avenged Sevenfold to check out our band and now they brought us on tour with them!

In the mean while, I've found a recording company that's willing to help produce our first record and possibly all our other records if we even make it that far. We're gunna go into the studio in a few days to record. Great huh?

We finished our set and ran off the stage as the lights dimmed down and the stage crew came up to set up the stage for Avenged Sevenfold. They were now in their dressing rooms, getting ready for their show now. Tuesday Morning went to the merch stand area and saw a few people lined up in front of our stand.

Jackie squealed and ran to serve the first person, the rest of us following behind her. We sat at our table, signing and selling until it was time for the next show that we left and watched it too.

♥ - ♥ - ♥

"Zacky!" I jumped on his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and tightly hugged his neck.

"Tabby!" He laughed, kissing my forearms and my hands.

I got down, off of his back and he spun around, pulling me closer to him by my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck once again as he kissed me softly yet hugging me tightly.

Yes, I'm dating the Zacky Vengeance. It started about a week after tour started, meaning we've been together for about three months now. Yet, really, I feel like there's something wrong with this relationship but I can't figure out what.

"You were great." I looked up at him as he hung his oversized sunglasses on the collar of his shirt.

"And so were you darling."

"Aye." Someone groaned from behind us and I turned my neck to see who it was. "Tabby, get your butt to the stands!" Ayden playfully yelled at me and ran towards the door that led straight to where the merchandises were.

I rolled my eyes and pecked Zacky on the lips. "I guess I'll talk to you later." I pulled away from his grasp and followed the path that Ayden had taken, Zacky following behind me.

Upon opening the door, I saw lines and more lines of people waiting to purchase clothing, etc. We - Tuesday Morning - all knew that they were mainly there for Avenged Sevenfold items but half of them bought our things and demos too. I'm pretty sure it was all just out of pity for us, that a band like A7X would take a band like us on tour.

What am I kidding, why am I thinking like this? It could be true, it might not be. I'll never know what they're thinking.

I signaled for the next girl standing in line, to come over to me for assistance. She came up to me with a guy who I suppose came here with her. She handed me a Tuesday Morning demo - she probably got it from Nickie - to have me sign. As I did so, she started talking.

"I absolutely love your band. You're such an awesome singer!"

"Thank you." I smiled at her, handing her back the cd.

"We've been a big fan of you guys since you first opened your Myspace music page back in late 2004."

I raised a brow at her in shock as the guy that was with her, grinned and nodded. "Wow really?" They both both nodded their heads happily. "That's amazing. We're really happy that we actually have some real fans here. I'll tell you what-" I reached under the table and grabbed some things out. "Meet me by our bus in an hour and a half if you can and we can hangout."

I handed them two slips, just to let them pass security guards just incase and the girl's mouth fell open. In an instant, they were both jumping up and down, screaming. It attracted Jackie to come over and strangely enough, she heard our whole conversation.

"Not only that-" She joined in, causing the two to go quiet. "We'll give you free Tuesday Morning gear and you can come hangout with us and Avenged Sevenfold tomorrow in Los Angeles."

"We're already in the border of Los Angeles."

"Fine. Hangout with us and Avenged Sevenfold in another part of Los Angeles. Happy now Tabitha?" she asked.

I nodded and the guy and girl screamed again, quickly pulling me and Jackie into a hug. Then they ran out the door, still screaming. I have yet to even know one of their names.

"Did you happen to get their names?" I turned to Jackie and she shook her head 'no'. I shrugged. "Oh well, we'll know somehow."

"Can you believe that they've heard our stuff and knew us since when we first started?"

"I know. It's so crazy."

"Really, Myspace is corrupting young people's heads these days."

"Agreed. Minus the music pages though. You gotta admit, those are pretty awesome."

"Two thumbs up to that."

We continued on working, selling and selling our stuff. People quickly left though. An hour passed by and almost everyone was gone.

Avenged Sevenfold handled the last few people as Tuesday Morning went to get showered and changed. After feeling refreshed, I got dressed in a regular pair of jeans and a tight baseball-styled t-shirt. I was about to head out the door when a pair of arms quickly grabbed me from behind by the waist.

I let out a quick scream before turning around to see that it was only Zacky.

"Don't do that," I groaned, laying my head on his chest as he laughed a bit, rubbing my back. Lifting my head back up, I started towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my bus," I answered him, lacing my fingers with his as we walked out into the dark coldness.

"Aw I thought you were gunna stay on our bus tonight." He pouted.

"Maybe. We're having some fan guests over. So if it isn't late and I'm not tired by the time they leave, then I'll come onto your bus. Is that okay?" I asked in a baby voice and looked up at him, batting my eyelashes.

"You better." He faked through gritted teeth and leaned down to give me a kiss.

"Where are we going tomorrow?"

"I think we'll be in Hollywood."

"Whee..." I said unenthusiastically. Hollywood has never appealed to me. Ever.

"We'll have a few days off after that."

"Oh yay!" I grinned. "Well, this is my bus," I said as we reached our bus, standing on the side without the door. I laced both of our hands together, standing face to face.

"Man, I have to wait until morning."

"Don't be such a baby."

"Alright. Well, goodnight." He leaned down for a kiss and I met him halfway there. It was soft and nice, but I didn't particularly feel anything special in it.


He left and I went around the bus, to see that the two people from earlier had just arrived.

"Hey," I greeted them, each with hugs. "I'm sorry but I didn't get your names."

"I'm Stephanie." The girl introduced herself and pointed to the male. "This is Alex."

"Nice to meet you both." I unlocked the bus door and stepped aside, letting them in first. Ayden was already on the bus, sitting on the sofa with his legs propped up on the coffee table, playing some kind of a video game as always.

"Hey, who'd you bring this time Tabs?" he asked me, not once removing his eyes from the television screen.

"Oh they're way different from the other lot."

"How so?"

"This is Stephanie and Alex. They've been with us since - literally - the beginning," I told him, laughing slightly and I saw his eyes bulge out a bit as he paused his game.

"Nice to meet you two! I love you," he said, grinning. "Wanna play?" he asked, holding up a controller towards the two. Stephanie objected but Alex happily nodded and ran over to the sofa, taking a controller himself. Ayden and Alex started playing as me and Stephanie laughed at them, walking towards the back to the back lounge.

I got to know Stephanie a bit more and learned that she (was cool of course) lived close to where all of Tuesday Morning lives actually. Really close to the point where we can take a five to ten minute drive if we want. The same with Alex - him and Stephanie were going out, though I think that that's obvious...

Oh and what a terrific night. Jackie came onboard and smashed cake into my face and ran off with Stephanie. Nice way to show the fans how you really are right?

The 'party' we had going on went late into the night. By the time everyone fell asleep, it was nearly two in the morning. It doesn't seem that late but it is when you've had a busy day and have deal with both, Jackie and Nickie.

The bus was on the move after Stephanie and Alex left and it didn't stop until about six in the morning. We had hit a road bump before we stopped and it woke me up. Probably because I banged my head against the side of the bus. I lazily got up, still in my pajamas and stepped off the bus, walking over to Avenged Sevenfold's bus.

I knocked on the door and Johnny let me in. I went towards the bunk area of the second deck as he laid on the couch in the 'living room' area. I went straight to the farthest, bottom left bunk and crawled in, laying my head on his chest.

Zacky grunted a little and fixed himself into a comfortable position before enclosing his arms around me again. "Good morning."

"Good morning."

"You finally came." I nodded, my eyes still closed. I heard him say something else but I didn't hear, as I slowly slipped away, back into sleep.