Stealer of Hearts

Break Up This Fight

I woke up, after what seemed like half an hour, to an annoying beeping sound, right by my ear. Realizing that it was my cell phone, I quickly answered it without looking at the caller id. "Hello?" I mumbled groggily, unable to open my eyes all the way with the sunlight shining in my face.

"Get out here and help us. Now." Ayden's voice rang through my ears, almost in a hissing manner and hung up quickly. I frowned at my phone as the call disconnected. What was so urgent that he needed me so bad? There were some noises outside- almost like shouting and, somewhat, charring. Why would they need me to help them - and did he have to hiss at me?

I groaned and swung my legs over the edge of the bunk, jumping on my feet into a standing position. Pulling my shirt down and flattening my hair, I huffed out a breath of air and trudged towards the door. Opening the door and allowing a gust of cold air to blow in, I heard my name being mentioned in the midst of all the yelling.

In a moment, I could guess the reason why Ayden had called me; I was most likely the cause of all this, in one way or another.

A crowd of people - band members - were scattered into a semi-circle; some were cheering and others were yelling in anger. From the looks of it, a fight had broken out between two or more people; there were a few additional people around trying to break it up. They were either standing in the middle, trying, or trying to pull the fighters away from each other from behind.

I stood still, puzzled about what was going on for a moment until the two people parted. I listened as their mouths moved, yelling for everyone around to hear their argument, and watched as they went at each other again.

"Why don't you just stay away from her?" Someone shouted and I heard the other person counteract.

"Why don't you stay out of this and leave her alone?" I instantly knew who the two voices belonged to, and I dashed over there, catching Ayden's glance on the way. He shook his head disapprovingly towards me, signaling to the ridiculous fight.

"None of this would have ever happened if you stayed out of the picture!" As I neared the scene, I noticed Zacky, struggling against Matt's strong hold while Billy stood still and straight, in a calm posture.

I witnessed Billy raising his eyebrow at him in a mocking gesture. "Oh, so now it's my fault that we accidentally bumped into each other, I wanted to be nice, and now she likes me? I just planned for that to happen," he replied sarcastically. "If I have the power to see the future, then I would've avoided this whole thing and not be here."

"I wish that really would've happened," Zacky grunted out, breaking free from Matt's grip and lunging at Billy's tall frame. My speed increased to a sprint, my feet moving almost noiselessly on the ground underneath me. I slowed down to a stop, placing my hands on their chests; I pushed them apart with a bit of force and effort.

I made an effort and pleaded for them to stop but I was unable to hear myself over all the commotion. They were still being reckless and loud; most likely, they didn't even notice that I had pushed them apart. Anxious to quiet them down before it became too much of a scene to others, I screamed at the top of my lungs, tempted to throw a fit just to catch anyone's attention besides Ayden's.

My teeth gritted together and my hands flew into a fit of little motions, smacking away at their once-again flying arms. They stopped instantly, coming back to reality and stared at me with slightly wide eyes filled with anger. I stared at them both for a short while, glaring at them as the fury began to build inside of me.

"What is the deal with all this?" I questioned them slowly, my voice high and teeth still somewhat gritted together. "Is this really the only mature way to handle this?" I threw both of them incredulous glances before asking slowly, "Who started this?" I was curious - although, I knew that there was only one person who could have.

Billy shot a glare directly at Zacky, who sheepishly raised his hand up, slightly bent at the elbow. I noted that his eyes held a look of somewhat shame. Of course it was Zack; Billy didn't know anything to start it, since he was in the diner, eating breakfast with everyone else who was oblivious to what had happened on Avenged Sevenfold's bus.

"And why would you start this fight?" I questioned him, crossing my arms across my chest. "Don't dump all the blame on Billy; he had nothing to do with this--"

"Why are you defending him?" Zacky cried out, pain evident in his voice.

I rolled my eyes at him once again. "Because none of this was his fault," I told him sternly. "And plus, this thing is between you, me, and her-" I nodded my head towards Jackie, who stood in the crowd behind Jimmy. "You had no right to pull Billy into all of this."

"Damn right I do." I heard him mutter before he pulled on of his sleeves up and prepared to make a move on Billy yet again. I stood in the way this time, my anger getting the best of me. Before I had time to react, my hand flew up and the sound of skin on skin was heard as my flesh collided against the side of his head.

"Enough!" I cried. "Behave yourself; I've had enough! Get on the bus." I pointed a finger in the direction where the busses were and glared at him, long and hard. I turned back towards everyone else, and the fury of my expression must've given them a hint.

Zacky gave a huff and turned around abruptly, heading back towards his bus; Jackie ran along with him. Everyone slowly departed and went back to their busses. I continued to glare at the ground silently, hoping to burn a hole into the core as I felt someone link their arm with mine. I felt Paul glancing at my uncertainly and I looked up, meeting his gaze. I gave him a nod, signaling to him that I'll be on their bus in a few minutes.

There was a talk coming up. I just knew it.

"What was that all about?" I heard Nickie murmur behind me, laying his chin on my shoulder from behind. "Is there something you'd like to talk about?" He hinted and I shook my head.

"I'll talk to you guys about it later - but until then, I want to be alone," I told him and he nodded, understanding. I made my way slowly away from him towards Good Charlotte's bus, feeling his arm slowly loosen from mine.

It almost felt like a scene of two great friends departing, knowing that they'd never see each other ever again.