Stealer of Hearts


A week later, I'm sitting on the ground backstage, watching as Good Charlotte performed. Tuesday Morning had just finished our set and now, we were hanging out - well, Ayden, Nickie, and Jackie were. They were somewhere, either at our merch booth or somewhere in the crowd talking to our fans. I, on the other hand, decided to relax and sit, watching the show and nibbling idly on my water bottle cap. My other hand was messing around with the scrolly ball on my new Blackberry.

I was smart enough to keep my previous cell phone in my back pocket during a show last week. I forgot about it and in an instant, during one of our songs, it fell out and scattered into pieces on the floor. The only piece I had left of it was the sim card with all of my contacts on it. But it didn't matter to me; the phone was getting old and crappy anyways.

My legs were beginning to go numb, as well as my rear while the floor vibrated from the extreme volume that came from the amplifiers a few feet in front of me. I stood up and pulled down my shirt, moving away from the amplifier and into a small hallway that had a staircase leading up to the second floor. The hallway was just within a few feet from the stage and band members often pass down it to go upstairs, watch the show, or go onstage.

I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and I looked down at it under the bright hallway lights; an instant message from Nickie. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to reply to him. The conversation wasn't anything important- just him trying to convince me into coming upstairs and hanging with him, a few fans, and Joey, our hired merch guy.

I kept declining and ignoring his attempts at persuasion until a few voices down the hallway to my left distracted me. They were laughing loudly- loud enough to be heard over the loud music that poured out of the speakers. I looked up to my left and instantly felt my heart jump.

It jumped out of surprise, out of guilt, out of fear, and out of sadness.

I kept my eyes fixated on them, not bothered by the fact that they can easily see me. Why would it matter? We were all close friends anyways. Brian, Jimmy, and Zacky all managed to somehow fit into the narrow, small hallway, walking side by side with each other. Jimmy and Brian were messing and joking around, laughing like maniacs and giving the other light shoves. Zacky, however, walked by them silently.

His expression was distracted; it was easy to say that he was barely listening in and participating in the conversation. He hasn't been in his best moods lately; he's been more reserved, quiet when he's not needed, and his mind was just far away from wherever everyone else's was.

Brian and Jimmy walked by me with energetic waves before they got back into their discussions. Zacky's eyes landed on me but after a brief second, he looked away and stared straight on, walking by and ignoring me like he did for the past week. It's not like it mattered to me anyway; it's not like I've been trying to get his attention.

They stood off to the side, where I had previously been sitting, and watched the show. The two energetic men - who have yet to play their part of the show yet - swayed and wagged their hips back and forth to 'Dance Floor Anthem' while Zacky stood a little ways behind them with his arms crosses across his broad chest. I can see his squinted eyes through the flashing lights- his slight glare directed towards Billy.

That's how things have been for the past week: ignoring each other and secretly throwing daggers behind another man's back. For the past week, Zacky and I haven't spoken to each other- neither have Billy and Zacky. I was beginning to think that the whole thing between them is beginning to get ridiculous; they shouldn't be fighting for all I know.

There's only three weeks left of the tour. This is no way for them to spend the remains of doing what they love best, by fighting and not enjoying the moment.

It's utterly stupid if you ask for my opinion.

I huffed out a breath to myself and stormed off towards the staircase, finally giving in to Nickie's constant bickering - which was still being sent 70 miles per hour through my phone. I pushed the huge metal door open and I was greeted with a cold draft of air from the air conditioner placed above me.

The sides of the upper level were barely populated and almost empty since everyone was gathered more towards the space where you can see directly center of the stage. Also, that's where the bar is- serving food and other beverages besides alcohol, though, of course they sold those for ones who are of legal age.

A few people approached me, asking for autographs, pictures, and such but none of them stayed or made me stay to talk to them. They were all too engrossed in watching Good Charlotte play. I looked forward towards a door that led to the merch room and where people can exit and enter the building.

I saw a glimpse of Nickie's small frame and black hair, and made my way towards him, avoiding running into anyone- especially the drunk people who held cups of alcohol in their hands. Fresh air hit me instantly, blowing in through the doors on the outside, as I made it out safely into the merch room.

"There you are!" I heard Nickie exclaim, running over and throwing his arms around me.

"Hey." I lightly laughed, placing my arm around his waist as he began to pull me over to where he and Joey were, hanging out with a few people; his arms were still hooked around my neck. He stopped in front of them and released my neck, only to have an arm replaced around my waist.

"This is-" He stretched out the word as he pointed his fingers around in a circle before it landed on one person. "-Josh, Michael, and Kaitlyn." He introduced me to the people he's been talking to for the past ten minutes.

I greeted them as one waved, one smiled, and one actually returned the greeting verbally to me. I stood next to the girl - Kaitlyn was her name - and she shyly asked for an autograph and a picture.

"Hey, you didn't ask me for a picture!" Nickie exclaimed, pouting and giggled, motioning for her to come over to him. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to the other two, who were now beginning to make conversation with Joey. I was about to open my mouth and say something when Nickie interrupted me again. "How about we get a group picture? Can we get a group picture here?"

"Yeah, but you need someone to take the picture," I stated to him and he turned around in circles, searching for anyone who can handle the girl's camera.

"I'll take it!" A girl behind the table, who's name was Haylee- Good Charlotte's merch girl, raised her hand and climbed over the table, taking the camera from his hands.

"So, are you and Billy together now? What's this whole feud thing we're hearing about?" the girl, Kaitlyn, questioned, after we have taken the group picture. Her voice sounded naturally quiet- either that, or it was just the question.

I shook my head, a certain expression displayed on my face. "No, and really, I don't know what's up with this 'feud'," I quoted and she nodded.

"Who's it between?" one of the guys- I was pretty sure his name was Michael- questioned in a feminine voice, obviously trying to portray a female character to fit in with the girls' gossip. She scowled at him and swatted his arm, in which he pulled back and chuckled, now using his normal low voice.

"Dude, stay out of this. This is a girls' circle and you don't belong. Go away," she told him with a slight grin on her face and pushed him away, before grabbing my arm and pulling me a few feet away from him and the rest of the guys.