Stealer of Hearts

Make Peace

I took in a large amount of breath before exhaling, staring at the smooth white ceiling. I tried to numb my body as much as possible, to allow myself the pleasure of feeling like I'm sinking into the bed. I took as many slow breaths as i could, calm and slow, to ease the pain of my throbbing headache.

I hate headaches; therefore, I really dislike hangovers, which also leads to why I don't do heavy drinking. What made me agree to drink with Billy last night? If it wasn't for him and his way with words, I wouldn't be enduring my most hated pain.

I quietly groaned and draped my arm over my eyes; I instantly regretted it since the throbbing seemed to sound louder in my mind from the impact. I winced and scrunched up my face. Nickie had decided to emerge from the bathroom with the hair dryer in his hand, still on. To add on to it, Ayden's phone, which was right next to me, began to beep loudly.

He groaned and rolled over to face me, taking a look at his cell phone. His eyes were still slightly red, and it was obvious that he still hasn't gotten enough sleep. He mumbled some words and placed the device on the bedside table next to him, before his arm fell limp and he went back to sleeping.

I watched him for a while and I was starting to believe that the headache was fading away, until I felt a rush of hot air in my face. It nearly suffocated me as I quickly turned away and onto my side, desperately trying to get it away. I glared at Nickie when I could breathe normally again, seeing his eyes narrow at me as he stood next to my bedside; the hair dryer in his hand was now turned off.

"You're an asswipe, you know that," I stated simply and monotonously, the throbbing sensation returning. I rolled onto my front and covered my face, shielding my eyes from the bright morning sun.

"Yeah, well, at least I'm not the depressed chick moping around like a bitch," he retorted and I opened my eyes slightly, raising a brow at him.

"I'm not a bitch," I mumbled and he shrugged.

"No, you're not." He admitted. "But the point is that you need to stop sulking around and being so depressed." He placed the dryer down on the bed near my feet. He crossed his arms over his chest as I rolled onto my back.

"I'm not sulking; I have a hang over."

"Maybe so, but that doesn't mean that you're not sulking deep down, and that you don't do it any other day, anyway." He pointed out, knowing that he's right. He held a proud, smug smile on his face as he waiting for me to say something.

"No, I don't," I mumbled to myself, looking away from him. I placed an arm under my head and stared at the ceiling.

I heard him sigh, sitting down next to me. "Then why are you still wearing the necklace?" he asked, nodding his head down to my chest. Puzzled, I looked down and for a moment, I had asked myself the same question. I didn't even remember still wearing it- nor did I ever remember a time when I took it off.

I took the diamond embedded ring into my hand and examined it. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. "What are you getting at?" I questioned him skeptically, my eyes squinting at him.

"The point is for you to pull things together," he told me in a somewhat feminine voice, trying to make it a point to me that it should have been obvious. "Tabs, the tour is ending soon. This is no way for us to enjoy it; you and Zack are depressed as hell and there's some sort of tension between GC and Avenged. Do you think it's right for Billy and Zack to spend the last moments of this tour together, kind of held back because that's how you feel?" he lectured me and I shook my head.

"So in the end, it all turns onto me," I mumbled again, shutting my eyes. I tried to ignore Jackie's gaze lingering on me as she eavesdropped from her spot at the small round table set up in the room, writing in a notebook.

I could feel the bed shake as he shook his head. "No--"

"Is it my fault that they decided to get into that stupid fight with each other?" I interrupted him, my voice growing somewhat louder.

"No," he said sternly, in an effort to stop me from interrupting him again. "But you need to make it your business to put things back together." He lightly hit my leg, frustrated.

I stole a glance in Jackie's direction, slightly glaring at her. I spoke, my voice loud and clear. "And Jackie needs to mind her own business." She lifted her gaze up at me and frowned, rolling her eyes and looking away. I shook my head, moving my vision a tad bit more to the left to look at Nickie.

"Stop it," he said sternly, loud enough for the both of us to hear.

Frustrated, I jumped out of bed and immediately headed out the door. I ignored the fact that my head was pounding harder than ever and that I'm still in my pajamas. I pulled my hair into two pigtails as I made my way down the empty hallway. It was probably around nine or so, and I bet everyone was still asleep.

I stopped in front of a door near the end of the hallway, and collided my fist down onto the wooden door several times with increasing strength. There was some yelling, groaning, and stumbling around coming from the inside. It opened a minute later to reveal a tired looking Billy, but not as hung over as everyone else in the room. I bet I look worse than him though.

"Come with me," I said, but I couldn't remember or notice whether it was coherent or not. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out, causing him to slam the door due to his slow reaction to let go of it. I dragged him down the opposite end of the hallway, in a quick hurry. I don't know why but I felt as though I was in a movie and life depended on time.

I knocked loudly on Avenged's door, wrapping my fist quicker than I did to Good Charlotte's room. I stood back and waited, my hand still attached to Billy's. Matt came to the door. "W--" he started to ask but I interrupted him quickly.

"I need Zack." He seemed baffled for a moment from the lack of a working mind in the early morning, but he recovered quickly and went back inside. A groggily Zacky came out a minute or so later, his hair tossed in every direction. Before he could ask anything, I took his hand and pulled him along as well.

"What are you doing?" he asked, puzzled as I held on to both of their hands and pulled them further down the hallway wordlessly.

I turned them down a corner; it was another empty hallway that was somewhat dimly lit and vacant, since it was far from the elevators that the people usually used. I pulled them to a stop, making them face each other as I released their hands. I shoved my hands into the pockets of the flannel pajama bottoms that I happened to slip on last night. "You guys talk," I told them. "And make up. Tour is almost over and it's stupid for you guys to fight over something neither of you started," I said, and stood there.

They awkward stared back at each other and me, neither of them making a move. I sighed. "I'll give you guys your privacy. Once you make up, someone come find me." I walked away and down the hallway that we came from.

I went towards the elevators, having the metal doors slide open right away. It was empty, so I freely rested all of my body weight against the wall, leaning my head back. The weight of gravity from when it'd suddenly shift into motion downwards made my stomach lurch upward, causing me to feel nauseated for a brief moment. The doors slid open once again and I got out, walking through the empty lobby.

I went outside and into the streets, but only stopping outside the hotel. I took a few steps to the curb and sat down, my arms wounding around my stomach and I laid my head on my knees. I listened to the sound of cars passing and felt the cool wind as they zoomed by.
♠ ♠ ♠
I realized that before I retyped this- the version that's unedited and still on Quizilla, I called Nickie, Danny at one point. I don't know why. o.O