Stealer of Hearts

Left Abandoned

I felt a presence sit down closely next to me on the curb. "Hey," the voice said, and I heard them suck in a breath of air. "So, is everything cool now?" the male voice asked and I lifted my head up from my knees. Billy was sitting in a position identical to mine, in his pajamas as well. He was smiling at me, a glint of happiness in his blue eyes, but I could just tell by a distinct feature in his facial expression that his head was killing him just like mine was.

But he was still hopeful for an answer that meant that everything was resolved now.

I inhaled and looked down at my lap before looking back at his bright face, even though it was still morning and I had rudely awakened him. "Did you guys...?” I trailed off, expecting an answer and he nodded, proudly may I add. "And who came out first?" It wouldn't mean anything if he was the one who came out and apologized first for something he didn't do.

"Zack," he simply said and I nodded, smiling.

I started to nod around and looked down at my lap, pursing my lips, which caused him to laugh. "Then I guess everything's cool now."

I looked at him and he grinned. "So that means... no more moping around, fights, or nasty looks and we can enjoy the rest of the tour?" he asked quickly, flashing me an adorable smile.

I laughed at him. "There's only two weeks left so we might as well, right?"

He nodded his head rapidly. "That's good." There was a brief silence and I could tell that he wanted to say something. It wasn't long before we went back to acting as though none of this has ever happened. "So, can I go back to bed now?" he questioned and I lightly shoved him to the side.

"Jerkwad." I laughed and got up. I started to head back inside the hotel, leaving him to be the only one still sitting by the curb in only his pajamas, his hair a mess and dazed in confusion.

I went back up to Tuesday Morning's hotel room and slid the card key into the slot, twisting the door handle open when the light flashed green. Walking inside, Jackie was nowhere to be seen, though I could care less at the moment. I only have one thought in mind on where she might possibly be. I saw that Nickie was already up and ready, sitting on the bed that he and Jackie shared, watching TV. Ayden was still dead asleep so I crawled into the bed next to him.

It felt nice to be able to close my eyes again and just lay there, hopefully able to fall into slumber soon. But once Nickie is up, there's no hope for any sleep once you're already up. Luckily for Ayden, I bet he hasn't woken up for more than five minutes since the conversation Nickie and I had earlier this morning.

As I closed my eyes and was just about to fall back into sleep, Nickie spoke up. "What are you doing going back to sleep?" he asked and I lazily opened my eyes to look at him.

"Well, let's see." I began to think of reasons. "You woke me up early to settle something that could wait til later when everyone's fully awake, my head is killing me, and it's only," I took a glance at the alarm clock that was set on the small table in between the two beds, "Not even nine yet. So I think I deserve a little sleep before we leave."

He stared at me blankly and I figured he was going to leave it at that, so I made another attempt to close my eyes peacefully. I could hear him shifting on the bed, before a 'no' rang through the room. I sighed and opened my eyes again. "What?"

"I said no." He pouted. The TV was now turned off, which could only mean that he's going to make me do something with him. "I'm lonely; you gotta stay up and talk to me."

"Why?" I whined and shifted on to my back, resting an arm across my eyes.

"Because I've been abandoned," he whined back. I heard him get off the bed and begin to tug at my arm, attempting to pull me off the bed. "Come on," he whined again, stretching out 'on'. "Come get some coffee with me. I saw they have a Starbucks downstairs," he tried to bribe me and I let out and irritated groan, sighing in defeat.
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If everything goes as planned, I have at least... six more chapters after this before the story ends. Who knows. It all depends if I can come up with some more stuff/a better ending :]