Stealer of Hearts

Like Magic

I continued to keep an eye on the dark sky, watching as people lit it up with neon colours that seem to capture every little kids' amusement. It never seemed to seize, and yet, I should've known better. Nearly every year, the fireworks in this neighbourhood didn't really stop until the early hours of morning, even if it starts to die down over time.

The house party across the street was lively - and not to mention, loud. I can only imagine what's going on in there while everyone gets drunk off their faces. I've done that before, and I'm not sure if I'd want to do it again - especially the waking-up-in-the-morning part.

I huffed out a breath of air and watched as it condensed into a fog-like form in front of me, just as I felt my Blackberry vibrate from within my pockets. I pulled it out with and with numb hands, unlocked the screen. A strange feeling rose inside me as my eyes landed on who the recipient of the text message was.

From: Billy Martin
Happy New Years! :) What are you up to?
Jan 1, 1:10 am

I replied back, telling him that I was just sitting at home watching the fireworks alone. To take the time to ask me what I'm up to, I thought that he'd have better things to do on New Year's Day, such as going out with his band or other people. I know that's what the rest of Tuesday Morning is doing right now, while I declined their party invitation to spend it with my parents.

It wasn't long before I received a reply back from Billy. I'm coming over, the text read, and I didn't bother to reply since I knew he was most likely on his way over. I had told him that I was at my parent's house, and unfortunately for some reason I forget, he already knows the address.

More neon particles of fire continued to explode in the sky as I waited for my guest to arrive. It was barely 1:15 AM, and the event was only half-over. The parties had only just begun. I knew my parents were inside, cuddled up on the couch and watching other New Year broadcasting of other locations on the television.

Fifteen minutes later, at 1:30, a car pulled up into the driveway, the headlights blinding me temporarily for a few seconds. A tall, lanky figure got out of the car after shutting off the car engine, and walked up the walkway to the porch where I was. As the character got closer, Billy's smiling face became clearer. I returned a smile back as he sat down in a chair that was slightly leaned back, placed next to the small round table that separated us.

"Why are you out here alone?" he asked once he had settled himself in his seat comfortable, leaning back with his hands in the pocket of his hoodie and his long legs pulled up on the chair.

My foot nudged the ground and sent me into a rocking motion effortlessly. I shrugged and tilted my head a bit, signaling back to the house. "Giving my parents some alone time. They didn't want to sit out in the cold to watch the fireworks with me anyway." He nodded a bit and concentrated his gaze on the party house across from us. I decided to direct the conversation back onto him for a moment. "What about you - what are you doing here?"

The smile that had momentarily left his face came back in the I-can't-believe-you-asked-that way. "Keeping you company, that's why," he replied in a smart tone. "Do you not want me here?"

I rolled my eyes at his answer and proceeded on. "No," I shook my head, "I meant, what made you come over here to keep me company in the first place?"

He shrugged and turned his gaze back on the fireworks that were still going off. "Everyone went out, but I didn't feel like going."

I nodded. "Same here. The band went out to who-knows-where."

"I think Benj and Joel are probably at some club in Hollywood."

I chuckled, agreeing with him. "Most likely."

A silence fell over us as all of our attention went to the fireworks show. Somewhere throughout all of this, Billy stood up and offered me his hand, which I took, and led us down the porch steps. He sat down on the grass and patted the empty spot next to him, motioning for me to join him. The grass was cold, but it didn't make much of a difference compared to the chill air that already surrounded us from the start. It was a better view - more up-close and clear compared to having the overhand roof and railings blocking the way.

A guy from the house party across the street got up off of his lawn and picked up a box, before crossing the street over to us. He ran with a grin on his face and stopped in front of us. I noticed that poking out of the box was (probably hundreds of) explosives - fireworks that were yet to be lit.

"You guys seem lonely," he quickly said with excitement, slightly out of breath, "Would you like some? They're for free," he offered, singing the last part with his eyebrows raised, most likely trying to get us interested.

I shook my head kindly but Billy nodded like a little kid. I laughed as he dug in the box and came out with a few of the Sparklers sticks, waving them around. He thanked the guy before he left and ran back across the street to his friends.

He took a stick and handed it to me with an adorable smile adorning his lips. "Want one?" he asked but I declined.

"Nah. You have fun," I told him and he shrugged, replying with a 'Suit yourself'. He took a matchstick out of the pack of matches that the guy had lent him, and lit it up, waving it around to the beat of the music that was blasting out of his iPod. I leaned away from him once he started to wave it close to me, but he continued to do it on purpose. "Get it out of my face!" I squealed at him and tried to push him away. He just laughed and went on with his own business.

Eventually, everything fell calm and it went back to just us watching the fireworks. We had small talk, discussing a few things here and there, while he sat there calmly with his Sparkler in his hands, watching it flare in front of him and the sparks fall on the grass below.

There was something about this night and just having him there, but I couldn't quite place a finger on it. All I could say was that it was better than sitting out here alone, and something about it screamed amazing and magical. Spending the firsts of the new year with Billy by my side, someone that actually wanted to be with me and share a special moment, was something I had no complaints about.
♠ ♠ ♠
... I don't know why I always include some sort of italicized text message. But I do.
And I'd like to say, "finally!"
... oh dang. There's only two chapters left. Sorry I couldn't give a head warning. I'm no good with fillers, and if I did do fillers to make it three more chapters, then they'd be really short. So I figured, why not combine the plot somehow. Maybe it'd be more interesting.