Stealer of Hearts

Would You Let Me?

When the fireworks had died down to almost a complete seize around 2:30 in the morning, Billy and I headed back inside. We could've sat outside longer, but it had gotten way too cold; I wanted to get warm and have a more comfortable surface to sit on.

I thought it was a brilliant idea.

As we walked through my dark wooden front door, we found that the inside of the house was dark and empty, minus the small lamp that sat on an end table. My parents had most likely gone to sleep. If not, at least somewhere in their bedroom. I signaled for Billy to stay quiet and I shut off the small lamp, taking his hand and leading him to my room through the darkness.

My room wasn't exactly up to date. Most of its contents were back from when I was still in high school, before Tuesday Morning and I got our big break and began touring. Ever since then, I've moved out into my own apartment, rooming with Ayden, and I've rarely come back to spend the night in this house. There was no use in getting new furniture or re-decorating. Besides, it's nice to be able to stay in a room and be reminded of the good ol' days -- remember what my life was like before everything got hectic with a career.

Switching the lights on, I went over to my twin-sized bed and sat on it, making sure to make room (on the little space I had) for Billy, but instead, he took a seat on the floor. He returned back to the previous position he was in just outside, and looked around my room, taking everything in.

"Nice room," he commented, his head bobbing up and down slightly. A smirk was threatening to break out across his face.

I laughed and shook my head. "I haven't really lived here since high school," I told him, "So, I didn't bother to change it up."

He laughed and replied with an 'okay' before falling backwards and sprawling across my floor, as if my room wasn't small enough. His long legs practically took up most of the walking space. He groaned, seeming bored, and stared up at the ceiling, which had several posters of musicians posted on it. Thinking back, I'm not quite sure why or even how I got them up there.

"So," I leaned back and laid on my back, staring up at the ceiling as well, "What're your plans for tomorrow?" I questioned him and turned over to lie on my side. He shrugged and rested his hands behind his head, making himself more comfortable. I threw him a pillow and he placed it under his head, still keeping his hands where they were. "That's a nice answer." I rolled my eyes at his lack of an answer.

He rolled his eyes. "Well, I was planning on going out with someone but I don't know if they have anything plan for tomorrow."

I nodded my head once. "Who? Why don't you just ask them ahead of time?"

He shrugged and it was quite for a few moment before he spoke. He turned his head toward me and raised his eyebrows. "Do you wanna go out tomorrow?" He let out a laugh and I couldn't help but let a giggle (which sounded insane) out, trying to keep my voice level down as to not disturb my parents next door.

"You're an idiot," I told him and rolled over onto my other side so that my back was facing him. I was faced with the window that was next to my bed, and I stared outside at the dark night. I felt the bed shift in weight and the mattress sink beneath me. I felt him wrap an arm around my waist, then placing it against the mattress to prop himself up. His other hand held lightly onto my shoulder as he hovered over me, his eyes peering down at me. His eyes were light and his grind dazzling.

"You didn't answer me," he said seriously with the smile still on his face. "Is that a 'yes'?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes! Damn," I said exasperatedly, letting out a squeal as he pressed his lips down to the side of my face forcefully. The amount of pressure and the coldness/poking of his lip stud sent a sort of ticklish feeling to run down to the base of my neck.

"Oh, and one more thing," he said after he pulled back, still keeping himself up by his arms and looking down at me. I craned my neck to look straight at him and did a little shrug to tell him to continue on. "Would you let me call you my girlfriend?" A darling, cute expression overcame his facial appearances while his smile turned into an innocent grin.

I pretended to look away and pulled one side of my mouth up, thinking. I could feel a sudden rise in temperature in the room, my face growing hot as I tried my best to hide it. "I don't know." I shrugged. "Would I?"

He thought about it for a second before nodding. "Yes, you would."

"Then alright." I smiled and my eyes slowly fluttered shut at the same pace that he decided to lean down, finally placing his lips against my own. A strange sense of relief ran through me and my body relaxed, the tension that I didn't know was in my limbs, gone within seconds.

Maybe this is the best New Year day, yet. A good start to a good year.
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This was short, my apologies, but we got through to the main part.
Only one more chapter left.
Thank you, to those who are/still is reading.