Stealer of Hearts

A Coffee Encounterment

"So, Tabitha," the reporter gal, Leslie, started. She aimed our interview question to me for a quick moment. "I heard that you're dating Avenged Sevenfold's very own, Mister Zacky Vengeance." I nodded. "So tell me, how are things going?" She winked at me and I tried to stop myself from making a nasty face. Really, I'm not one to believe in sex before marriage - that's just too extreme for me.

"Things are going great," I replied, my voice awkwardly in a high pitch tone which normally doesn't happen much. I quickly stole glances from my bandmates and they all had little smirks on their face, knowing well that their theory has been justified.

Only those who knows me very well - which is Tuesday Morning - knows that whenever my voice gets unnaturally high pitched, it could only mean that I'm lying. The higher pitch it is, the bigger the lie. It was a habit that I developed ever since I was little and knew how to tell a little white lie.

"Aw, now don't you sound so cute talking about him," she complimented and I pasted on a fake smile. "How long have you two been together?"

"About three months."

"And you guys seem totally in love." She flipped the pages in her notebook and I only laughed, uncertain on how to reply to her. "How long have Tuesday Morning been together as a band?"

"As an official band?" Ayden began to calculate. "For about two years now but we've known each other for about four years --"

"Yeah." Jackie interrupted. "In college."

"Yeah." Ayden laughed slowly. "I think everyone has already established that we've gone to college Jackie."

"Nickie didn't go."

"Because he was still in high school when he started."

"How did that happen?" Leslie asked.

"He went to school with Jackie's younger brother."

"I see." She nodded. "Well, how did the band officially form when he joined at the time when you guys first met?"

"We went through a period of time where we had several band members but we couldn't seem to find a person that stayed long enough," I explained. "Until about two years later, no one else seemed to joined and it was only us four for a while so we decided that this is it - this is our official band; we'll become a four-piece band."

"Oh that's cool," she said, all of us sensing a sarcasm that was almost inaudible in her voice but we were to tired to make a comment about it. After all, it was nearly one in the morning after a late concert show.

♥ - ♥ - ♥

The next day, I woke up around eight in the morning. No one - on neither busses - was awake, so I decided to take a quick shower and go out for a morning stroll around my hometown. I got out and got dressed in grey skinny jeans, and a white Infamous shirt with hand-drawings of a skull and hearts.

I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, leaving some side fringes out and letting my bangs fall messily into my eyes. I applied on a bit of eyeliner - not too light but not too dark - placed on some shoes, and grabbed my tote bag, walking off the bus after greeting our driver.

I walked around the streets - it was a bit busier than usual. My parents live not too far from here, maybe about forty minutes from here - not too far if you go by car. I walked around, several people - mostly teenagers - came up to me asking for a picture or autograph. Who knew this many people would be up and out about at 8 : 20 in the morning; it was a Saturday too.

I found a nearby Starbucks about ten minutes later and walked in. It wasn't empty yet it wasn't busy either - just the regular amount of customers you would usually have. The people there were mostly business men - you know how they get up, get some coffee, and get to work early.

I got in line behind a short lady with frizzy brown hair, in a women's business suit and skirt. There was another man behind her. In the meantime, I heard the door open and felt someone else stand in line behind me - of course I didn't bother to look back though.

"Hey you!" the register guy greeted me as it got to my turn to order.

"Hey Rob," I replied back, a huge smile on both of our faces.

"The usual?"

"Of course the usual." I pulled my wallet out of my tote bag. Rob and I used to be friends until I got too busy with the band and was constantly away - we still occasionally talk and hang out though.

I stood to the side, waiting for my cappuccino as the guy behind me stepped up to the cash register to place his order. I decided to lean on the platform - that they had in there for where they place your drinks once they're done making it - and begin on a conversation with Rob as he prepared my drink.

"I haven't talked to you in a long time; how are you?" I asked him; I felt a presence gazing at me but I ignored the feeling. Everyone stares at someone anyways.

"I'm doing great - oh I haven't told you yet!" he excitedly said and I chuckled.

"Told me what? And is it that big?"

He nodded. "I popped the question to Karen and she said yes!"

I gasped. "That's great! You know," I stalled. "I've been your friends for years now and it'd be nice to. . .you know. . ." I let my sentence linger on casually, wriggling my eyebrows for added effect.

He semi-rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. "Of course you're invited Tabby."

"Yay!" I jumped a bit, clapping my hands and trying not to laugh.

"Here you go." He handed me my drink. "I hope to see you soon again."

"Likewise," I replied formally, taking my drink from him. "See ya." I turned around, about to walk away as Rob called out the next person's order but someone collided into me, causing my drink to spill over both, me and the person but mostly on to me and the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" we both said at the same time - it was a male's voice - and I heard him hang up with whoever his was talking to on his cell phone.

"I'm so sorry," the guy apologized once again. "Here." He placed his arms around me and led me to a table as I kept looking back behind me and apologizing to the worker that had to come out and mop up the mess. I saw Rob standing there trying to stifle up a laugh. I glared at him and the anonymous man sat me down in a chair, handed me some napkins, quickly disposed of my empty cup, and left - quickly saying that he'll buy me another.

I was speechless as he moved in a fast manner, leaving me with no time to reject the offer. I looked down and started patting away at the brown blotches on my now-ruined white shirt. I glanced up when I heard laughter and saw Rob handed the man another cappuccino.

'That's so typical of her.' I heard him say to the stranger and I gasped to myself. The stranger laughed also and walked back over to me, where I sat slightly glaring at the ground.

"Ignore whatever he said to you about me," I told him and he nodded, handing me a new cup of cappuccino. I hesitantly refused it though. "You didn't have to get me another one --"

"But I want to," he interrupted me, slightly shoving the drink back at me. "Take it."

"Thank you." I nodded, and took a sip. I took the time to study the stranger and look him over. He had a piercing stud in the middle of his lip and his septum pierced. From what I could see, he gauges his ears too - not too big though. He had long-ish hair - what I hear teenagers call these days 'emo hair' - and from when he came towards me, he was extremely tall.

"I'm sorry about your shirt." He glanced at it, seeing the icky brown spots and I looked over his face once again. I had now just realized - and caught - his bright blue eyes. They were like none that I've ever seen and I felt my heart take a leap, catching me with confusion. He stretched his arm out for a handshake. "I'm Billy; Billy Martin," he introduced himself.

I took his hand in mine for a friendly handshake and introduced myself as well. "Tabitha; Tabitha Laurence but feel free to call me Tabby."

"In that case, I'm William Dean Martin but feel free to call me Billy," he said charmingly and I giggled, unable to keep it down.

"Nice way of meeting you William."

"It's my pleasure Tabitha," he replied and I cracked up laughing.

"Is there anything I can do to repay you for what happened this morning?" he asked me, playing with the drink in his hand. I shook my head. "Come on, there's gotta be something that I can do." He laughed and I shrugged.

"Really, you don't have to do anything."

"Yes I do - how about you come with me to the mall and I'll get you a new shirt - or anything else that you want?" I was about to reject when he cut me off again. "It's the least I can do for you. Besides, we can get to know each other and maybe become friends?" He asked, smiling and I thought about it.

I nodded. "Sure; sounds like a good idea." He happily smiled and nodded.