Stealer of Hearts

You're Gonna Do Something Wrong

"We're here!" Johnny shouted from the front of the bus, hours later, letting the entire bus know that we have reached our destination.

"Alright," I said to Zacky. "I gotta go on my bus and get my stuff; I'll see you later?" I asked hopefully and he nodded. I leaned down and kissed his cheek before running off the bus, towards Tuesday Morning's.

Flinging the door open and running up the steps, I ran to the bunk area where both, Ayden and Nickie were. Nickie stood on a bottom bunk to reach into the upper one where his belongings were; Ayden was sitting on the floor, packing a few things into his backpack.

"Where's Jack?" I questioned them, reaching into my own bunk to get my backpack. Slinging it over one shoulder, I raised an eyebrow at them.

"She's in the bathroom," Nickie grunted out, struggling to pull something heavy out of his bag with one arm.

I went over to help him. "What's up with her lately?"

"You know, she may just hear you from inside there," he whispered back at me harshly, smacking me in the back of the head. I raised my leg to kick him. "Ow, fine; I don't know," he whined, jumping off from the lower bunk and onto the ground. "You're just an evil little girl."

The bathroom door handle jiggled and Jackie stepped out, looking fresh with newly applied makeup; she looked nicer than usual and we were about two hours from starting a show. She wore a gray vest over a revealing black undershirt, low-rise black capris, and her usual slip-ons. Her hair was up in a claw clip - her hot pink tips peeking out.

There was definitely a change in her lately; personality and appearance wise.

"Who's an evil little girl?" she asked casually, sitting down on her bunk (the one that Nickie and I were previously standing on) to put away her necessities.

"Nickie," I said simply and filed out of the bus after Ayden. I heard footsteps running after me.

"Why are you being like this?" Jackie asked, walking side by side with me as we walked towards the huge venue building in front of us.

"I'm not doing anything." I shrugged. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you know - as well as I do - that what you're doing is wrong," she said with an attitude.

"Tell me what I'm doing Jack."

"What you're putting Zacky through. I just know that you're gonna do something wrong on this tour," she said nonchalantly. "So why do you continue this with him?"

"Look." I stopped. "Why are you on my case anyways? You didn't care this much before; and nothing's gonna happen." I continued on walking, looking back right when she tried to hide the glare on her face. "What- you're gonna try and snag him either way?" I tried to joke, slowing down to let her catch up with me.

She stayed quiet and looked up when she noticed that I had stopped walking. "No." she laughed out nervously. "Why would I do a thing like that?" she asked, walking away from me.

I stood in my place and stared after her skeptically until she was out of my sight.