Stealer of Hearts

It Never Happened...

I walked down a hallway, in search for something or someone to kill time. There was still at least half an hour left before the show starts and Tuesday Morning has to go on. Walking down the many hallways, I quietly hummed to the song playing on my iPod when something caught my eye. I slowed down to a stop.

Down the corridor to my right, stood Zacky and Jackie, all alone. I slowed down to a stop and moved a few steps back, hiding myself behind a wall and peeking out around the corner. I turned off my iPod and listened carefully.

They seemed a bit too close friendly, but then again, who isn't these days? But I could just sense the vibe coming from them - or at least the one coming from Jackie.

I watched as they spoke; Zacky leaned against the wall with one leg propped up and Jackie stood casually to his side, her eyes looking up at him ever so slyly.

They murmured, laughed, and made jokes. Zacky made wild hand gestures with a grin on his face as Jackie giggled uncontrollably. As her eyes lit up, she gazed into his eyes as he continued to talk and laugh, never breaking eye contact. I noticed Jackie slowly take a step in towards him as he kept on talking. I knew what was going to happen next, but I stayed and watched anyways.

Within a minute, I witnessed her placing her hand on his chest and leaning her face in towards her. Their lips connected and he slowly closed his eyes, placing a hand on her hip. I quietly gasped to myself as he deepened the kiss.

Turning around swiftly on my heels, I strode over to the back exit door that led me outside into the warm, evening air. The clouds were a mixture of red and orange's; sun was beginning to set as I sat down on the ground, crossing my legs. I let a huff of breath out, frustrated, and looked out at the horizon.

I've always knew Jackie wanted Zacky; I knew it all along. I wasn't blind to all the looks she threw him when he wasn't paying attention. And just now, I knew why she had been acting queer lately, but what caught me by surprised was that she had the nerve to make a move behind my back. What surprised more was Zacky.

He obviously replied to her action, but I'm just not sure if he really has feelings for her or was that just a spur-of-the-moment kiss? Why didn't he push her away? Did the thought that he has a girlfriend, ever struck his brain?

I must be stupid for not seeing this coming.

I lifted myself off the ground and brushed my jeans, getting rid of any dirt that may have stuck to my bottom. I walked back inside and towards backstage with my head held high; I had ten minutes left before Tuesday Morning have to go on.

I wasn't going to let this get me down. I was going to pretend that I never saw such things; I'll let them off with a warning this time, but I'm definitely not gonna act like nothing has happened.

"There you are." a voice creeped up behind me while I was peeking out behind the curtains, looking out at the crowd. Startled, I whipped around, trying to steady my balance before I fall through the giant curtains.

"What?" I whispered harshly.

"Whoa." Nickie held up his hands in defense. "Who's the evil little girl now?" he smirked evilly at me as I glared at him.

"Asshole; shut up."

"What got in your pants?" he chuckled as I moved around him to pick up my bass.

I shook my head. "Nothing." I looked up at the sound of Ayden's voice but lowered my head back down as I adjusted my shoulder strap. I stole a glance at Nickie and he raised an eyebrow at me, looking away in a manner that told me he was going to erase the answer from his mind.

"You ready?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up, seeing Ayden's smiling face looking down at me. I looked over his shoulder to see Jackie with her guitar hung around her shoulders, jumping in place behind him. I nodded and turned away, taking a deep breath before stepping towards the center of the stage where my place usually is behind the closed curtains.

"What's up with her?" I heard Jackie ask - with an attitude may I add - before taking her place. I rolled my eyes and faced forward once again.