Sequel: When I Looked at Her
Status: Completed!

Ivory Tower

Stay With Me

It had all been leading up to this moment. From the day they had met to the day Genny had left him and right up until the day she followed him to L.A. All of it had come crashing down to this moment. It was do or die time now. There was no fooling around anymore, it was serious.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Max asked as he sat with Genny outside on the sidewalk. He held a lit cigarette to his lips

"I do," Genny nodded, rubbing her arms when a cool breeze hit them. "I think it's the right thing to do. What else am I going to do?"

"Is this what you want, though?" Max asked, tossing the cigarette down to the ground and stepping it out.

"Yeah, it is," Genny replied. "You know for a while I fought it, but it is what I want. I think it's best for me, for both Josh and I."

Max nodded. "Yeah, I think you're right."

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing?" Genny asked, wringing her hands nervously.

"You know I can't tell you that, love." Max laughed softly, shaking his head. "The only person who can answer that question is you."

"You know I value your opinion more than anyone's," Genny replied, looking over at her best friend. The man who never passed judgement on her for any choice she had made.

"I think you are doing the right thing," Max nodded. "And I'm not just saying that because that's what you want to hear right now."

"Thank you, Max." Genny smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I really did need to hear that. Especially from you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too." Max nodded, kissing her forehead. Max held her in his arms a little longer knowing that everything was about to change for them. He couldn't believe this moment had actually come, yet there they sat waiting for it.

"Is it time?" Genny asked, looking at his watch.

"Yeah," Max nodded. "Let's go get you married."

Max stood up and reached down, helping Genny up off of the curb. He waited as she brushed off her little white dress, he took her hand and led her towards the park where the wedding was. Genny looked around at the scene in front of her and remembered the time leading up to it.

Josh's request a few months ago had been simple; he would forgive her if she agreed to marry him. If she agreed to marry him and uphold all the vows that go into marriage, he would stay. If she couldn't do that and if she couldn't let him in her heart completely then he would leave. Josh knew that it was a harsh thing to say, but he knew that if he couldn't have all of her then he couldn't be with her. It was all or nothing.

After everything she and Josh had been through together the answer to that question couldn't have come out of her mouth quicker. Of course she would marry him, how could she say 'no'?

Genny spotted Josh standing there in the park next to the rest of his band and his father. His father gave him a pat on the back before walking over to Mrs. Franceschi and holding her tightly.

I'm going to be a Mrs. Franceschi, Genny thought to herself. The thought smacked her right in the face and she couldn't help but smile. This truly had been a long time coming.

Josh stood at the "altar" watching as Max walked Genny down the aisle. He had knew that would happen. Other than himself, Genny was closer to no other man in her life like she was close with Max. Josh always knew that Max would walk her down the aisle at her wedding. Whether if it was to him or not.

Josh stared at Genny in her "wedding" dress. It was a dress that came to her knees and had long lace sleeves. Something like Kate Middleton's dress, but shorter.

Josh couldn't believe they were finally in this spot. He didn't think they'd ever get there. He thought they'd crumble before they got to marriage. He didn't think his ultimatum with her would actually lead to marriage. He knew having no faith in her and this relationship when they were working through all their problems was bad, but he couldn't help it. There's only so much a person can go through before they start to give up. Looking at Genny right now, Josh was thankful he never gave up completely.

Max and Genny got to Josh. Max and Josh exchanged looks before embracing one another tightly.

"Take care of her, right?" Max ordered to Josh.

"I promise," Josh nodded. Josh looked from his best friend to his future wife and smiled. He had to resist the urge to kiss her, and that was proving to be tough.

"Hi, baby." Genny smiled when Josh took her hands and they stood at the altar together.

"Hello, love." Josh smiled back. "We made it."

"We made it," Genny nodded, squeezing his hands.

The officiant began his speech. Josh hadn't wanted a priest because he didn't quite believe in God, but Genny did if only for the sake of her father in the afterlife. So to make her happy Josh agreed to have a priest marry them.

The service was very short. Josh and Genny had both agreed that they didn't want a long wedding ceremony. They just wanted it to be quick and full of love. They wanted it to be done quickly so they could go out to dinner with their family and friends and get on with their new lives as a married couple.

"Joshua, you may kiss your bride."

It was music to Josh's ears. He held onto Genny's neck and pulled her mouth to his. It was the best kiss they could've ever shared because it binder them in marriage.

They quickly signed their marriage license and walked into an enormous group hug filled with their family and a few friends. Genny's mother grabbed her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm so happy this day finally came," She whispered to Genny. "Your father would be so proud."

Genny nodded, knowing that talk of her father would send her into a fit. Genny hadn't had an "episode" since she had agreed to marry Josh. She had good days and bad days, but she never ran off anymore. She had completely committed herself to life and to Josh even before this day.

Genny felt his arms wrap around her from behind and she smiled, sinking back into him.

"Can I just ask for first of many times how it feels to be Mrs. Joshua Franceschi?" Josh smiled, kissing her temple.

"It feels amazing," Genny smiled. "It's very calming that this day has finally arrived."

"Finally," Josh emphasized with a nod. He was so happy and felt like he was in the right place at the right time. After everything they'd been through it had all fallen into place.

Later that night Josh and Genny laid in their bed together. Josh shifted beneath the covers and looked over at his naked wife.

"Do you believe in true love?" Josh asked quietly.

"You're asking me on our wedding night if I believe in true love?" Genny asked, laughing softly.

"Yes," Josh replied simply, watching her.

"I guess that depends on what you believe true love is," Genny shrugged. "I've never really thought about it."

"I think that true love is someone that is always with you. They come back to you against all the odds," Josh replied.

"So kind of like you and I?" Genny smiled. Josh nodded. "Then yes, I do believe in true love."

"Good," Josh smiled, rolling onto his back once more and looking up at their ceiling.

"Wait, does Josh 'The Cynic' Franceschi believe in true love?" Genny asked, rolling on top of him.

"With a story like ours I supposed I'd have to now, wouldn't I?" Josh smiled, kissing the tip of her nose. He held onto her tiny hips and made sure was nice and close to him. He would make sure that she was close to him for the rest of his life. He had vowed to himself today that he would never let her slip through his fingers again. He would never give up on this woman.
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I think this story has come to a close. I might create a sequel to it, so I suppose just keep checking back to see if I do. I just felt like this story was running on nothing and there was only so much more I could do with it for now, but there is a large possibility for a sequel. Let me know if you'd read a sequel to this!! Perhaps a Max story linked to this one? hmmm ;)

Thank you so much to everyone who has recommended or subscribed. I cannot thank you enough for all that support! It means the world to me!