Status: Lots of work done on it, just need to find time to post.

Dead Rising


DECEMBER 21st 2012

"Have a good night, General!" The red-haired receptionist said, cheerfully popping her gum with a smile. Her hair was in pigtails, she was far too young, and had far too much make-up on for the general's taste. He was old enough to be her great-grandfather.

The general, now nearing the age of 68, was as imposing and commanding as ever. The young receptionist flirted with him frequently, but as he did with most people, he took no notice of her. He towered over everyone else at 6'8", and that was without his heavy work boots with three-inch soles of solid metal. The general had been called handsome frequently, even now at his age, with finely chiseled features, stubble on his solid jaw and fiery red hair, now flecked with grey. He did walk with a limp, a reminder of an injury to his right leg which had happened nearly 20 years ago but never fully healed. Aside from the minor limp, age had done little aside from making him wiser.

Just as the general's hand touched the door, his pager beeped, causing the man to sigh. He clicked on his radio headset and listen. "Yes? No, sir, I was just leaving. Haven't even left the building. Vitals are fine. I have a cold room, horrible food, and an empty bed waiting me. Yes, sir. Yes. Okay. On my way." The general turned on his heel and marched back past the desk, ignoring the girl's now exposed cleavage. Stepping into the elevator, the general clasped his hands behind his back. He went 50 floors below ground and stepped out of the cramped space. He was nearly too tall for the elevator. The general slowly made his way down the bright hall back to the lab he had just left, not 25 minutes ago.

A small bald man was hunched over a table, reading a file. The general cleared his throat and the doctor, more then a few pounds overweight and wearing a stained lab coat, straightened.

"Ah, General, guess what? Though I suppose since you are here you already know," The doctor clapped his hands happily. The general raised his lip slightly in disgust as fat jiggled in several places. This man was 30 years his junior and would die before the general; he had no doubt about that.

"It's ready?" The general examined the computer screens and written reports. 40 years ago none of it would have made sense, but now he understood it all.

"Yes sir. Activates in 45 minutes, but it won't be in full effect for another 10 to 15 hours," the doctor told him, reading a clipboard.

"Are Jensen and the others aware? Have you told them?" The general asked, stepping back from the screens. He suddenly felt like his stomach was pushing against his larynx and was having his doubts about this. He didn't want 10 o'clock to come. All hell would be breaking lose as the people in the Pacific Time zone sat down to eat dinner.

"No. They no longer have authorization in this program. What's wrong?" The doctor sat down, examining the general, "You got family in Jinzo?"

"It doesn't matter now, does it?" The general headed back to the elevator. He had matters to attend, and would no doubt strangle this man if he remained in this lab much longer.
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Jinzo is my own city and will be explained more next chapter. It is located in the Pacific Ocean, just off the coast of California and is 100% fictional. Just so we are clear.
This will be an alternate universe with characters and creatures from Resident Evil, Silent Hill, The Walking Dead, Dead Island, and any other zombie movies and games I can think of or have suggested to me. Because it is an alternate reality, characters from these games/TV shows/movies/comics who have died will be back alive, at least for the time being.