Status: I really need some ideas on where to go with this, so if you have any suggestions please let me know...

Wake Up


" That is your aunt Marge."

My guardian pointed to a person that slightly resembled a pimple.

"Just like from Harry Potter." chuckled John.

I like John better than my Guardian, because he didn't force me to call him anything special.

Just then the doorbell rang. " Could you go get that Abbs?" My Guardian asked, not even looking up.

"Please don't' nickname me after a body part." I growled as I got up from the couch.

I didn't turn to see what I expected was hurt etched into the eyes of the older woman.

I opened the door, a young man in a delivery uniform smiled at me.

" Hey Abbey, it sure is nice to see you back from the hospital."

"Who are you?" I asked. The words flowed easily off my tough; after all it was all that I had been saying for the past month and a half.

His freckled grin fell, ‘‘you don't remember me? I'm Max from the mailroom! We used to work together!''

I looked into his almost desperate eyes and said '' I was in the hospital because of a car crash, a hired driver crashed into a shop window and I got a concussion.''

His mouth formed a small ''o'' shape. '' Oh, I am so sorry! Well...'' he said looking behind me at the adults sitting in the other room, '' Here's your package, and I hope you get better soon.''


I sat on my bed, staring at more photos of my family. There we were mountain climbing in Colorado, and snorkeling in Florida. I came across a cheesy photo of my having a tug of war fight with John.

"Abbey! Your friends are here!" Mary called from the kitchen downstairs.

I sighed and walked downstairs.

As I neared the kitchen, I could hear my mother arguing with Isabel and May.

" She isn't ready yet." said her voice.

" but, what if we -" May was cut off by the older women, " my decision is final and NO ONE is going to tell her that-"

She stopped talking as soon I walked in innocently. My friends smiled at me from over the tops of glasses of juice.


"We brought you a present that we know you will like, as a 'welcome back from the hospital' present" said Isabel excitedly.

The two girls turned to their bags and dished out a few gossip magazines, a make-up set and a HUGE bag of Cheetos.

May handed me the bag with a grin. " ummm, no thanks." I said meekly.

The two girls gaped at me in shock. " You.. You don't like Cheetos?" she stuttered.
♠ ♠ ♠


I am the worst writer ever, I didn't even tell you guys that I was leaving.... :(

yah, all 15 of you...

but you 15 awesome people are the best and thank you so much for reading and subscribing to my stories!!!

love you all!!