Status: Gettin' it a started

These Are Their Songs

X - Jenny

Jenny couldn’t understand why she was doing this to herself. The news was all over those stupid magazines they kept in the salon and that people would chatter about while we washed and trimmed their hair.

But she ignored it, or tried to at least. The news about Louis Tomlinson’s new bird was everywhere. Jenny smiled and told Corrie that she was okay, that she didn’t care if Louis had moved on or not. She knew she had to stop caring about Louis, what he did and who was with or not with.

She had to let him live his life, and she had to let herself live her own life. It had been a week to the day that news first broke of “Elounor” and their first date. Now, news is breaking again of this up and coming relationship. And all of Britain thought it was their business what Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder were doing today. Jenny just wanted everyone to shut up about it.

It was the day after the news broke the second time about Louis and Eleanor that Liam found Jenny and Corrie’s flat. How he found it, she didn’t ask. However, after ignoring his twelve forms of contact in the past week, she presumes that he found Corrie’s number and just asked her.

As much as she thought he had gotten over Eleanor coming to see her and her seeing Lou at the little tea shop, she hadn’t because as soon as she saw Liam walking into view, she was crying again. So he sits beside his cousin in silence, an arm around her, rubbing her back as she hunches over and puts her head in her hands as she cries.

Liam waits until she’s quieted before he begins giving her his viewpoint. “As much as you don’t want to, or think it won’t change anything, you need to talk to him.”

Wiping her tears on her wrist, she looks at him, “After how I left him, I can’t face him again, Liam. One conversation won’t fix us. I’m not sure if we ever can be fixed to be honest.” Jenny didn’t want to see the hurt, the pain she caused. She saw it that night, but now it’s been sitting in him for years and now all she can think is that he hates her. Besides, now he has perfect, model Eleanor.

And they were picture perfect together.

Jenny knew she couldn’t face him. Maybe she didn’t have to if he didn’t want to. So, she grabs a pen and the notepad beside the phone in their flat and begins to write.