Status: Gettin' it a started

These Are Their Songs

XI - Louis

“A letter? A fucking letter? She doesn’t even have the nerve to say this to my fucking face?” Louis doesn’t even want to grab the thing out of Liam’s hands, but Liam all but opens it and reads it aloud to him.

“Just read it, mate.”

He places the letter down on the counter and walks out the door of his flat. For a while, Louis just stares at the letter, half hoping that if he stares at it long enough it will just combust. Something about it just agitates him. All this time, she’s never wanted anything to do with him; now she’s suddenly writing him a letter?

Finally, he rips open the letter and pulls out a few sheets of small, notepad paper.

Louis, I want you to know what happened. Why I left. You deserve to know, if not just for peace of mind.

I’ll be at the tea shop across from the little Asian diner on 2nd at two tomorrow if you want to talk face to face. If not, well, that’s what the rest of the pages are for.

-Jenny x

He sets the papers on the counter and takes a step back. In theory, he could do one of two things: read the papers or go and meet Jenny at the tea shop. In reality, he could do three things: read the papers or go and meet Jenny at the tea shop or read the papers and then go meet Jenny at the tea shop. Truly, he knew what he would do. He would read the papers and then tomorrow would come and half one would roll around, and he would still be going back and forth about meeting Jenny or not.

He wants to meet her though. As angry as he was ten minutes ago, the fact that this would explain everything made him much less so.

So he picks the pages back up and reads them. Shortly, but thoroughly, Jenny explains what had happened.

Hi Louis.

The short answer is: I don’t really know why I left. I thought it was the right thing to do.

The long answer is this: when my mum moved up North and met Jim, their son –my brother Mike- was born with leukemia. This all had happened before I even met you. When he was first born, it was really bad and he almost died, but he pulled through, so I didn’t feel the need to mention it to you. It had gotten better, so why worry you, right?

When he was eight, it got really bad again. Worse this time than the first, a lot worse. I was worried out of my mind about him and Mum and Jim, and I thought that maybe separating from you was the best way to be with Mike. I thought that if I wasn’t worried about you and was completely there for Mike, then he would get better –if I was by his side like I never had been before.

It was stupid and I wish that I could undo it, but I can’t. Now I can, and must, deal with whatever comes from that decision. Even if that means that I never get to see you again without feeling like a foul person. If that’s what it is, then that’s what it is, and neither of us can change that.

I know things will never quite be the same with us, but I just thought you should know.

Goodbye, Jen
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So, I'm pretty sure this is what everyone has been waiting for. But, it was easier to write it like this because I'm terrible at dialogue and it makes my job easier.

Send me love xx
