Status: Gettin' it a started

These Are Their Songs

VI - Louis

It was a grand time. Summer has always been my favourite time of year. The car races forward as I smile over at Jenny in the passenger seat, placing her sunglasses over her eyes as the sun peaks through the clouds. My hand squeezes her tan leg, grabbing her attention from the knobs on the radio.

She smiles over at me and pecks my cheek. Her blonde hair is swimming in the air around her head. Her hat is absent because she had feared that it would fly out the window.

Louis hadn’t been paying attention and had almost run the red light that day. He would have if Jenny hadn’t practically been on top of him pressing the brake with her foot.

Damn red light. Louis curses mentally as he stops the car at the light. It seems to Louis that everything reminds him of her. Ever since he saw Jenny a few days ago, the memories of them together had come back more frequently. It was all the small moments that would come back to him.

I woke up and saw that the little red numbers beside our bed read: 1:37 AM. Groaning, I rolled over and saw that Jenny was absent and our door was open. Half of the time, Jenny can’t sleep and wakes up around two. I could never sleep without her by my side, so I always woke up shortly after.

I kept telling her to go to the doctor and get a prescription for it, but she’s always been as stubborn as a donkey’s ass that one is. Removing the covers from my body, padding through the room and into the kitchen, I smiled as I saw Jenny dancing around the kitchen with the refrigerator door wide open. I went up behind her and grabbed her waist. She smiled back at me and we laughed as she turned around into me and we began dancing crazily together to the music in our heads.

That had been one of the worst flights of my life. I couldn’t sleep and the flight was almost seven and a half hours because there was a load of turbulence. I was sure Jenny was out of her mind with worry because she loves watching weather and had probably seen the bad weather hovering over Ireland and England.

Not to mention the fact that our flight from New York had been pushed back almost two hours. Everything that day had just been an overall wreck. I had fallen asleep in our meeting about who-knows-what. I had gotten yelled at for falling asleep. I don’t fucking know why though. I mean, why the hell did they want to have a meeting at seven o’clock in the bloody morning?

I had told Jen not to come to the airport once our flight had been delayed. I knew that she still would though, she always did. I saw her holding a very large cup of tea at our gate exit. She was beginning to nod off when I attacked her. Well, I didn’t really attack her, but I had kind of jumped on her.

Let’s just say I was happy that the cup was empty. She took me to the flat. I wanted to make tea, but was still frustrated from the previous day, as it was now almost two in the morning, and found it quite impossible to make the tea.

Jenny shoved me out of the kitchen and made Yorkshire tea just the way that I liked it. I swore that night that Jenny was an angel sent from heaven.

I brought Jenny home with me for Christmas, much to her worry that Mum wouldn’t like her. Mum and the girls had been dying to meet Jen for quite a while, and I had to all but drag her on the plane to go to Doncaster. She was under the insane impression that Mum would hate her and that Lottie, Felicite, Daisy and Phoebe would disapprove of her for their big brother.

I was pushing her out the car door, her pushing our one large suitcase in front of her, and practically forcing her onto the front step. I shook my head at her, “What happened to the Jenny that never backed down to a challenge?” My breath warmed her face. Either that or I made her blush.

“I lent her to Corrie for the weekend,” she sassed me lightly. My sass had begun to rub off on her more and more as of late.

Mum opened the door, pulling Jen and I in. I put our suitcase in my old room and went to talk to Lottie for a few minutes. When I came back, I could hear my Jenny’s laugh mixed in with my mum’s. She was probably telling Jen embarrassing stories about me as a toddler. “…and when I was pregnant with Lottie, Lou asked me if I loved the baby. I told him I loved her very much, and he asked me, totally serious, ‘Then why did you eat her?’”

Jenny’s laugh overpowered my mum’s strongly. She was doubled over in a fit of laughter. I had never heard a laugh like Jenny’s before, and it never failed to put a smile on my face.

No one liked seeing him like this. His state now is, if possible, worse than it was before. Liam had told him about inviting Jenny over. He perked up for a good hour that day. It was the best any of the boys had seen him in a while.

He wrote another letter to Jenny. He couldn't send this one, he knew. He's got a handful that he's written and never sent. There was no way on earth that she had even seen him, so sending her the letter would only make it sound as if he's following her around. Thus, she probably wouldn't talk to Liam for a while, and Louis had seen how happy Liam was after talking to Jenny. He just wanted his cousin back.

Louis just wanted Jenny back in his life.
♠ ♠ ♠
There's a lot of old memories in this one. Filler, but next chapter is important. Anyone wanna guess what might happen? It's pretty interesting if you ask me.

In the fourth paragraph, I almost wrote 'little things' where 'small moments' is. Yeah.... #youknowyoureobsessedwhen



Star xx