Status: Gettin' it a started

These Are Their Songs

VII - Jenny

It’s official. Jen’s book has had its last turn of a page. About two-thirds of the way through the book, the book had fallen apart. Her favorite book is now in two separate pieces. She’s headed to Waterstones, her favorite bookstore that resides only a few blocks from Corrie’s flat, to pick up a new copy. Actually, probably a used copy because she can’t stand not being able to fold the book back as she reads it, hence why the other split in two.

Jenny easily found her way through the large bookstore to the floor that had all of their used books. She had many a time come to this store to pick up a new book or an old book that she hadn’t read before. She skims over the books until she reaches the books whose author’s surname begins with M.

She easily finds a copy of Life of Pi with a slightly worn in spine. Just the way that she likes it. Taking the book in her hands, she thinks to thumb through it to check and see for writing and markings. She sees no markings, but there are a handful of sticky-notes in various places.

This grabs Jenny’s attention, and her curiosity takes the reins. The first note is on the very front page of the book. Me and Jenny are gonna get married. There is a drawing of two stick people holding hands with a heart between them.

“No way,” Jenny shakes her head. “There’s no way this is the book.”

“C’mon, Lou, I wanna get a new book. It’ll only take a few minutes and then we can go out. We’ll still make our reservations, promise,” I smiled at Louis, pulling on his arm like a small child who wants their mum to get them a lollipop. I hear him sigh, and I know that I’ve won. I jump around giddily and run into the bookstore.

The book wasn’t there. The manager knew me by name. He went in the back to look for it. He said he would call us down to the front desk when he got back from searching the back room as it would probably take a while.

An idea had come to my mind when I saw the stack of sticky notes and the pen on the counter. “I have an idea,” I grabbed the pad and pen and walked over to where I knew my favorite book was in pristine condition.

“Love, what are you doing?” Lou trudged behind me, really wanting to get to the restaurant and eat.

“I’m going to write notes to the person who buys this book. I almost know it by heart and it’ll pass the time,” I picked up one of the books and start flipping to find one of my favorite parts. I saw Louis snatch a few sheets of the paper as well as the pen. “What are you doing, babe?” my eyebrows were raised at him. He only smiled and shook his head, continuing to scribble on about ten different pieces of paper.

He handed me back the pad and pen and walks off. I chose not to question it and scribbled down a few notes of my favorite parts or that they should remember that part for later. Lou returned a few minutes later with one sheet in hand. He held it out for me to see.
‘Me and Jenny are gonna get married’ it read. I smiled as he stuck it on the first page of the book. At the bottom, I drew stick figures of the two of us with a heart between us.

Jenny almost broke into tears in that moment, but she holds it in, composing herself. She stands, book in hand and walks down to the first level to buy the book. George, the manager, makes pleasant conversation with her. She asks how the adoption is going along. He responds that it’s going smoothly and that he and Mary are supposed to go and get their new baby next week.

She smiled at him as they traded money and book. She waves him goodbye and walks out of the store. Not a block from the flat, a girl about four inches taller than her stops Jenny by calling out her name. The girl is pretty. Even beautiful is an understatement for this girl.

“Are you Jennifer Hartford?” Jen nods slowly, “I was looking for you. Um, I’m a friend of Harry’s. He talked Liam into giving me your address because I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Jenny blinks a few times and runs her tongue over her lips, probably looking like an idiot to the gorgeous girl with brown hair and large, doe-like eyes the colour of melting chocolate. “Okay. Do you want to go and pick up a cup ‘a tea or just talk?”

“Tea sounds lovely. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time Jennifer,” the two started walking in the direction Jenny had just come from. There was a tea shoppe not even a block down from where they met.

“It’s Jenny and it’s fine. It’s my day off. What’s your name?”

Palming herself in the face, the girl chuckles nervously, “I’m sorry. I’m Eleanor Calder. I model at Hollister.” Of course you do. “I’m student at Manchester University.”

“I would ‘Jenny Hartford’ right now, but you already know me apparently. I work at a salon not too far from here. Maybe a few miles,” they step into the shoppe and order their tea. “So what did you want to talk to me about Eleanor?”

The girl looks down, nervous on many levels. She looks up and begins her tale, “I met Harry a few months ago when he was on his way home from London. A few days ago, he called me up and asked to come to London to meet up with a friend of his.” The woman behind the counter calls their names and hands them their Styrofoam cups filled with delicious, hot tea. “Please understand that I had no idea when he called me who he was talking about. He’s just so sad lately and Harry thought that meeting someone new might cheer him up.”

Her voice had been becoming steadily faster for a while, until Jenny holds up a hand to stop her. “I don’t think I’m following you here.”

Taking a deep breath, Eleanor says, “Harry wants to set me and Louis up. I didn’t know Harry had been talking about Louis until I got here a few hours ago. I just wanted to make sure that you were okay with it.”

All at once, Jenny felt her heart being twisted from within her and blood pounding to her brain and her palms getting sweaty. Jenny blinks a few times and smiles, playing off the hurt she didn’t think she would feel. “I haven’t seen Louis in quite a while. I’m not really a part of his life anymore,” the words burnt like acid, “It’s fine if you go out with him Eleanor. He deserves to be happy. If you can give that to him then why should I have a problem with it?”

Her face lights up. It’s the look that Jenny would get on her face when she was with Louis. She chants ‘thank you’s to Jenny, hugs her, thanks her again and runs out of the shoppe with a goodbye. When she hears the door close, she closes her eyes, trying to stop the tears, but they just don’t want to listen to her.

That’s the thing about tears. They’re relentless.